On Thursday, March 6, 2025, the new BCO-DMO website will be live! After this time the old site will no longer be accessible.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach us at feedback@bco-dmo.org

Parameter: TaxaName

Master parameters information
Short Name:
Short Description:
Official Name:
No Data Value:

taxonomic group or entity. This may be a family, class, genus, species, etc.; usually this parameter will contain a mixture of taxonomic entities.

Dataset-parameters information
Supplied Name: 
Supplied Units: 
Conversion Necessary: 
Conversion Utility: 
No Data Value: 
Standardized morpho-taxonomic groups based on growth form and taxonomy. Anemone = Sea anemones; Bivalvia = Mussels, clams and oysters; BryoEncrSheet = Encrusting Bryozoans with sheet-like colonies; BryoErect = unspecific upright erect growth Bryozoans; BryoErectBranch = Arborescent hard-bodied colonial Bryozoans; BryoErectSoft = Colonial soft-bodied upright Bryozoans; Bryozoa = Bryozoan with unspecific growth; Cirripedia = Barnacles; Entoproct; Hydrozoa; Polychaeta = unspecific growth marine worms; PolySab = Soft tube building worms, Family Saballidae; PolySerp = Calcareous long tube worms, Family Serpullidae; PolySpiro = Calcareous spiral tube worms, Family Spirorbidae; Porifera = Sponges; Tunicata = unspecific growth ascidian; TuniCol = Colonial ascidians with sheet-like colonies; TuniSol = Solitary ascidians.