On Thursday, March 6, 2025, the new BCO-DMO website will be live! After this time the old site will no longer be accessible. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach us at feedback@bco-dmo.org
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Date/Time (UTC) ISO formatted This standard is based on ISO 8601:2004(E) and takes on any of the following forms: 2009-08-30T09:05:00[.xx] (local time) 2009-08-30T14:05:00[.xx]Z (UTC time) 2009-08-30T14:05:00[.xx]-05:00 The dashes and the colons can be dropped. The T can also be dropped "by mutual agreement", but one needs the trailing Z if the time is UTC.
Sample ISO_datetime_utc: 2009-08-30T14:05:00[.xx]Z (UTC time)
Format: YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS[.xx]Z (UTC time)
date/time (UTC) ISO formatted standard is based on ISO 8601:2004(E) and takes on any of the following forms: 2009-08-30T14:05:00Z (UTC time)