The description below is excerpted from the GP15 Cruise Report (PDF). Refer to cruise report for more information, including the complete problem report and CTD processing details.
Shipboard CTD data processing was performed after deployment using SIO/ODF python CTD processing software v. 0.3. CTD acquisition data were copied onto a OS X system, and then processed. CTD data at bottle trips were extracted, and a 2-decibar down-cast pressure series created. A number of issues were encountered during GP15 ODF that directly impacted CTD analysis. Issues that directly impacted bottle closures, such as slipping guide rings, were detailed in the Underwater Sampling Package section of the ODF report.
_FLAG_W columns follow the WOCE Hydrographic Program (WHP) quality flag definitions.
The WHP quality codes for the water bottle itself are:
1 = Bottle information unavailable.
2 = No problems noted.
3 = Leaking.
4 = Did not trip correctly.
5 = Not reported.
6 = Significant discrepancy in measured values between Gerard and Niskin bottles.
7 = Unknown problem.
8 = Pair did not trip correctly. Note that the Niskin bottle can trip at an unplanned depth while the Gerard trips correctly and vice versa.
9 = Samples not drawn from this bottle.
(Flags 6, 7, and 8 apply primarily to large volume samplers.)
The WHP bottle parameter data quality codes are:
1 = Sample for this measurement was drawn from water bottle but analysis not received. Note that if water is drawn for any measurement from a water bottle, the quality flag for that parameter must be set equal to 1 initially to ensure that all water samples are accounted for.
2 = Acceptable measurement.
3 = Questionable measurement.
4 = Bad measurement.
5 = Not reported.
6 = Mean of replicate measurements (Number of replicates should be specified).
7 = Manual chromatographic peak measurement.
8 = Irregular digital chromatographic peak integration.
9 = Sample not drawn for this measurement from this bottle.
The WHP CTD data quality codes are:
1 = Not calibrated.
2 = Acceptable measurement.
3 = Questionable measurement.
4 = Bad measurement.
5 = Not reported.
6 = Interpolated over >2 dbar interval.
7 = Despiked.
8 = Not assigned for CTD data.
9 = Not sampled.
BCO-DMO Processing:
- parsed file headers to obtain STNNBR, CASTNO, DATE, TIME, LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, and DEPTH;
- concatenated data files for separate casts into one dataset;
- 2020-07-22: joined to GP15 event log to obtain EVENTNO (matching values on STNNBR + CASTNO); added ISO8601 date/time format.