Dataset: Quadrat-based measurements of eelgrass shoot density and above-ground biomass for plants growing in shallow and deep zones at four coastal sites in Massachusetts, USA in 2019

Final no updates expectedDOI: 10.26008/1912/bco-dmo.939467.1Version 1 (2024-10-03)Dataset Type:Other Field Results

Principal Investigator, Contact: Cynthia Hays (Keene State College)

Co-Principal Investigator: Torrance C. Hanley (Northeastern University)

Co-Principal Investigator: A. Randall Hughes (Northeastern University)

Co-Principal Investigator: Erik Sotka (Grice Marine Laboratory - College of Charleston)

BCO-DMO Data Manager: Amber D. York (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Project: RUI: Collaborative Research: Trait differentiation and local adaptation to depth within meadows of the foundation seagrass Zostera marina (ZosMarLA)


This dataset includes quadrat-based measurements of eelgrass shoot density and above-ground biomass for plants growing in shallow and deep zones at four different sites in Massachusetts, USA in 2019. The four sites were West Beach in Beverly (N 42.55921, W 70.80578), Curlew Beach in Nahant (N 42.42009, W 70.91553), Lynch Park in Beverly (N 42.54488, W 70.85842), and Niles Beach in Gloucester (N 42.59711, W 70.65592). Like many marine foundation species, eelgrass often spans strong environmental ...

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Location description: Four coastal sites in the Gulf of Maine, USA, that sustain continuous eelgrass meadows across a depth gradient of ~1-2 m below MLLW to ~4-5.5 m below MLLW (see Supplemental File "Site List" for site codes used in this dataset and coordinates (lat,lon)).

We conducted a field survey in the shallow and deep zone of the meadow at each site, with zones defined by proximity to the respective edges of the eelgrass beds. Divers on SCUBA harvested all above-ground eelgrass biomass within in 5-7 0.25 x 0.25 m  quadrats set in each of three previously established permanent quadrats per depth per site (N = 15-21 quadrats per depth per site). Shoots were transferred to the lab on ice, where we counted the number of vegetative and flowering shoots in each sample; then we dried the plants at 60 degrees C and recorded aboveground biomass to the nearest milligram.  

eelgrass, Zostera marina,

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Relationship Description: These datasets all contain results from the same sampling effort (end of June/early July of 2019). Dataset "Permanent plot vegetative density" (847062) also contains additional results from an additional sampling effort in August of 2019.
Hughes, A. R. (2021) Vegetative density data from two surveys of eelgrass flowering in shallow and deep zones at four different sites in Massachusetts, USA in 2019. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). (Version 1) Version Date 2021-03-30 doi:10.26008/1912/bco-dmo.847062.1

Dataset: Eelgrass shoot lengths
Relationship Description: Data from the same locations as part of the same eelgrass study in 2019.
Sotka, E., Hughes, A. R., Hanley, T. C., Hays, C. (2024) Eelgrass shoot lengths measured at two depths within each of four coastal sites in Massachusetts, USA in 2019. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). (Version 1) Version Date 2024-10-03 doi:10.26008/1912/bco-dmo.939440.1

Dataset: Eelgrass seed phenotypes
Relationship Description: Data from the same locations as part of the same eelgrass study in 2019.
Sotka, E., Hughes, A. R., Hanley, T. C., Hays, C. (2024) Number and mass of eelgrass seeds collected from sediment cores in shallow and deep zones at four coastal sites in Massachusetts, USA in 2019. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). (Version 1) Version Date 2024-10-03 doi:10.26008/1912/bco-dmo.939488.1

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Sotka, EE, Hughes, AR, Hanley, TC, and CG Hays (n.d.). Restricted dispersal and phenotypic response to water depth in a foundation seagrass. In review, Molecular Ecology.