Cruise_ID |
R2R catalog identifier for this cruise
unitless |
cruise_id |
Sta |
Station Identifier. Marsh Landing is on the Duplin River a tidal channel adjacent to Sapelo Island GA.
unitless |
station |
Region |
Arbitratry assignment of stations to zones in the study area identified by location and water properties: I = Inshore; M = midshelf; S = Shelf-break; O = Oceanic
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
depth |
Depth sampled in meters
meters |
depth |
lon |
degrees longitude with positive values eastward
decimal degrees |
lon |
lat |
degrees latitude with positive values northward
decimal degrees |
lat |
Latitude |
Latitude in degrees and decimal minutes N
degrees and decimal minutes N |
lat |
Longitude |
Longitude in degrees and decimal minutes W
degrees and decimal minutes W |
lon |
Date |
Sampling date: MM/DD/YYYY
unitless |
date |
ISO_Date |
Date following the ISO convention of YYYY-MM-DD
unitless |
date |
Bacterial_16S_rRNA |
Concentration of genes for Bacteria 16S rRNA determined by qPCR (see qPCR parameter table) in units of copies L-1; Blank Cells = no data; either not sampled or the sample was lost; BLD = Below Limit of Detection. See qPCR parameter table. qPCR data are from single biological replicates; means of triplicate qPCR reactions. Limit of detection is given as copies per mL of template DNA; the limit thus varies by sample depending on volume filtered; extract volume and template volume per per reaction. The limits given are from this sample set assuming the minimum detectable concentration in the template used and 1 uL of template per reaction. They are thus conservative as some reactions were run with 10 uL of template.
copies per liter filtered |
no_bcodmo_term |
Thaumarchaeal_16S_rRNA |
Concentration of genes for Marine Group 1 Archaea (Thaumarchaeota) 16S rRNA determined by qPCR (see qPCR parameter table) in units of copies L-1 Blank Cells = no data either not sampled or the sample was lost; BLD = Below Limit of Detection. See qPCR parameter table. qPCR data are from single biological replicates; means of triplicate qPCR reactions. Limit of detection is given as copies per mL of template DNA; the limit thus varies by sample depending on volume filtered extract volume and template volume per per reaction. The limits given are from this sample set assuming the minimum detectable concentration in the template used and 1 uL of template per reaction. They are thus conservative as some reactions were run with 10 uL of template.
copies per liter filtered |
no_bcodmo_term |
WCA_amoA |
Concentration of genes for Archaeal ammonia monooxygenase subunit A from the Water Column A clade; determined by qPCR (see qPCR parameter table) in units of copies L-1; Blank Cells = no data; either not sampled or the sample was lost; BLD = Below Limit of Detection. See qPCR parameter table. qPCR data are from single biological replicates; means of triplicate qPCR reactions. Limit of detection is given as copies per mL of template DNA; the limit thus varies by sample depending on volume filtered; extract volume and template volume per per reaction. The limits given are from this sample set assuming the minimum detectable concentration in the template used and 1 uL of template per reaction. They are thus conservative as some reactions were run with 10 uL of template.
copies per liter filtered |
no_bcodmo_term |
WCB_amoA |
Concentration of genes for Archaeal ammonia monooxygenase subunit A from the Water Column A clade; determined by qPCR (see qPCR parameter table) in units of copies L-1; "Blank Cells = no data either not sampled or the sample was lost; BLD = Below Limit of Detection. See qPCR parameter table. qPCR data are from single biological replicates means of triplicate qPCR reactions. Limit of detection is given as copies per mL of template DNA; the limit thus varies by sample depending on volume filtered extract volume and template volume per per reaction. The limits given are from this sample set assuming the minimum detectable concentration in the template used and 1 uL of template per reaction. They are thus conservative as some reactions were run with 10 uL of template.
copies per liter filtered |
no_bcodmo_term |
Nitrospina_16S_rRNA |
Concentration of genes for Nitrospina 16S rRNA determined by qPCR (see qPCR parameter table) in units of copies L-1; Blank Cells = no data; either not sampled or the sample was lost; BLD = Below Limit of Detection. See qPCR parameter table. qPCR data are from single biological replicates; means of triplicate qPCR reactions. Limit of detection is given as copies per mL of template DNA; the limit thus varies by sample depending on volume filtered; extract volume and template volume per per reaction. The limits given are from this sample set assuming the minimum detectable concentration in the template used and 1 uL of template per reaction. They are thus conservative as some reactions were run with 10 uL of template.
copies per liter filtered |
no_bcodmo_term |
N15_added |
Final concentration of uniformly 15N labeled test substrates
nanomoles per liter |
no_bcodmo_term |
Ammonia_Oxidation |
Ammonia oxidation rate determined from conversion of 15N-labeled ammonium to 15N-labeled nitrite plus nitrate; BLD = Below Limit of Detection. 15N data are mean ± S.E.M. of duplicate biological replicates (see Damashek et al. 2018 for details) . Based on a propagation of error calculation; our conservative estimate of the precision of 15N measurements ±4‰ for samples at natural abundance and ±5.2‰ for samples artificially enriched with carrier 15N. Our limit of detection was similar to that reported by Santoro et al. (2013) and Beman et al. (2011).
nanomoles per liter per day |
no_bcodmo_term |
Ammonia_Oxidation_sd |
Deviation of ammonia oxidation rate determined from conversion of 15N-labeled ammonium to 15N-labeled nitrite plus nitrate; BLD = Below Limit of Detection. 15N data are mean ± S.E.M. of duplicate biological replicates (see Damashek et al. 2018 for details) . Based on a propagation of error calculation; our conservative estimate of the precision of 15N measurements ±4‰ for samples at natural abundance and ±5.2‰ for samples artificially enriched with carrier 15N. Our limit of detection was similar to that reported by Santoro et al. (2013) and Beman et al. (2011).
nanomoles per liter per day |
no_bcodmo_term |
N15_ox_from_PUT |
Oxidation rate of 15N from putrescine (1;4 diamino butane) determined from conversion of the 15N label to 15N-labeled nitrite plus nitrate; BLD = Below Limit of Detection. 15N data are mean ± S.E.M. of duplicate biological replicates (see Damashek et al. 2018 for details) . Based on a propagation of error calculation our conservative estimate of the precision of 15N measurements ±4‰ for samples at natural abundance and ±5.2‰ for samples artificially enriched with carrier 15N. Our limit of detection was similar to that reported by Santoro et al. (2013) and Beman et al. (2011).
nanomoles per liter per day |
no_bcodmo_term |
N15_ox_from_PUT_sd |
Deviation of oxidation rate of 15N from putrescine (1;4 diamino butane) determined from conversion of the 15N label to 15N-labeled nitrite plus nitrate; BLD = Below Limit of Detection. 15N data are mean ± S.E.M. of duplicate biological replicates (see Damashek et al. 2018 for details) . Based on a propagation of error calculation our conservative estimate of the precision of 15N measurements ±4‰ for samples at natural abundance and ±5.2‰ for samples artificially enriched with carrier 15N. Our limit of detection was similar to that reported by Santoro et al. (2013) and Beman et al. (2011).
nanomoles per liter per day |
no_bcodmo_term |
N15_ox_from_GLU |
Oxidation rate of 15N from L-glutamate determined from conversion of the 15N label to 15N-labeled nitrite plus nitrate; BLD = Below Limit of Detection. 15N data are mean ± S.E.M. of duplicate biological replicates (see Damashek et al. 2018 for details) . Based on a propagation of error calculation; our conservative estimate of the precision of 15N measurements ±4‰ for samples at natural abundance and ±5.2‰ for samples artificially enriched with carrier 15N. Our limit of detection was similar to that reported by Santoro et al. (2013) and Beman et al. (2011).
nanomoles per liter per day |
no_bcodmo_term |
N15_ox_from_GLU_sd |
deviation of oxidation rate of 15N from L-glutamate determined from conversion of the 15N label to 15N-labeled nitrite plus nitrate; BLD = Below Limit of Detection. 15N data are mean ± S.E.M. of duplicate biological replicates (see Damashek et al. 2018 for details) . Based on a propagation of error calculation; our conservative estimate of the precision of 15N measurements ±4‰ for samples at natural abundance and ±5.2‰ for samples artificially enriched with carrier 15N. Our limit of detection was similar to that reported by Santoro et al. (2013) and Beman et al. (2011).
nanomoles per liter per day |
no_bcodmo_term |
N15_ox_from_UREA |
Oxidation rate of 15N from urea determined from conversion of the 15N label to 15N-labeled nitrite plus nitrate BLD = Below Limit of Detection. 15N data are mean ± S.E.M. of duplicate biological replicates (see Damashek et al. 2018 for details) . Based on a propagation of error calculation; our conservative estimate of the precision of 15N measurements ±4‰ for samples at natural abundance and ±5.2‰ for samples artificially enriched with carrier 15N. Our limit of detection was similar to that reported by Santoro et al. (2013) and Beman et al. (2011).
nanomoles per liter per day |
no_bcodmo_term |
N15_ox_from_UREA_sd |
Deviation of oxidation rate of 15N from urea determined from conversion of the 15N label to 15N-labeled nitrite plus nitrate BLD = Below Limit of Detection. 15N data are mean ± S.E.M. of duplicate biological replicates (see Damashek et al. 2018 for details) . Based on a propagation of error calculation; our conservative estimate of the precision of 15N measurements ±4‰ for samples at natural abundance and ±5.2‰ for samples artificially enriched with carrier 15N. Our limit of detection was similar to that reported by Santoro et al. (2013) and Beman et al. (2011).
nanomoles per liter per day |
no_bcodmo_term |
N15_ox_from_DAE |
Oxidation rate of 15N from 1;2 diamino ethane determined from conversion of the 15N label to 15N-labeled nitrite plus nitrate; BLD = Below Limit of Detection. 15N data are mean ± S.E.M. of duplicate biological replicates (see Damashek et al. 2018 for details) . Based on a propagation of error calculation; our conservative estimate of the precision of 15N measurements ±4‰ for samples at natural abundance and ±5.2‰ for samples artificially enriched with carrier 15N. Our limit of detection was similar to that reported by Santoro et al. (2013) and Beman et al. (2011).
nanomoles per liter per day |
no_bcodmo_term |
N15_ox_from_DAE_sd |
Deviation of oxidation rate of 15N from 1;2 diamino ethane determined from conversion of the 15N label to 15N-labeled nitrite plus nitrate; BLD = Below Limit of Detection. 15N data are mean ± S.E.M. of duplicate biological replicates (see Damashek et al. 2018 for details) . Based on a propagation of error calculation; our conservative estimate of the precision of 15N measurements ±4‰ for samples at natural abundance and ±5.2‰ for samples artificially enriched with carrier 15N. Our limit of detection was similar to that reported by Santoro et al. (2013) and Beman et al. (2011).
nanomoles per liter per day |
no_bcodmo_term |
N15_ox_from_DAP |
Oxidation rate of 15N from 1;3 diamino propane determined from conversion of the 15N label to 15N-labeled nitrite plus nitrate; BLD = Below Limit of Detection. 15N data are mean ± S.E.M. of duplicate biological replicates (see Damashek et al. 2018 for details) . Based on a propagation of error calculation; our conservative estimate of the precision of 15N measurements ±4‰ for samples at natural abundance and ±5.2‰ for samples artificially enriched with carrier 15N. Our limit of detection was similar to that reported by Santoro et al. (2013) and Beman et al. (2011).
nanomoles per liter per day |
no_bcodmo_term |
N15_ox_from_DAP_sd |
Deviation of oxidation rate of 15N from 1;3 diamino propane determined from conversion of the 15N label to 15N-labeled nitrite plus nitrate; BLD = Below Limit of Detection. 15N data are mean ± S.E.M. of duplicate biological replicates (see Damashek et al. 2018 for details) . Based on a propagation of error calculation; our conservative estimate of the precision of 15N measurements ±4‰ for samples at natural abundance and ±5.2‰ for samples artificially enriched with carrier 15N. Our limit of detection was similar to that reported by Santoro et al. (2013) and Beman et al. (2011).
nanomoles per liter per day |
no_bcodmo_term |
N15_ox_from_ARG |
Oxidation rate of 15N from L-arginine determined from conversion of the 15N label to 15N-labeled nitrite plus nitrate; BLD = Below Limit of Detection. 15N data are mean ± S.E.M. of duplicate biological replicates (see Damashek et al. 2018 for details) . Based on a propagation of error calculation our conservative estimate of the precision of 15N measurements ±4‰ for samples at natural abundance and ±5.2‰ for samples artificially enriched with carrier 15N. Our limit of detection was similar to that reported by Santoro et al. (2013) and Beman et al. (2011).
nanomoles per liter per day |
no_bcodmo_term |
N15_ox_from_ARG_sd |
Deviation of oxidation rate of 15N from L-arginine determined from conversion of the 15N label to 15N-labeled nitrite plus nitrate; BLD = Below Limit of Detection. 15N data are mean ± S.E.M. of duplicate biological replicates (see Damashek et al. 2018 for details) . Based on a propagation of error calculation our conservative estimate of the precision of 15N measurements ±4‰ for samples at natural abundance and ±5.2‰ for samples artificially enriched with carrier 15N. Our limit of detection was similar to that reported by Santoro et al. (2013) and Beman et al. (2011).
nanomoles per liter per day |
no_bcodmo_term |
Nitrate |
Concentration of nitrate determined by cadmium reduction to nitrite followed by subtraction nitrite already present in the sample; Samples run on an autoanalyzer by Francis Wilkerson's lab at San Francisco State University
micromoles per liter |
NO3 |
Nitrite |
Concentration of nitrite determined by autoanalyzer; Samples run on an autoanalyzer by Francis Wilkerson's lab at San Francisco State University
micromoles per liter |
NO2 |
Ammonium |
Concentration of ammonium determined by autoanalyzer; Samples run on an autoanalyzer by Francis Wilkerson's lab at San Francisco State University
micromoles per liter |
NH4 |
Urea |
Concentration of urea determined by the carboxythiazole method; Samples run in Hollibaugh lab at UGA
micromoles per liter |
Urea |
Silicate |
Concentration of silicate determined by autoanalyzer; Samples run on an autoanalyzer by Francis Wilkerson's lab at San Francisco State University
micromoles per liter |
Silicate |
Phosphate |
Concentration of phosphate determined by autoanalyzer; Samples run on an autoanalyzer by Francis Wilkerson's lab at San Francisco State University
micromoles per liter |
no_bcodmo_term |
Temperature |
Water temperature in centigrade degrees at the depth sampled measured by the environmental sensing package on the samplling rosette
degrees centigrade |
temp |
Salinity |
Salinity at the depth sampled derived from temperature and conductivity measured by the environmental sensing package on the samplling rosette
sal |
Diss_Oxygen |
Dissolved oxygen concentration at the depth sampled measured by the environmental sensing package on the samplling rosette
milliliters per liter |
O2 |
Relative_Fluor |
Relative Fluorescence measured by the fluorometer on the Niskin rosette sampler converted to mg Chl a L-1 using a regression equation based on extracted chlorophyll data: Chl a = 1.7869RF - 2.2541; R² = 0.83
relative fluorescence |
fluor |
Atten_Coeff |
PAR attenuation coefficient kz in m-1 calculated as the slope of log(PAR) vs depth
per meter |
beam_cp |
comment |
identifier for the comment. comment value a signifies Environmental data, bacterial 16S, thaumarchaeal 16S, AOB amoA, ammonia oxidation, and urea oxidation data were reported previously in Liu et al. (2015) or Tolar et al. (2017);
unitless |
comment |