Event number; ‘nda’ for ‘no data available’ or missing information; ‘na’ for ‘not applicable’ to that sample.
unitless |
event |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |
UTC datetime when sample was collected.
unitless |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |
UTC date when sample was collected.
unitless |
date |
UTC time when sample was collected; ‘nda’ for ‘no data available’ or missing information; ‘na’ for ‘not applicable’ to that sample.
unitless |
time |
GMT date when sample was collected.
unitless |
date |
GMT time when sample was collected; ‘nda’ for ‘no data available’ or missing information; ‘na’ for ‘not applicable’ to that sample.
unitless |
time |
Position when sample was collected in decimal degrees; a positive value indicates a Northern coordinate.‘nda’ for ‘no data available’ or missing information; ‘na’ for ‘not applicable’ to that sample.
decimal degrees |
lat |
Position when sample was collected in decimal degrees; a negative value indicates an Eastern coordinate.‘nda’ for ‘no data available’ or missing information; ‘na’ for ‘not applicable’ to that sample.
decimal degrees |
lon |
Sampling system used. TMC CTD = trace metal CTD rosette; FISH = tow fish; TM PUMP = trace metal pump; INC = incubation.
unitless |
platform |
Cast number; ‘na’ for ‘not applicable’ to that sample.
unitless |
cast |
Station number; ‘na’ for ‘not applicable’ to that sample.
unitless |
station |
CTD rosette bottle number; ‘na’ for ‘not applicable’ to that sample.
unitless |
bot |
Sample collection depth below sea surface; ‘no data available’ or missing information; ‘na’ for ‘not applicable’ to that sample.
meters (m) |
depth |
PO4 |
Concentrations of dissolved phosphate.
micromoles per liter (uM) |
PO4 |
Standard deviation of replicate phosphate concentration measurements. If only 2 replicates, the difference about the mean was used to calculate error.
micromoles per liter (uM) |
PO4 |
Number of PO4 analytical replicaters performed.
replicate |
PO4 |
Quality flag for PO4 measurements. See the "Data Processing Description" section of the BCO-DMO metadata page for this dataset for full data quality flag details.
unitless |
q_flag |
PO4_percentRSD |
Percent relative standard deviation of replicate phosphate concentration measurements. Calculated as PO4_STDEV divided by PO4 and multiplied by 100; ‘na’ for ‘not applicable’, used when value of 0 assigned to concentrations <LOD.
unitless |
PO4 |
NO3_NO2 |
Concentrations of dissolved nitrate+nitrite.
micromoles per liter (uM) |
NO3_NO2 |
Standard deviation of replicate nitrate+nitrite concentration measurements. If only 2 replicates, the difference about the mean was used to calculate error.
micromoles per liter (uM) |
NO3_NO2 |
Number of nitrate+nitrite analytical replicaters performed.
replicate |
NO3_NO2 |
Quality flag for NO3_NO2. See the "Data Processing Description" section of the BCO-DMO metadata page for this dataset for full data quality flag details.
unitless |
q_flag |
NO3_NO2_percentRSD |
Percent relative standard deviation of replicate nitrate+nitrite concentration measurements. Calculated as NO3_NO2_STDEV divided by NO3_NO2 and multiplied by 100; ‘na’ for ‘not applicable’, used when value of 0 assigned to concentrations <LOD.
unitless |
NO3_NO2 |
SiO4 |
Concentrations of dissolved silicate.
micromoles per liter (uM) |
SiO4 |
Standard deviation of replicate silicate concentration measurements. If only 2 replicates, the difference about the mean was used to calculate error.
micromoles per liter (uM) |
SiO4 |
Number of SiO4 analytical replicaters performed.
replicate |
SiO4 |
Quality flag for SiO4. See the "Data Processing Description" section of the BCO-DMO metadata page for this dataset for full data quality flag details.
unitless |
q_flag |
SiO4_percentRSD |
Percent relative standard deviation of replicate silicate concentration measurements. Calculated as SiO4_STDEV divided by SiO4 and multiplied by 100.
unitless |
SiO4 |
NO2 |
Concentrations of dissolved nitrite.
micromoles per liter (uM) |
NO2 |
Standard deviation of replicate nitrate+nitrite concentration measurements. If only 2 replicates, the difference about the mean was used to calculate error.
micromoles per liter (uM) |
NO2 |
Number of NO2 analytical replicaters performed.
replicate |
NO2 |
Quality flag for NO2. See the "Data Processing Description" section of the BCO-DMO metadata page for this dataset for full data quality flag details.
unitless |
q_flag |
NO2_percentRSD |
Percent relative standard deviation of replicate nitrite concentration measurements. Calculated as NO2_STDEV divided by NO2 and multiplied by 100; ‘na’ for ‘not applicable’, used when value of 0 assigned to concentrations <LOD.
unitless |
NO2 |
Unique number assigned to each sampling event in STING project.
unitless |
sample |