Parameter: pigment

Master parameters information
Short Name:
Short Description:
 pigment concentration
Official Name:
No Data Value:

Includes all pigments that cannot be explicitly classified as chlorophylls, phaeopigments or carotenoids.  Generally, these are parameters where different pigments have been grouped together. Concentrations are expressed in terms of per unit volume or unit area of the water column.  Does not include data expressed per unit mass of SPM. (Definition from SeaDataNet)

Dataset-parameters information
Supplied Name: 
Supplied Units: 
Conversion Necessary: 
No Data Value: 

Name of the pigment measured:
chl_c3 = Chlorophyll c3;
chl_ide = Chlorophyllide a;
mg_dvp = Magnesium-2;4-divinyl phaeoporphyrin a5 monomethyl ester;
chl_c2 = Chlorophyll c2;
chl_c1 = Chlorophyll c1;
peridinin = Peridinin;
but19 = 19-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin;
fucox = Fucoxanthin;
ph_ide = Pheophorbide a;
neox = Neoxanthin;
prasinox = Prasinoxanthin;
violax = Violaxanthin;
hex19 = 19'-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin;
diadinox = Diadinoxanthin;
cis_fucox = cis-Fucoxanthin;
allox = Alloxanthin;
diatox = Diatoxanthin;
monad = Monadoxanthin;
zeax = Zeaxanthin;
lutein = lutein;
crocox = Crocoxanthin;
chl_b = Chlorophyll b;
dv_chl_a = Divinyl Chlorophyll a;
chl_a = Chlorophyll a;
p_phytin = Phaeophytin a;
carotene_a = alpha Carotene;
carotene_b = beta Carotene.