Data File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
primary_prod_EN198.csv (816.00 B) | Comma Separated Values (.csv) | version December 14, 1994 Steve Fitzwater and John Martin, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories Primary productivity Endeavor cruise 198 The primary productivity values are means of two to three samples. | |
primary_prod-5_AII-119-5.csv (2.35 KB) | Comma Separated Values (.csv) | version December 14, 1994 minor correction April 12, 2000 event 02270557 -> 05270557 Steve Fitzwater and John Martin, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories Primary productivity Atlantis II cruise 119 leg 5 The primary productivity values are means of two to three samples. For sta 27, event 05200530 the productivity array was left out for 2 days because of storm. sta = station number from event log event = event number, a unique number assigned to each sampling operation, consisting of month, day, hour, minutes date = date reported as MMDDYY pp_int = intergated productivity, units = mgC/m^2/day depth = sample depth, units = meters pp = primary productivity, units mgC/m^3/day | |
primary_prod-4_AII-119-4.csv (4.69 KB) | Comma Separated Values (.csv) | version December 15, 1994 J. Marra, C.A. Knudson, W.S. Chamberlin Primary Production (Carbon Assimilation) Atlantis II cruise 119 leg 4 (April 25 - May 7, 1989) sta = station number from event log event = event number from event log, a unique number assigned to each sampling operation, a composite of month, day, hour, minute date = date reported as mmddyy depth = depth of sample, units = meters time_inc = incubation time, units = hours pp = primary productivity, units = umols C/l/incubation period |
Type: Comma Separated Values (.csv)
Description: version December 14, 1994 Steve Fitzwater and John Martin, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories Primary productivity Endeavor cruise 198 The primary productivity values are means of two to three samples.
Type: Comma Separated Values (.csv)
Description: version December 14, 1994 minor correction April 12, 2000 event 02270557 -> 05270557 Steve Fitzwater and John Martin, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories Primary productivity Atlantis II cruise 119 leg 5 The primary productivity values are means of two to three samples. For sta 27, event 05200530 the productivity array was left out for 2 days because of storm. sta = station number from event log event = event number, a unique number assigned to each sampling operation, consisting of month, day, hour, minutes date = date reported as MMDDYY pp_int = intergated productivity, units = mgC/m^2/day depth = sample depth, units = meters pp = primary productivity, units mgC/m^3/day
Type: Comma Separated Values (.csv)
Description: version December 15, 1994 J. Marra, C.A. Knudson, W.S. Chamberlin Primary Production (Carbon Assimilation) Atlantis II cruise 119 leg 4 (April 25 - May 7, 1989) sta = station number from event log event = event number from event log, a unique number assigned to each sampling operation, a composite of month, day, hour, minute date = date reported as mmddyy depth = depth of sample, units = meters time_inc = incubation time, units = hours pp = primary productivity, units = umols C/l/incubation period