Dataset: Nekton predation in seagrass
Deployment: Fodrie_HabitatFragmentation

Relative predation intensity within temperate seagrass habitat.
Principal Investigator: 
F. Joel Fodrie (University of North Carolina - Morehead City, UNC-MC)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Mathew Biddle (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)
Current State: 
Final no updates expected
Version Date: 

Our investigation of seagrass edge effects on mesopredators and larger predators took place in Back Sound, North Carolina (34 degrees 40 minutes North, 76 degrees 34 minutes West). Predation-driven mortality (loss rates of tethered individuals) of blue crabs and pinfish were monitored within a 5,600 m2 seagrass meadow at Jack's Island along the southern rim of Back Sound. These predation measurements were collected during June-July, 2015, in connection with the global-scale Zostera Experimental Network study.

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