Station |
station number (between 1 and 103)
unitless |
station |
Bottle |
number of the Niskin bottle tripped on CTD cast
unitless |
bottle |
Cruise |
cruise ID number (TN376)
unitless |
cruise_id |
Type |
All "B" (bottle) (added to make data set Ocean Data View-compatible)
unitless |
sample_type |
Longitude |
longitude of sample location; negative values = West
decimal degrees |
lon |
Latitude |
latitude of sample location; negative values = South
decimal degrees |
lat |
Depth |
water depth
meters (m) |
depth_w |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |
Date and time (UTC) in ISO 8601 format
unitless |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |
Event |
unique event number for start time of each event given as year (4 digits), month (2 digits), day (2 digits), and then a period followed by GMT time (4 digits)
unitless |
event |
Month |
month of year
unitless |
month |
Day |
day of month
unitless |
day |
Year |
unitless |
year |
Sigma_E900 |
density anomaly of seawater calculated from salinity derived from conductivity probe 0
kilograms per cubic meter (kg m-3) |
density |
Sigma_E911 |
density anomaly of seawater calculated from salinity derived from conductivity probe 1
kilograms per cubic meter (kg m-3) |
density |
Sbeox0 |
Oxygen concentration derived from primary Sea Bird oxygen probe #0 on CTD
milliliters per liter (mL L-1) |
O2 |
Sbeox1 |
Oxygen concentration derived from secondary Sea Bird oxygen probe #1 on CTD
milliliters per liter (mL L-1) |
O2 |
Oxsol |
Estimated 100%-saturated concentration of oxygen based on primary temperature and primary salinity probes
milliliters per liter (mL L-1) |
O2sat |
Oxsol2 |
Estimated 100%-saturated concentration of oxygen based on secondary temperature and secondary salinity probes
milliliters per liter (mL L-1) |
O2sat |
Sbox0 |
primary oxygen probe
micromoles per kilogram (umol kg-1) |
O2 |
Sbox1 |
secondary oxygen probe
micromoles per kilogram (umol kg-1) |
O2 |
Potemp090C |
Potential temperature (primary temperature probe)
degrees Celsius (ITS-90) |
potemp |
Potemp190C |
Potential temperature (secondary temperature probe)
degrees Celsius (ITS-90) |
potemp |
Salinity1_PSU |
salinity of water sample as estimated by primary conductivity probe
sal |
Salinity2_PSU |
salinity of water sample as estimated by secondary conductivity probe
sal |
Density00 |
density of seawater calculated from salinity derived from primary conductivity probe and primary thermo probe
kilograms per cubic meter (kg m-3) |
density |
Density11 |
density anomaly of seawater calculated from salinity derived from secondary conductivity probe 1 and secondary thermo probe 1
kilograms per cubic meter (kg m-3) |
density |
SvCM |
Sound Velocity [Chen-Millero 1977] based on temperature & salinity primary probes
meters per second (m/s) |
sound_vel |
SvCM1 |
Sound Velocity [Chen-Millero 1977] based on temperature & salinity secondary probes
meters per second (m/s) |
sound_vel |
Depth_m |
depth of water sample
meters (m) |
depth |
Temperature |
CTD temperature (ITS-90) primary probe
degrees Celsius |
temp |
Temperature_2 |
CTD temperature (ITS-90) secondary probe
degrees Celsius |
temp |
C0 |
Conductivity based on primary conductivity probe
Siemens per meter (S/m) |
cond |
C1 |
Conductivity based on secondary conductivity probe
Siemens per meter (S/m) |
cond |
Sbeox0V |
SeaBird oxygen probe 0
Volts |
O2 |
Sbeox1V |
SeaBird oxygen probe 1
Volts |
O2 |
Fluorescence |
Chlorophyll Fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL sensor 0
Volts DC |
fluor |
CStarTr0 |
Beam transmission WetLabs Cstar
percent (%) |
trans |
AltM |
Altitude of CTD from sea floor
meters (m) |
altitude |
Photosynthetically Available Radiation measured at depth
microEinsteins per square centimeter per second (uE/(cm^2 sec)) |
V4 |
Voltage of fluorescence sensor
Volts |
fluor |
Scan |
number of the CTD scan in which measurements were made
unitless |
scan |
POC_ug_per_L |
concentration of particulate organic carbon
micrograms per liter (ug/L) |
PON_ug_per_L |
concentration of particulate organic nitrogen
micrograms per liter (ug/L) |
POC_umol_per_L |
concentration of particulate organic carbon
micromoles per liter (umol/L) |
PON_umol_per_L |
concentration of particulate organic nitrogen
micromoles per liter (umol/L) |
PIC_umol_per_L |
concentration of particulate inorganic carbon
micromoles per liter (umol/L) |
PIC_ug_per_L |
concentration of particulate inorganic carbon
micrograms per liter (ug/L) |
PIC_mol_per_cubic_m |
concentration of particulate inorganic carbon
moles per cubic meter (mol/m^3) |
Single_Lith_count_per_mL |
concentration of birefringent particles-singlets
number per milliliter (mL) |
count |
Double_Lith_count_per_mL |
concentration of birefringent particles-doublets
number per milliliter (mL) |
count |
Triple_Lith_count_per_mL |
concentration of birefringent particles-triplets
number per milliliter (mL) |
count |
Quadruple_Lith_count_per_mL |
concentration of birefringent particles-quadruplets
number per milliliter (mL) |
count |
Tot_Lith_count_per_mL |
concentration of birefringent particles-all
number per milliliter (mL) |
count |
Cell_Agg_count_per_mL |
concentration of birefringent plated cells, coccospheres and aggregates
number per milliliter (mL) |
count |
Lith_Area_square_um_per_mL |
total area subtended by by detached coccoliths
square micrometers per milliliter (um^2 per mL) |
area |
Cell_Agg_Area_square_um_per_mL |
total area subtended by by plated coccolithophores, coccospheres and aggregates
square micrometers per milliliter (um^2 per mL) |
area |
BSi_umol_per_L |
concentration of biogenic silica
micromoles per liter (umol/L) |
Si_bio |
Avg_Corr_Chl_a_ug_per_L |
concentration of chlorophyll a
micrograms per liter (ug/L) |
chl_a |
Avg_Corr_Phaeo_ug_per_L |
concentration of phaeopigments
micrograms per liter (ug/L) |
phaeo |
Avg_Corr_Chl_a_Phaeo_ug_per_L |
concentration of chlorophyll a plus phaeopigments
micrograms per liter (ug/L) |
Chl_a_plus_Phaeo |
PSD_Slope_logABD_grthan_point_75 |
PDF Slope logABD>0.75 (only particles >5um); Particle size Distribution Function slope of the plot of log cell abundance (particles per mL) versus Area Based Diameter (micrometers) calculated for particles of >5 micrometers diameter using a Yokogowa FlowCAM. Area Based Diameter (ABD) is defined as the diameter measured by the number of grey scale pixels of the binary image converted to a circle with the same number of pixels
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
Std_Err_of_PSD_Slope_logABD_grthan_point_75 |
Std Err of PDF Slope logABD>0.75 (for particles >5um); Standard error of the above particle size distribution slope for only particles of 5 micrometers diameter or larger using a Yokogowa FlowCAM
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
Y_int_of_PSD_Slope_logABD_grthan_point_75 |
Y-int of PDF Slope logABD>0.75 (only particles >5um); the Y intercept of above PDF for only particles of ~5um diameter or larger using a Yokogowa FlowCAM
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
R2of_PSD_Slope_logABD_grthan_point_75 |
R-squared value of PDF Slope logABD>0.75(only particles >5um); squared correlation coefficient of above PDF for only particles of >5um diameter or larger using a Yokogowa FlowCAM
unitless |
corr_coeff |
F_statistic_of_PSD_Slope_logABD_grthan_point_75 |
F-statistic of PDF Slope logABD>0.75 (only particles >5um); the F statistic of of above PDF for only particles of >5um diameter or larger using a Yokogowa FlowCAM
unitless |
F_stat |
Total_cells_per_mL |
Concentration of total particles measured by Yokogowa measured by Yokogowa FlowCAM imaging cytometer
cells per milliliter (cells/mL) |
cell_concentration |
Small_0_4um_cells_per_mL |
Concentration of small particles with diameters of 0 to 4 micrometers measured by Yokogowa FlowCAM imaging cytometer
cells per milliliter (cells/mL) |
cell_concentration |
Round_4_12um_cells_per_mL |
Concentration of round particles with diameters of 4 to 12 micrometers measured by Yokogowa FlowCAM imaging cytometer
cells per milliliter (cells/mL) |
cell_concentration |
Ovoid_4_12um_cells_per_mL |
Concentration of ovoid particles with diameters of 4 to 12 micrometers measured by Yokogowa FlowCAM imaging cytometer
cells per milliliter (cells/mL) |
cell_concentration |
Dinoflagellates_cells_per_mL |
Concentration of dinoflagellates measured by Yokogowa FlowCAM imaging cytometer
cells per milliliter (cells/mL) |
cell_concentration |
Ciliates_cells_per_mL |
Concentration of ciliates measured by Yokogowa FlowCAM imaging cytometer
cells per milliliter (cells/mL) |
cell_concentration |
Diatoms_cells_per_mL |
Concentration of diatoms measured by Yokogowa FlowCAM imaging cytometer
cells per milliliter (cells/mL) |
cell_concentration |
Silicoflagellates_cells_per_mL |
Concentration of silicoflagellates measured by Yokogowa FlowCAM imaging cytometer
cells per milliliter (cells/mL) |
cell_concentration |
Other_Cells_cells_per_mL |
Concentration of other unidentified cells as measured by Yokogowa FlowCAM imaging cytometer
cells per milliliter (cells/mL) |
cell_concentration |
Small_0_4um_pcnt |
Percent of total particles contributed by small (0-4 um) particles as measured by Yokogowa FlowCAM imaging cytometer
unitless |
relative_abund |
Round_4_12um_pcnt |
Percent of total particles contributed by round (4-12 um) particles as measured by Yokogowa FlowCAM imaging cytometer
unitless |
relative_abund |
Ovoid_4_12um_pcnt |
Percent of total particles contributed by ovoid (4-12 um) particles as measured by Yokogowa FlowCAM imaging cytometer
unitless |
relative_abund |
Dinoflagellates_pcnt |
Percent of total particles contributed by dinoflagellates as measured by Yokogowa FlowCAM imaging cytometer
unitless |
relative_abund |
Ciliates_pcnt |
Percent of total particles contributed by ciliates as measured by Yokogowa FlowCAM imaging cytometer
unitless |
relative_abund |
Diatoms_pcnt |
Percent of total particles contributed by diatoms as measured by Yokogowa FlowCAM imaging cytometer
unitless |
relative_abund |
Silicoflagellates_pcnt |
Percent of total particles contributed by silicoflagellates as measured by Yokogowa FlowCAM imaging cytometer
unitless |
relative_abund |
Other_Cells_pcnt |
Percent of total particles contributed by unidentified other cells as measured by Yokogowa FlowCAM imaging cytometer
unitless |
relative_abund |
Total_C_Biomass_Menden_Deuer_ug_per_L |
Total carbon biomass (based on Menden-Deuer and Lessard 2000) for total particles measured by Yokogowa FlowCAM imaging cytometer
micrograms per liter (ug/L) |
biomass_C |
Small_0_4um_C_Biomass_Menden_Deuer_ug_per_L |
Carbon biomass of small 0-4um cells (based on Menden-Deuer and Lessard 2000) for total particles measured by Yokogowa FlowCAM imaging cytometer
micrograms per liter (ug/L) |
biomass_C |
Round_4_12um_C_Biomass_Menden_Deuer_ug_per_L |
Carbon biomass of round 4-12um cells (based on Menden-Deuer and Lessard 2000) for total particles measured by Yokogowa FlowCAM imaging cytometer
micrograms per liter (ug/L) |
biomass_C |
Ovoid_4_12um_C_Biomass_Menden_Deuer_ug_per_L |
Carbon biomass of ovoid 4-12um cells (based on Menden-Deuer and Lessard 2000) for total particles measured by Yokogowa FlowCAM imaging cytometer
micrograms per liter (ug/L) |
biomass_C |
Dinoflagellates_C_Biomass_Menden_Deuer_ug_per_L |
Carbon biomass of dinoflagellates (based on Menden-Deuer and Lessard 2000) for total particles measured by Yokogowa FlowCAM imaging cytometer
micrograms per liter (ug/L) |
biomass_C |
Ciliates_C_Biomass_Menden_Deuer_ug_per_L |
Carbon biomass of ciliates (based on Menden-Deuer and Lessard 2000) for total particles measured by Yokogowa FlowCAM imaging cytometer
micrograms per liter (ug/L) |
biomass_C |
Diatoms_C_Biomass_Menden_Deuer_ug_per_L |
Carbon biomass of diatoms (based on Menden-Deuer and Lessard 2000) for total particles measured by Yokogowa FlowCAM imaging cytometer
micrograms per liter (ug/L) |
biomass_C |
Silicoflagellates_C_Biomass_Menden_Deuer_ug_per_L |
Carbon biomass of silicoflagellates (based on Menden-Deuer and Lessard 2000) for total particles measured by Yokogowa FlowCAM imaging cytometer
micrograms per liter (ug/L) |
biomass_C |
Other_Cells_C_Biomass_Menden_Deuer_ug_per_L |
Carbon biomass of unidentified other cells (based on Menden-Deuer and Lessard 2000) for total particles measured by Yokogowa FlowCAM imaging cytometer
micrograms per liter (ug/L) |
biomass_C |
Psy_Avg_C_to_P |
Ratio of calcification to photosynthesis
unitless |
ratio |
Psy_Avg_P |
Average photosynthesis rate
micromoles C per liter per day (umol C/L/d) |
photosynthesis |
Psy_Avg_C |
Average calcification rate
micromoles C per liter per day (umol C/L/d) |
calcification |
Psy_P_SD |
standard deviation of photosynthesis rate
micromoles C per liter per day (umol C/L/d) |
photosynthesis |
Psy_C_SD |
standard deviation of calcification rate
micromoles C per liter per day (umol C/L/d) |
calcification |
Psy_Avg_Pmb_ug_C_per_ug_chl_d |
chlorophyll-normalized primary production rate
micrograms C per microgram chlorophyll per day (ugC/ugchl/d) |
PP |
Psy_Avg_Cmb_ug_C_per_ug_chl_d |
chlorophyll-normalized calcification rate
micrograms C per microgram chlorophyll per day (ugC/ugchl/d) |
calcification |
NO3_umol_per_L |
concentration of nitrate
micromoles per liter (umoles/L) |
NO3 |
PO4_umol_per_L |
concentration of phosphate
micromoles per liter (umoles/L) |
PO4 |
SIL_umol_per_L |
concentration of silicate
micromoles per liter (umoles/L) |
Silicate |
NO2_umol_per_L |
concentration of nitrite
micromoles per liter (umoles/L) |
NO3 |
NH4_umol_per_L |
concentration of ammonium
micromoles per liter (umoles/L) |
NH4 |
Bottle_O2_mL_per_L |
Oxygen concentration from shipboard titration
millilieters per liter ( mL/L) |
O2 |
Bottle_Salts |
salinometer-derived salinity
PSU (Practical Salinity Units) |
sal_bottle |
DIC_umol_per_kg |
dissolved inorganic carbon concentration
micromoles per kilogram (umol kg-1) |
TA_umol_per_kg |
Total akalinity
micromoles per kilogram (umol kg-1) |
Avg_F |
Average Fluorescence
Arbitrary fluorescence units |
fluor |
Avg_Fm_Light |
Maximum Fluorescence, Fm’, measured in the light
Arbitrary fluorescence units |
fluor |
Avg_Y_II |
Effective photochemical quantum yield of PSII (photosynthetic efficiency in light conditions = proportion of photons at a given light intensity that are converted into useful energy)
unitless |
quantum_yield |
Avg_ETR |
Electron transfer rate (ETR) at a given irradiance
micromoles electrons per square meter per second (umol electrons m-2 s-1) (Y-II x PAR(umol photos m-2s-1) x 0.42 ) |
Avg_qP |
Average photochemical quenching
arbitrary units |
no_bcodmo_term |
Avg_qN |
average qN
arbitrary units |
no_bcodmo_term |
Avg_qL |
Average qL
arbitrary units |
no_bcodmo_term |
Avg_NPQ |
Non-photochemical quenching
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
Avg_Y_NO |
Average Y_NO
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
Avg_Y_NPQ |
Average Y_NPQ
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
Avg_Fo |
average dark fluorescence of all cells
Arbitrary fluorescence units |
fluor |
Avg_Fm_Dark |
Maximum Fluorescence, Fm, immediately after dark adaptation (i.e. at the beginning of the measurements).
Arbitrary fluorescence units |
fluor |
Avg_Fv_Fm |
average Fv/Fm
unitless |
Fv_Fm |
Coccolithophore_single_cell_Avg_Fv_Fm |
Coccolithophore single cell Avg Fv_Fm
unitless |
Fv_Fm |
Dinoflagellate_single_cell_Avg_Fv_Fm |
Dinoflagellate single cell Avg Fv_Fm
unitless |
Fv_Fm |
Diatom_single_cell_Avg_Fv_Fm |
Diatom single cell Avg Fv_Fm
unitless |
Fv_Fm |