“Happy Holidays! BCO-DMO will be on break from 23 December to 2 January 2025. Submissions and questions will still be accepted, however our responses may be delayed during this time.”

Parameter: TREATMENT

Master parameters information
Short Name:
Short Description:
Official Name:
No Data Value:

Experimental conditions applied to experimental units.  In comparative experiments, members of the complementary group, the control group, receive either no treatment or a standard treatment.

Dataset-parameters information
Supplied Name: 
Supplied Units: 
Conversion Necessary: 
No Data Value: 

Incubation treatment identifier. Treatments Q-R were exposed to light, treatments V-W were kept in the dark. Treatments were as follows: Q and V = +0, control; R and W = 50:50 mixture of unamended (+0, control) unfiltered water used for Q and unamended (+0, control) filtered water used for Incubation 2. The R-Q, and R-R bottles were the same light treatments as Q and R, respectively, in replicate R-labeled 4-L incubation bottles. The notation "NONE" refers to no treatment, used to describe samples collected from the carboys of experimental seawater prior to allocation into 4L incubation bottles and treatment additions. The notation "NONE, FILTERED" refers to the sample collected from the untreated carboy of filtered seawater used in the experiments. One of the incubation bottles was filled with water from the NONE, FILTERED carboy and incubated as a control with no treatment, described as "FILTERED CONTROL".