spl_id |
Unique identifier for individual N2 uptake incubation bottles; meant for internal lab use (may be of value to anyone who wishes to discuss specific samples with corresponding authors)
dimensionless |
sample |
collection_date_EST |
Datetime of sample collection in eastern standard time (EST)
dimensionless |
DateTime |
latitude |
Latitude of sampling site
decimal degrees |
lat |
longitude |
Longitude of sampling site
decimal degrees |
lon |
cruise |
Cruise identification
dimensionless |
cruise_id |
cast |
Cast identifier for cruise TN368 on R/V T.G. Thompson
dimensionless |
cast |
z_m |
Depth of sample collection
meters (m) |
depth |
time_hr |
Duration of incubation
hours |
time_inc |
vol_L |
Incubation volume
liters (L) |
volume |
apn_tf |
Atom% 15N enrichment at final time point (i.e., at time equals incubation duration)
atom percent |
pcent_composition |
pn_uM_tf |
Particulate nitrogen concentration at final time point
micromoles nitrogen per liter (umol N2/L) |
N |
pnpc_flag |
Flag indicating whether an independent sample was available to determine particulate nitrogen concentration at the time of sample collection; "NO_SPL" indicates that no sample was available; "INSUFFICIENT_N_MASS" indicates that the sample collected for initial PN determination did not have sufficient mass (>10 ug N) to allow for robust isotopic analysis
dimensionless |
flag |
apn_t0 |
Atom% 15N enrichment at initial time point
atom percent |
pcent_composition |
pn_uM_t0 |
Particulate nitrogen concentration at initial time point
micromoles nitrogen per liter (umol N2/L) |
N |
an2_flag |
Flag indicating whether a subsample to directly determine 15N enrichment of the N2 pool in the specific incubation bottle was analyzed; "NO_AN2_SPL_RUN" indicates that the sample was lost, damaged, or otherwise unable to be analyzed
dimensionless |
flag |
an2 |
Atom% 15N enrichment of N2 pool in incubation bottle; subsampled at final time point
atom percent |
pcent_composition |
mindetdiff |
The minimum detectable difference between the atom% enrichment at the initial and final time points of the incubation; calculated as 3 times the standard deviation of 7 replicate 12.5 ug N standards (sulfanilimide)
atom percent |
no_bcodmo_term |
apn_t0_flag |
Flag indicates where the atom% 15N enrichment of the N2 pool came from; "MEAN_APNT0_USED_IN_CALC" indicates that the mean atom% enrichment achieved across experiments was used to calculate a rate; no flag indicates that a direct measurement was available and used
dimensionless |
flag |
mass_flag |
Flag indicates where the particulate nitrogen concentration used to calculate a N2 fixation rate came from; "Tf_MASS_USED" indicates that no data was available for the initial time point to calculate an average across the incubation, and concentration was instead assumed constant across the incubation (and the final time point concentration value was used); no value indicates that the average across the incubation period was used
dimensionless |
flag |
pn_uM_used |
The actual value for particulate nitrogen concentration used to calculate N2 fixation rate; where concentrations were available at both initial and final time points, the average was used
micromoles nitrogen per liter (umol N2/L/day) |
N |
sur |
Specific N2 uptake rate
per day |
N |
nfr |
N2 fixation rate
nanomoles nitrogen per liter per day (nmol N2/L/day) |
N2_fix |
lod |
Limit of detection for N2 fixation rate at given sampling location
nanomoles nitrogen per liter per day (nmol N2/L/day) |
N2_fix |
loq |
Limit of quantification for N2 fixation rate for given incubation experiment
nanomoles nitrogen per liter per day (nmol N2/L/day) |
N2_fix |
lod_sur |
Limit of detection for specific N2 uptake rate for given incubation experiment
per day |
N |
loq_sur |
Limit of quantification for specific N2 uptake rate for given incubation experiment
per day |
N |
det_flag |
flag indicates whether N2 uptake was detectable and/or quantifiable; "BDL" indicates that it was below the detection limit; "DNQ" indicates that it was detectable but not quantifiable
dimensionless |
flag |
ISO_DateTime_UTC_if_EST |
Datetime of sampling in UTC (if original datetimes were EST or GMT-5)
unitless |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |
ISO_DateTime_UTC_if_EDT |
Datetime of sampling in UTC (if original datetimes were actually EDT or GMT-4)
unitless |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |