site_code |
Code: VA (Virginia); NC (North Carolina); MA (Massachusettes); QU (Quebec); AK (Alaska); BC (British Columbia);WA (Washington); BB (Bodega Bay); SD (San Diego); JN (Northern Japan); JS (Southern Japan); NN (Norway); SW (Sweden);FI (Finland); PO (Portugal)
unitless |
site |
plot |
unique plot number within a site
unitless |
sample |
unique_plot_id |
unique idenitifier; concatenated from site code and plot number
unitless |
treatment |
treatment |
D refers to deterrent; N refers to nutrient addition; and +/- refer to presence or absence; respectively.
unitless |
treatment |
grazer_bmass_per_g |
Total biomass of all mesograzers sampled from the plot; estimatred using Edgar's (1990) size-class equations
grams |
wet_weight_biomass |
crustacean_bmass_per_g |
Total biomass of all crustacean mesograzers sampled from the plot; estimatred using Edgar's (1990) size-class equations
grams |
wet_weight_biomass |
gammarid_bmass_per_g |
Total biomass of all gammaridean mesograzers sampled from the plot; estimatred using Edgar's (1990) size-class equations
grams |
wet_weight_biomass |
caprellid_bmass_per_g |
Total biomass of all caprellid mesograzers sampled from the plot; estimatred using Edgar's (1990) size-class equations
grams |
wet_weight_biomass |
isopod_bmass_per_g |
Total biomass of all isopod mesograzers sampled from the plot; estimatred using Edgar's (1990) size-class equations
grams |
wet_weight_biomass |
decapod_bmass_per_g |
Total biomass of all decapod mesograzers sampled from the plot; estimatred using Edgar's (1990) size-class equations
grams |
wet_weight_biomass |
gastropod_bmass_per_g |
Total biomass of all gastropod mesograzers sampled from the plot; estimatred using Edgar's (1990) size-class equations
grams |
wet_weight_biomass |
grazer_richness_plot |
Total number of mesograzer taxa (usually species) recorded from the plot
taxa |
count_species |
chla_per_Zostera |
Algal chlorophyll-a attached to eelgrass blades; expressed as micrograms chl a per g eelgrass blade tissue
micrograms chl a per g (ug/g) |
chl_a |
latitude |
Latitude in decimal degrees
decimal degrees |
lat |
longitude |
Longitude in decimal degrees
decimal degrees |
lon |
temp_avg |
Water temperature in degrees Celsius; mean of measurements made during the experiment
degrees Celsius |
temp |
sal |
Salinity in parts per thousand
sal |
N_mean_pcent |
Elemental nitrogen as % of eelgrass dry mass
unitless |
genotype_richness_standardized |
Total number of eelgrass multilocus genotypes recorded from the site; divided by the maximum number recorded from any site (thus; scale = 0 - 1)
unitless |
count_species |
grazer_richness_site |
Total number of mesograzer taxa (usually species) recorded from all 40 plots at the site
taxa |
count_species |
ocean |
Atlantic (including Baltic Sea); Pacific
unitless |
site |