Event Log Editing History (yyyy-mm-dd):
2019-05-14. PJL. Filled in some missing McLane pump entries (in red) and corrected some typos.
2019-07-15. LMO. Corrections and additions f/cast sheets.
2019-09-24. CSB. Filled in missing Aerosol and rain info.
2019-09-24. MS. Filled in missing Be-7 info.
2019-09-24. ELR. Filled in missing Ra pump data.
2019-09-24. VS. Filled in missing underway data.
2019-10-01. LBA/JL. Filled in missing underway and GeoF data.
2019-10-06. KLC. Collated and rechecked.
2019-10-10. BC. Filled missing underway sample info.
2019-10-10. PJL. Filled missing McLane pump info.
2019-10-14. KLC. Filled 'nd' ('not determined') for info that could exist, but was not collected; and 'na' ('not applicable') for info that is not applicable, or does not exist.
2020-03-02. KLC. Fixed time, cast #, and author on initial underway sample at station 5.
2020-07-22. SMR/BCO-DMO:
- modified parameter names;
- formatted times to hh:mm;
- formatted dates to yyyy-mm-dd;
- filled blank comments with "na" (not applicable);
- EVENTNO 6990 date_start was 11/19118; changed to 2018-11-19;
- EVENTNO 6931 date_start was 11/13/13; changed to 2018-11-13;
- EVENTNO 6917 date_start was 11/11/16; changed to 2018-11-11;
- EVENTNO 6621 date_start was 10/07/17; changed to 2018-10-07;
- EVENTNO 6723 date_end had extra slash, 10//17/18; fixed and re-formatted;
- EVENTNO 6900 date_end was 11/10/19; changed to 2018-11-10;
- EVENTNO 6901 date_end was 11/10/19; changed to 2018-11-10;
- EVENTNO 6904 date_end was 11/10/19; changed to 2018-11-10;
- EVENTNO 6936 date_end was 11/13/16; changed to 2018-11-13;
- EVENTNO 6790 date_end was 10/28/17; changed to 2018-10-17.
2021-03-25. SMR/BCO-DMO. Made the following corrections to dates/time based on correspondence with BODC & the cruise chief scientist:
- EVENTNO 6774 date_end was 2018-10-21; changed to 2018-10-25;
- EVENTNO 6963 date_end was 2018-11-15; changed to 2018-11-16;
- EVENTNO 6840 date_end was 2018-11-01; changed to 2018-11-02;
- EVENTNO 6817 date_start was 2018-10-31; changed to 2018-10-30;
- EVENTNO 6559 date_end was 2018-09-28; changed to 2018-09-29;
- EVENTNO 6540 time_end_utc was 19:26; changed to 19:46 (approximate end time);
- EVENTNO 6839 date_end was 2018-11-02; changed to 2018-11-02;
- EVENTNO 6960 time_end_utc was 19:24; changed to 19:54 (approximate end time);
- EVENTNO 7006 date_end was 2018-11-20; changed to 2018-11-21.