Dataset: Sargassum mature growth - figure 2
Deployment: Fiji_2015

Growth of mature caged Sargassum polycystum fronds from MPAs and non-MPAs when reciprocally transplanted
Principal Investigator: 
Mark E. Hay (Georgia Institute of Technology, GA Tech)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Nancy Copley (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)
Current State: 
Final no updates expected
Version Date: 

Raw data on the growth of mature Sargassum polycystum fronds originated from marine protected and non-protected areas (MPAs and non-MPAs, respectively) in Fiji, reciprocally transplanted between these areas and protected by cages. Growth was measured as the difference between the final (30 days) and initial frond length, measured from a standard point established using a thread when the experiment was set. Details in Dell et al. 2016 Plos One.

Related Reference:
Dell, C., Longo, G.O., Hay, M.E. (2016) Positive feedbacks enhance macroalgal resilience on Degraded Coral Reefs. Plos One.

Related Datasets:
Sargassum recruit-sized survival - figure 3
Sargassum mature growth conspecific - figure 4
Sargassum recruit-sized growth and survival with conspecifics - figures 5 and 6

More information about this dataset deployment