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health conditions noted on colony: ALOG; ALG; Al = fleshy algal overgrowth BARN = barnacle Infestation BBD = black band disease BL; Blch = bleaching BOAT SCRAPE; Scrapes = physical damage from contact with boat hull BRB = brown band disease Broken tips = physical damage from either fish bites or human contact; branch tips broken off CCA = crustose coralline algae overgrowth Compabr01 = unknown COR = coralliophila predation COTS; CTA(?) = crown of thorns predation CYA = cyanobacteria overgrowth DAMS; DMS = damselfish territory DB = unknown DL = unknown DRP; DRUP = drupellla predation EF; EFI; EHM = EFI; endolithic fungal infection FF = unknown GA = growth anomalies GBPRED; Donut holes + General WC crashing = goby fish predation marks; GBPRED GD = grey death overgrowth syndrom General rash = unknown HPRED_maybe_0resheeting = healing predation; tissue resheeting MCS = mucous shedding PALE = slightly bleaching; BL PB = partial bleaching; BL PR = pigmentation response PRD; PRED = yes; predation RF; RFTDP(?) = red filamentous algae overgrowth SA = sand abrasion SEB = skeletal eroding band SH = unknown SI = silt damage STL = subacute tissue loss TERP; TP = Terpios sponge overgrowth VERM = Vermetid snail boring WS = white syndrome