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Dataset: Global Noble Gases
Deployment: 18DL20150710

Noble gas and N2/Ar (with associated CTD) data from 93 different cruises spanning the globe
Principal Investigator: 
Roberta C. Hamme (University of Victoria, UVic)
Co-Principal Investigator: 
Steven R. Emerson (University of Washington, UW)
William J. Jenkins (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI)
David P. Nicholson (University of Washington, UW)
Roberta C. Hamme (University of Victoria, UVic)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Shannon Rauch (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)
Deployment Synonyms:
 ArcticNet 1502,  2015 Canadian Arctic GEOTRACES,  GEOTRACES GN02

Hamme et al. (2019) Global noble gas and N2/Ar database, version 1.0. These data are a compilation of dissolved noble gas and N2/Ar ratio measurements collected from 1998-2016 in locations spanning the globe.

This database contains the data on dissolved gas measurements published in:
Hamme, R. C., Nicholson, D. P., Jenkins, W. J., & Emerson, S. R. (2019). Using Noble Gases to Assess the Ocean’s Carbon Pumps. Annual Review of Marine Science, 11(1), 75–103. doi:10.1146/annurev-marine-121916-063604

Data Originators: Roberta Hamme, William Jenkins, Steven Emerson, David Nicholson, Rachel Stanley

Date contributed to BCO-DMO: 17 January 2022

Version 2.0 corrects an incorrect sign in the longitude for cruise 33KI20040814:HOT162 in version 1.0. The error in the database does not affect any figures in the publication.

This data is provided free for educational and non-profit research purposes. We ask that you appropriately cite Hamme et al. (2019) Annual Review of Marine Science in any work that uses this database. Please also send an e-mail to rhamme@uvic.ca, letting her know that you have downloaded the data, so that she can keep you apprised of any further corrections or changes. If you discover what you believe to be an error in the database, it is your responsibility to send an e-mail to me at rhamme@uvic.ca before using the data in a publication.

Both MATLAB .mat databases and comma-delimited .csv text files were provided to BCO-DMO. For the flat, ASCII version (csv) use the "Get Data" button on the BCO-DMO metadata landing page. For convenience, the MATLAB file is also provided as a Supplemental File: Global_Hammeetal2019.mat (400 kb)

These two formats contain identical information. Different cruises can be identified by the sequence number, cruisename, or date.

Secondary data - On some cruises, Ar concentration and N2/Ar ratio measurements were performed at two different labs on separate samples, for inter-calibration purposes. In these cases, data from both labs is given separately with data from the second lab labeled "secondary".

More information about this dataset deployment