Aerosols, long irradiation neutron activation analysis from R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruises in the Arabian Sea in 1995 (U.S. JGOFS Arabian Sea project)

Version: June 30, 1997
Version Date: 1997-06-30

» U.S. JGOFS Arabian Sea (Arabian Sea)

» U.S. Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (U.S. JGOFS)
Tindale, NeilTexas A&M University (TAMU)Principal Investigator
Chandler, Cynthia L.Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI BCO-DMO)BCO-DMO Data Manager

Dataset Description

  PI:              Neil Tindale
  of:              Texas A&M University
  dataset:         Aerosols, long irradiation neutron activation analysis
  dates:           January 08, 1995 to December 18, 1995
  location:        N: 22.8459  S: 09.8871  W: 57.2609  E: 68.2687 
  project:         Arabian Sea
  ship:            Thomas Thompson
 PI Notes and Methodology
 A note from DMO on supplementary fields

HiVol pump sampler methods are described in: N. W. Tindale and P. P. Pease, Aerosols over the Arabian Sea: Atmospheric transport pathways and concentrations of dust and sea salt, Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in OceanographyVolume 46, Issues 8-9, August 1999, Pages 1577-1595. ( view article at ScienceDirect )

Methods & Sampling

Dr. Neil Tindale, Texas A & M Univ.
JGOFS/Arabian Sea
Aerosols, short and long irradiation neutron activation analysis

JGOFS Arabian Sea Aerosol Data

This mineral aerosol concentration data set is from samples collected
during several cruises on the R/V Thomas Thompson during the JGOFS
Arabian Sea field program.

Air Sampling Pump System

The air sampling pumps, controller, electronics, and a clean bench were mounted in a 6-m shipping container located on the foredeck's container storage rack. The air sampler was a HiVol system loaded with a single unwashed Whatman 41 filter and with a flow rate of about 1.2-1.4 m3 min-1. Air flow rates were measured daily using an orifice-type flow tube that had been calibrated to a National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) certified EG&G FT32 turbine flowmeter. Air volume errors were between 5 and 10%; the total combined air volume and analytical error was about 10%. The experimental equipment was similar to that described in Schwartze et al. (1988) and used on previous atmospheric-oceanographic programs (Betzer et al., 1988).


Betzer, P.R., Carder, K.L., Duce, R.A., Merrill, J.T., Tindale, N.W., Uematsu, M., Costello, D., Young, R.,
Feely, R.A., Breland, J.A., Bernstein, R., Greco, T., 1988. A pulse of Asian dust to the central North Pacific: long-range transport of giant mineral aerosols. Nature 336, pp. 568-571.

Schwartze, G., Boldi, R., Wasco, T., Duce, R., 1988. PASS: a portable atmospheric sampling system for chemical studies in the marine troposphere. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 5, pp. 561-570.

The data set includes the sampling period
for each sample; the "Day of Year", yrday, number for the start of the
sampling period for each sample; and the concentration of different
elements for each sample, in micrograms per cubic meter. For the
sampling period, "nd" is used as a filler to indicate "no data" gaps in
the data array. The dust values are estimated using aluminum
concentrations determined by neutron activation analysis. While most
samples cover a multi-day period, we only have data for about 150
days. We didn't participate in all of the cruises and, on the cruises
where samples were collected, often sampling conditions were less than
ideal (bad weather, ship maneuvering, relative wind from astern etc.).
A few samples that were collected showed obvious contamination from
local sources, presumably from material from the R/V Thompson or from
nearby fishing boats, and these samples were discarded and are not
included in the data set. While the sampling period represents the
period during which sampling occurred, sampling was usually not
continuous. Sampling was frequently stopped, whenever sampling
conditions were no longer suitable. Thus the concentration value at
any particular date represents a time integrated sample which is
usually non-continuous.

Cautionary comments:
1.  There may be a problem with the estimate for the mineral "dust"
concentration.  Most researchers use the average crustal ratio to estimate
mineral dust concentrations using elemental concentration data (Al, Fe,
etc.).  Surface sand and silt samples that were collected in Oman in the
Wahibah Sands region have distinct, non-crustal ratios.  If individual
aerosol samples are comprised of material from distinct sources, including
Oman, then it is not unreasonable for their elemental ratios to differ from
the published "average" crustal ratio that is used in most aerosol studies.

2.  The amount of Ti in all the aerosol samples was small, despite there
being a reasonable amount of dust material in most samples.  The peaks for
Cr and Ti overlap in the neutron activation short irradiation analysis and
if significant quantities of Cr are present, this will interfere with the Ti
analysis.  With the exception of one sample, the Ti values are at or below
the detection limit.  The sole value above the detection limit was corrected
for the Cr contribution using a correction based on the Cr values from the
long irradiations.  The correction changed the Ti value by less than 5%.
The Ti data flagged as being at or below the detection limit was not
corrected for possible Cr interference.

Data management office notes on supplementary fields - aerosols data

lat, lon A nominal ship location is given in lat/lon. The location is the noon position most near the middle of the sampling period, e.g. for a sample which was pumped intermittently from Jan. 3 - 5, the location is given for noon, Jan. 4. Intended as an aid to understanding, not a discrete location. date_begin, date_end We have included the start and stop day for each sample which we believe constrains the sample time about as well as is useful for these data. We also have pump volume and thus a mean concentration of dust per cubic meter of air for that time frame. The actual number of hours sampled during a time block (number of days) is complicated to present. Pumps were turned on and off repetitively depending upon ship maneuvers and relative wind direction (to prevent ship exhaust contamination). Also, the total number of hours the pumps were on is a less useful measure than pump volume, because of the variability in pump efficiency due to changing barometric pressures. An hours worth of pumping does not always yield the same volume of air.

Data Processing Description

Data management office notes on supplementary fields - aerosols data

lat, lon A nominal ship location is given in lat/lon. The location is the noon position most near the middle of the sampling period, e.g. for a sample which was pumped intermittently from Jan. 3 - 5, the location is given for noon, Jan. 4. Intended as an aid to understanding, not a discrete location. date_begin, date_end We have included the start and stop day for each sample which we believe constrains the sample time about as well as is useful for these data. We also have pump volume and thus a mean concentration of dust per cubic meter of air for that time frame. The actual number of hours sampled during a time block (number of days) is complicated to present. Pumps were turned on and off repetitively depending upon ship maneuvers and relative wind direction (to prevent ship exhaust contamination). Also, the total number of hours the pumps were on is a less useful measure than pump volume, because of the variability in pump efficiency due to changing barometric pressures. An hours worth of pumping does not always yield the same volume of air.

[ table of contents | back to top ]

Data Files

(Comma Separated Values (.csv), 16.36 KB)
Primary data file for dataset ID 2591

[ table of contents | back to top ]



Arabian Sea, Thomas Thompson cruise identifier


date sampling pump turned on for a given sample,


date sampling pump turned off for a given sample, as YYYYMMDD


day of year, 1995


Nominal latitude (minus indicates South)

decimal degrees

Nominal longitude (minus indicates West)

decimal degrees

volume of air pumped to accumulate sample

cubic meters

concentration of arsenic


concentration of bromine


concentration of cerium


concentration of cobolt


concentration of chromium


concentration of cesium


concentration of europium


concentration of iron


concentration of gadolinium


concentration of hafnium


concentration of mercury


concentration of lanthanum


concentration of lutetium


concentration of neodymium


concentration of rubidium


concentration of antimony


concentration of scandium


concentration of selenium


concentration of samarium


concentration of strontium


concentration of tantalum


concentration of terbium


concentration of thorium


concentration of thulium


concentration of uranium


concentration of ytterbium


concentration of zinc


total sample mass estimated by assuming the Al content represented 8 percent, based on an 8% crustal average for Al


Arsenic combined sampling and analytical error


Arsenic detection level:

a '1' indicates that while a peak was detected,
the isotope sample was below the level of detection relative
to background "noise". The element concentration reported
therefore represents the amount of the isotope which would
have had to have been present for it to have been detected.
a '0' indicates no flag - concentration is as measured.


Bromine combined sampling and analytical error


Bromine detection level:
a '1' indicates that while a peak was detected,
the isotope sample was below the level of detection relative
to background "noise". The element concentration reported
therefore represents the amount of the isotope which would
have had to have been present for it to have been detected.
a '0' indicates no flag - concentration is as measured.


Cerium combined sampling and analytical error


Cerium detection level:
a '1' indicates that while a peak was detected,
the isotope sample was below the level of detection relative
to background "noise". The element concentration reported
therefore represents the amount of the isotope which would
have had to have been present for it to have been detected.
a '0' indicates no flag - concentration is as measured.


Cobalt combined sampling and analytical error


Cobalt detection level:
a '1' indicates that while a peak was detected,
the isotope sample was below the level of detection relative
to background "noise". The element concentration reported
therefore represents the amount of the isotope which would
have had to have been present for it to have been detected.
a '0' indicates no flag - concentration is as measured.


Chromium combined sampling and analytical error


Chromium detection level:
a '1' indicates that while a peak was detected,
the isotope sample was below the level of detection relative
to background "noise". The element concentration reported
therefore represents the amount of the isotope which would
have had to have been present for it to have been detected.
a '0' indicates no flag - concentration is as measured.


Cesium combined sampling and analytical error


Cesium detection level:
a '1' indicates that while a peak was detected,
the isotope sample was below the level of detection relative
to background "noise". The element concentration reported
therefore represents the amount of the isotope which would
have had to have been present for it to have been detected.
a '0' indicates no flag - concentration is as measured.


Europium combined sampling and analytical error


Europium detection level:
a '1' indicates that while a peak was detected,
the isotope sample was below the level of detection relative
to background "noise". The element concentration reported
therefore represents the amount of the isotope which would
have had to have been present for it to have been detected.
a '0' indicates no flag - concentration is as measured.


Iron combined sampling and analytical error


Iron detection level:
a '1' indicates that while a peak was detected,
the isotope sample was below the level of detection relative
to background "noise". The element concentration reported
therefore represents the amount of the isotope which would
have had to have been present for it to have been detected.
a '0' indicates no flag - concentration is as measured.


Gadolinium combined sampling and analytical error


Gadolinium detection level:
a '1' indicates that while a peak was detected,
the isotope sample was below the level of detection relative
to background "noise". The element concentration reported
therefore represents the amount of the isotope which would
have had to have been present for it to have been detected.
a '0' indicates no flag - concentration is as measured.


Hafnium combined sampling and analytical error


Hafnium detection level:
a '1' indicates that while a peak was detected,
the isotope sample was below the level of detection relative
to background "noise". The element concentration reported
therefore represents the amount of the isotope which would
have had to have been present for it to have been detected.
a '0' indicates no flag - concentration is as measured.


Mercury combined sampling and analytical error


Mercury detection level:
a '1' indicates that while a peak was detected,
the isotope sample was below the level of detection relative
to background "noise". The element concentration reported
therefore represents the amount of the isotope which would
have had to have been present for it to have been detected.
a '0' indicates no flag - concentration is as measured.


Lanthanum combined sampling and analytical error


Lanthanum detection level:
a '1' indicates that while a peak was detected,
the isotope sample was below the level of detection relative
to background "noise". The element concentration reported
therefore represents the amount of the isotope which would
have had to have been present for it to have been detected.
a '0' indicates no flag - concentration is as measured.


Lutetium combined sampling and analytical error


Lutetium detection level:
a '1' indicates that while a peak was detected,
the isotope sample was below the level of detection relative
to background "noise". The element concentration reported
therefore represents the amount of the isotope which would
have had to have been present for it to have been detected.
a '0' indicates no flag - concentration is as measured.


Neodymium combined sampling and analytical error


Neodymium detection level:
a '1' indicates that while a peak was detected,
the isotope sample was below the level of detection relative
to background "noise". The element concentration reported
therefore represents the amount of the isotope which would
have had to have been present for it to have been detected.
a '0' indicates no flag - concentration is as measured.


Rubidium combined sampling and analytical error


Rubidium detection level:
a '1' indicates that while a peak was detected,
the isotope sample was below the level of detection relative
to background "noise". The element concentration reported
therefore represents the amount of the isotope which would
have had to have been present for it to have been detected.
a '0' indicates no flag - concentration is as measured.


Antimony combined sampling and analytical error


Antimony detection level:
a '1' indicates that while a peak was detected,
the isotope sample was below the level of detection relative
to background "noise". The element concentration reported
therefore represents the amount of the isotope which would
have had to have been present for it to have been detected.
a '0' indicates no flag - concentration is as measured.


Scandium combined sampling and analytical error


Scandium detection level:
a '1' indicates that while a peak was detected,
the isotope sample was below the level of detection relative
to background "noise". The element concentration reported
therefore represents the amount of the isotope which would
have had to have been present for it to have been detected.
a '0' indicates no flag - concentration is as measured.


Selenium combined sampling and analytical error


Selenium detection level:
a '1' indicates that while a peak was detected,
the isotope sample was below the level of detection relative
to background "noise". The element concentration reported
therefore represents the amount of the isotope which would
have had to have been present for it to have been detected.
a '0' indicates no flag - concentration is as measured.


Samarium combined sampling and analytical error


Samarium detection level:
a '1' indicates that while a peak was detected,
the isotope sample was below the level of detection relative
to background "noise". The element concentration reported
therefore represents the amount of the isotope which would
have had to have been present for it to have been detected.
a '0' indicates no flag - concentration is as measured.


Strontium combined sampling and analytical error


Strontium detection level:
a '1' indicates that while a peak was detected,
the isotope sample was below the level of detection relative
to background "noise". The element concentration reported
therefore represents the amount of the isotope which would
have had to have been present for it to have been detected.
a '0' indicates no flag - concentration is as measured.


Tantalum combined sampling and analytical error


Tantalum detection level:
a '1' indicates that while a peak was detected,
the isotope sample was below the level of detection relative
to background "noise". The element concentration reported
therefore represents the amount of the isotope which would
have had to have been present for it to have been detected.
a '0' indicates no flag - concentration is as measured.


Terbium combined sampling and analytical error


Terbium detection level:
a '1' indicates that while a peak was detected,
the isotope sample was below the level of detection relative
to background "noise". The element concentration reported
therefore represents the amount of the isotope which would
have had to have been present for it to have been detected.
a '0' indicates no flag - concentration is as measured.


Thorium combined sampling and analytical error


Thorium detection level:
a '1' indicates that while a peak was detected,
the isotope sample was below the level of detection relative
to background "noise". The element concentration reported
therefore represents the amount of the isotope which would
have had to have been present for it to have been detected.
a '0' indicates no flag - concentration is as measured.


Thulium combined sampling and analytical error


Thulium detection level:
a '1' indicates that while a peak was detected,
the isotope sample was below the level of detection relative
to background "noise". The element concentration reported
therefore represents the amount of the isotope which would
have had to have been present for it to have been detected.
a '0' indicates no flag - concentration is as measured.


Uranium combined sampling and analytical error


Uranium detection level:
a '1' indicates that while a peak was detected,
the isotope sample was below the level of detection relative
to background "noise". The element concentration reported
therefore represents the amount of the isotope which would
have had to have been present for it to have been detected.
a '0' indicates no flag - concentration is as measured.


Ytterbium combined sampling and analytical error


Ytterbium detection level:
a '1' indicates that while a peak was detected,
the isotope sample was below the level of detection relative
to background "noise". The element concentration reported
therefore represents the amount of the isotope which would
have had to have been present for it to have been detected.
a '0' indicates no flag - concentration is as measured.


Zinc combined sampling and analytical error


Zinc detection level:
a '1' indicates that while a peak was detected,
the isotope sample was below the level of detection relative
to background "noise". The element concentration reported
therefore represents the amount of the isotope which would
have had to have been present for it to have been detected.
a '0' indicates no flag - concentration is as measured.

[ table of contents | back to top ]


Dataset-specific Instrument Name
Pump Air Sampler
Generic Instrument Name
Pump Air Sampler
Dataset-specific Description
Air sampling pumps. were mounted in a 6-m shipping container located on the foredeck's container storage rack. The air sampler was a HiVol system loaded with a single unwashed Whatman 41t "lter and with a #ow rate of&1.2}1.4 m3 min~1.
Generic Instrument Description
A Pump Air Sampler is an instrument that continuously supplies a flow of air either to an analytical instrument, over a sensor, through filters or from which discrete samples may be drawn for subsequent analysis. This instrument designation is used when specific make and model are not known.

[ table of contents | back to top ]



R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Start Date
End Date
Purpose: Process Cruise #1 (Late NE Monsoon)

Methods & Sampling
PI: Neil Tindale of: Texas A&M University dataset: Aerosols, long irradiation neutron activation analysis dates: January 08, 1995 to December 18, 1995 locations: N: 22.8459 S: 09.8871 W: 57.2609 E: 68.2687 project: Arabian Sea ship: Thomas Thompson  Dr. Neil Tindale, Texas A & M Univ. JGOFS/Arabian Sea Aerosols, short and long irradiation neutron activation analysis JGOFS Arabian Sea Aerosol Data This mineral aerosol concentration data set is from samples collected during several cruises on the R/V Thomas Thompson during the JGOFS Arabian Sea field program. The data set includes the sampling period for each sample; the "Day of Year", yrday, number for the start of the sampling period for each sample; and the concentration of different elements for each sample, in micrograms per cubic meter. For the sampling period, "nd" is used as a filler to indicate "no data" gaps in the data array. The dust values are estimated using aluminum concentrations determined by neutron activation analysis. While most samples cover a multi-day period, we only have data for about 150 days. We didn't participate in all of the cruises and, on the cruises where samples were collected, often sampling conditions were less than ideal (bad weather, ship maneuvering, relative wind from astern etc.). A few samples that were collected showed obvious contamination from local sources, presumably from material from the R/V Thompson or from nearby fishing boats, and these samples were discarded and are not included in the data set. While the sampling period represents the period during which sampling occurred, sampling was usually not continuous. Sampling was frequently stopped, whenever sampling conditions were no longer suitable. Thus the concentration value at any particular date represents a time integrated sample which is usually non-continuous. Cautionary comments: 1. There may be a problem with the estimate for the mineral "dust" concentration. Most researchers use the average crustal ratio to estimate mineral dust concentrations using elemental concentration data (Al, Fe, etc.). Surface sand and silt samples that were collected in Oman in the Wahibah Sands region have distinct, non-crustal ratios. If individual aerosol samples are comprised of material from distinct sources, including Oman, then it is not unreasonable for their elemental ratios to differ from the published "average" crustal ratio that is used in most aerosol studies. 2. The amount of Ti in all the aerosol samples was small, despite there being a reasonable amount of dust material in most samples. The peaks for Cr and Ti overlap in the neutron activation short irradiation analysis and if significant quantities of Cr are present, this will interfere with the Ti analysis. With the exception of one sample, the Ti values are at or below the detection limit. The sole value above the detection limit was corrected for the Cr contribution using a correction based on the Cr values from the long irradiations. The correction changed the Ti value by less than 5%. The Ti data flagged as being at or below the detection limit was not corrected for possible Cr interference.

Processing Description
  Data management office notes on supplementary fields - aerosols data lat, lon A nominal ship location is given in lat/lon. The location is the noon position most near the middle of the sampling period, e.g. for a sample which was pumped intermittently from Jan. 3 - 5, the location is given for noon, Jan. 4. Intended as an aid to understanding, not a discrete location. date_begin, date_end We have included the start and stop day for each sample which we believe constrains the sample time about as well as is useful for these data. We also have pump volume and thus a mean concentration of dust per cubic meter of air for that time frame. The actual number of hours sampled during a time block (number of days) is complicated to present. Pumps were turned on and off repetitively depending upon ship maneuvers and relative wind direction (to prevent ship exhaust contamination). Also, the total number of hours the pumps were on is a less useful measure than pump volume, because of the variability in pump efficiency due to changing barometric pressures. An hours worth of pumping does not always yield the same volume of air.


R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Start Date
End Date
Methods & Sampling
PI: Neil Tindale of: Texas A&M University dataset: Aerosols, long irradiation neutron activation analysis dates: January 08, 1995 to December 18, 1995 locations: N: 22.8459 S: 09.8871 W: 57.2609 E: 68.2687 project: Arabian Sea ship: Thomas Thompson Dr. Neil Tindale, Texas A & M Univ. JGOFS/Arabian Sea Aerosols, short and long irradiation neutron activation analysis JGOFS Arabian Sea Aerosol Data This mineral aerosol concentration data set is from samples collected during several cruises on the R/V Thomas Thompson during the JGOFS Arabian Sea field program. The data set includes the sampling period for each sample; the "Day of Year", yrday, number for the start of the sampling period for each sample; and the concentration of different elements for each sample, in micrograms per cubic meter. For the sampling period, "nd" is used as a filler to indicate "no data" gaps in the data array. The dust values are estimated using aluminum concentrations determined by neutron activation analysis. While most samples cover a multi-day period, we only have data for about 150 days. We didn't participate in all of the cruises and, on the cruises where samples were collected, often sampling conditions were less than ideal (bad weather, ship maneuvering, relative wind from astern etc.). A few samples that were collected showed obvious contamination from local sources, presumably from material from the R/V Thompson or from nearby fishing boats, and these samples were discarded and are not included in the data set. While the sampling period represents the period during which sampling occurred, sampling was usually not continuous. Sampling was frequently stopped, whenever sampling conditions were no longer suitable. Thus the concentration value at any particular date represents a time integrated sample which is usually non-continuous. Cautionary comments: 1. There may be a problem with the estimate for the mineral "dust" concentration. Most researchers use the average crustal ratio to estimate mineral dust concentrations using elemental concentration data (Al, Fe, etc.). Surface sand and silt samples that were collected in Oman in the Wahibah Sands region have distinct, non-crustal ratios. If individual aerosol samples are comprised of material from distinct sources, including Oman, then it is not unreasonable for their elemental ratios to differ from the published "average" crustal ratio that is used in most aerosol studies. 2. The amount of Ti in all the aerosol samples was small, despite there being a reasonable amount of dust material in most samples. The peaks for Cr and Ti overlap in the neutron activation short irradiation analysis and if significant quantities of Cr are present, this will interfere with the Ti analysis. With the exception of one sample, the Ti values are at or below the detection limit. The sole value above the detection limit was corrected for the Cr contribution using a correction based on the Cr values from the long irradiations. The correction changed the Ti value by less than 5%. The Ti data flagged as being at or below the detection limit was not corrected for possible Cr interference. Data management office notes on supplementary fields - aerosols data lat, lon A nominal ship location is given in lat/lon. The location is the noon position most near the middle of the sampling period, e.g. for a sample which was pumped intermittently from Jan. 3 - 5, the location is given for noon, Jan. 4. Intended as an aid to understanding, not a discrete location. date_begin, date_end We have included the start and stop day for each sample which we believe constrains the sample time about as well as is useful for these data. We also have pump volume and thus a mean concentration of dust per cubic meter of air for that time frame. The actual number of hours sampled during a time block (number of days) is complicated to present. Pumps were turned on and off repetitively depending upon ship maneuvers and relative wind direction (to prevent ship exhaust contamination). Also, the total number of hours the pumps were on is a less useful measure than pump volume, because of the variability in pump efficiency due to changing barometric pressures. An hours worth of pumping does not always yield the same volume of air.


R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Start Date
End Date
Methods & Sampling
PI: Neil Tindale of: Texas A&M University dataset: Aerosols, long irradiation neutron activation analysis dates: January 08, 1995 to December 18, 1995 locations: N: 22.8459 S: 09.8871 W: 57.2609 E: 68.2687 project: Arabian Sea ship: Thomas Thompson Dr. Neil Tindale, Texas A & M Univ. JGOFS/Arabian Sea Aerosols, short and long irradiation neutron activation analysis JGOFS Arabian Sea Aerosol Data This mineral aerosol concentration data set is from samples collected during several cruises on the R/V Thomas Thompson during the JGOFS Arabian Sea field program. The data set includes the sampling period for each sample; the "Day of Year", yrday, number for the start of the sampling period for each sample; and the concentration of different elements for each sample, in micrograms per cubic meter. For the sampling period, "nd" is used as a filler to indicate "no data" gaps in the data array. The dust values are estimated using aluminum concentrations determined by neutron activation analysis. While most samples cover a multi-day period, we only have data for about 150 days. We didn't participate in all of the cruises and, on the cruises where samples were collected, often sampling conditions were less than ideal (bad weather, ship maneuvering, relative wind from astern etc.). A few samples that were collected showed obvious contamination from local sources, presumably from material from the R/V Thompson or from nearby fishing boats, and these samples were discarded and are not included in the data set. While the sampling period represents the period during which sampling occurred, sampling was usually not continuous. Sampling was frequently stopped, whenever sampling conditions were no longer suitable. Thus the concentration value at any particular date represents a time integrated sample which is usually non-continuous. Cautionary comments: 1. There may be a problem with the estimate for the mineral "dust" concentration. Most researchers use the average crustal ratio to estimate mineral dust concentrations using elemental concentration data (Al, Fe, etc.). Surface sand and silt samples that were collected in Oman in the Wahibah Sands region have distinct, non-crustal ratios. If individual aerosol samples are comprised of material from distinct sources, including Oman, then it is not unreasonable for their elemental ratios to differ from the published "average" crustal ratio that is used in most aerosol studies. 2. The amount of Ti in all the aerosol samples was small, despite there being a reasonable amount of dust material in most samples. The peaks for Cr and Ti overlap in the neutron activation short irradiation analysis and if significant quantities of Cr are present, this will interfere with the Ti analysis. With the exception of one sample, the Ti values are at or below the detection limit. The sole value above the detection limit was corrected for the Cr contribution using a correction based on the Cr values from the long irradiations. The correction changed the Ti value by less than 5%. The Ti data flagged as being at or below the detection limit was not corrected for possible Cr interference. Data management office notes on supplementary fields - aerosols data lat, lon A nominal ship location is given in lat/lon. The location is the noon position most near the middle of the sampling period, e.g. for a sample which was pumped intermittently from Jan. 3 - 5, the location is given for noon, Jan. 4. Intended as an aid to understanding, not a discrete location. date_begin, date_end We have included the start and stop day for each sample which we believe constrains the sample time about as well as is useful for these data. We also have pump volume and thus a mean concentration of dust per cubic meter of air for that time frame. The actual number of hours sampled during a time block (number of days) is complicated to present. Pumps were turned on and off repetitively depending upon ship maneuvers and relative wind direction (to prevent ship exhaust contamination). Also, the total number of hours the pumps were on is a less useful measure than pump volume, because of the variability in pump efficiency due to changing barometric pressures. An hours worth of pumping does not always yield the same volume of air.


R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Start Date
End Date
Methods & Sampling
PI: Neil Tindale of: Texas A&M University dataset: Aerosols, long irradiation neutron activation analysis dates: January 08, 1995 to December 18, 1995 locations: N: 22.8459 S: 09.8871 W: 57.2609 E: 68.2687 project: Arabian Sea ship: Thomas Thompson  Dr. Neil Tindale, Texas A & M Univ. JGOFS/Arabian Sea Aerosols, short and long irradiation neutron activation analysis JGOFS Arabian Sea Aerosol Data This mineral aerosol concentration data set is from samples collected during several cruises on the R/V Thomas Thompson during the JGOFS Arabian Sea field program. The data set includes the sampling period for each sample; the "Day of Year", yrday, number for the start of the sampling period for each sample; and the concentration of different elements for each sample, in micrograms per cubic meter. For the sampling period, "nd" is used as a filler to indicate "no data" gaps in the data array. The dust values are estimated using aluminum concentrations determined by neutron activation analysis. While most samples cover a multi-day period, we only have data for about 150 days. We didn't participate in all of the cruises and, on the cruises where samples were collected, often sampling conditions were less than ideal (bad weather, ship maneuvering, relative wind from astern etc.). A few samples that were collected showed obvious contamination from local sources, presumably from material from the R/V Thompson or from nearby fishing boats, and these samples were discarded and are not included in the data set. While the sampling period represents the period during which sampling occurred, sampling was usually not continuous. Sampling was frequently stopped, whenever sampling conditions were no longer suitable. Thus the concentration value at any particular date represents a time integrated sample which is usually non-continuous. Cautionary comments: 1. There may be a problem with the estimate for the mineral "dust" concentration. Most researchers use the average crustal ratio to estimate mineral dust concentrations using elemental concentration data (Al, Fe, etc.). Surface sand and silt samples that were collected in Oman in the Wahibah Sands region have distinct, non-crustal ratios. If individual aerosol samples are comprised of material from distinct sources, including Oman, then it is not unreasonable for their elemental ratios to differ from the published "average" crustal ratio that is used in most aerosol studies. 2. The amount of Ti in all the aerosol samples was small, despite there being a reasonable amount of dust material in most samples. The peaks for Cr and Ti overlap in the neutron activation short irradiation analysis and if significant quantities of Cr are present, this will interfere with the Ti analysis. With the exception of one sample, the Ti values are at or below the detection limit. The sole value above the detection limit was corrected for the Cr contribution using a correction based on the Cr values from the long irradiations. The correction changed the Ti value by less than 5%. The Ti data flagged as being at or below the detection limit was not corrected for possible Cr interference.  Data management office notes on supplementary fields - aerosols data lat, lon A nominal ship location is given in lat/lon. The location is the noon position most near the middle of the sampling period, e.g. for a sample which was pumped intermittently from Jan. 3 - 5, the location is given for noon, Jan. 4. Intended as an aid to understanding, not a discrete location. date_begin, date_end We have included the start and stop day for each sample which we believe constrains the sample time about as well as is useful for these data. We also have pump volume and thus a mean concentration of dust per cubic meter of air for that time frame. The actual number of hours sampled during a time block (number of days) is complicated to present. Pumps were turned on and off repetitively depending upon ship maneuvers and relative wind direction (to prevent ship exhaust contamination). Also, the total number of hours the pumps were on is a less useful measure than pump volume, because of the variability in pump efficiency due to changing barometric pressures. An hours worth of pumping does not always yield the same volume of air.


R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Start Date
End Date
Methods & Sampling
PI: Neil Tindale of: Texas A&M University dataset: Aerosols, long irradiation neutron activation analysis dates: January 08, 1995 to December 18, 1995 locations: N: 22.8459 S: 09.8871 W: 57.2609 E: 68.2687 project: Arabian Sea ship: Thomas Thompson Dr. Neil Tindale, Texas A & M Univ. JGOFS/Arabian Sea Aerosols, short and long irradiation neutron activation analysis JGOFS Arabian Sea Aerosol Data This mineral aerosol concentration data set is from samples collected during several cruises on the R/V Thomas Thompson during the JGOFS Arabian Sea field program. The data set includes the sampling period for each sample; the "Day of Year", yrday, number for the start of the sampling period for each sample; and the concentration of different elements for each sample, in micrograms per cubic meter. For the sampling period, "nd" is used as a filler to indicate "no data" gaps in the data array. The dust values are estimated using aluminum concentrations determined by neutron activation analysis. While most samples cover a multi-day period, we only have data for about 150 days. We didn't participate in all of the cruises and, on the cruises where samples were collected, often sampling conditions were less than ideal (bad weather, ship maneuvering, relative wind from astern etc.). A few samples that were collected showed obvious contamination from local sources, presumably from material from the R/V Thompson or from nearby fishing boats, and these samples were discarded and are not included in the data set. While the sampling period represents the period during which sampling occurred, sampling was usually not continuous. Sampling was frequently stopped, whenever sampling conditions were no longer suitable. Thus the concentration value at any particular date represents a time integrated sample which is usually non-continuous. Cautionary comments: 1. There may be a problem with the estimate for the mineral "dust" concentration. Most researchers use the average crustal ratio to estimate mineral dust concentrations using elemental concentration data (Al, Fe, etc.). Surface sand and silt samples that were collected in Oman in the Wahibah Sands region have distinct, non-crustal ratios. If individual aerosol samples are comprised of material from distinct sources, including Oman, then it is not unreasonable for their elemental ratios to differ from the published "average" crustal ratio that is used in most aerosol studies. 2. The amount of Ti in all the aerosol samples was small, despite there being a reasonable amount of dust material in most samples. The peaks for Cr and Ti overlap in the neutron activation short irradiation analysis and if significant quantities of Cr are present, this will interfere with the Ti analysis. With the exception of one sample, the Ti values are at or below the detection limit. The sole value above the detection limit was corrected for the Cr contribution using a correction based on the Cr values from the long irradiations. The correction changed the Ti value by less than 5%. The Ti data flagged as being at or below the detection limit was not corrected for possible Cr interference. Data management office notes on supplementary fields - aerosols data lat, lon A nominal ship location is given in lat/lon. The location is the noon position most near the middle of the sampling period, e.g. for a sample which was pumped intermittently from Jan. 3 - 5, the location is given for noon, Jan. 4. Intended as an aid to understanding, not a discrete location. date_begin, date_end We have included the start and stop day for each sample which we believe constrains the sample time about as well as is useful for these data. We also have pump volume and thus a mean concentration of dust per cubic meter of air for that time frame. The actual number of hours sampled during a time block (number of days) is complicated to present. Pumps were turned on and off repetitively depending upon ship maneuvers and relative wind direction (to prevent ship exhaust contamination). Also, the total number of hours the pumps were on is a less useful measure than pump volume, because of the variability in pump efficiency due to changing barometric pressures. An hours worth of pumping does not always yield the same volume of air.


R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Start Date
End Date
Methods & Sampling
PI: Neil Tindale of: Texas A&M University dataset: Aerosols, long irradiation neutron activation analysis dates: January 08, 1995 to December 18, 1995 locations: N: 22.8459 S: 09.8871 W: 57.2609 E: 68.2687 project: Arabian Sea ship: Thomas Thompson Dr. Neil Tindale, Texas A & M Univ. JGOFS/Arabian Sea Aerosols, short and long irradiation neutron activation analysis JGOFS Arabian Sea Aerosol Data This mineral aerosol concentration data set is from samples collected during several cruises on the R/V Thomas Thompson during the JGOFS Arabian Sea field program. The data set includes the sampling period for each sample; the "Day of Year", yrday, number for the start of the sampling period for each sample; and the concentration of different elements for each sample, in micrograms per cubic meter. For the sampling period, "nd" is used as a filler to indicate "no data" gaps in the data array. The dust values are estimated using aluminum concentrations determined by neutron activation analysis. While most samples cover a multi-day period, we only have data for about 150 days. We didn't participate in all of the cruises and, on the cruises where samples were collected, often sampling conditions were less than ideal (bad weather, ship maneuvering, relative wind from astern etc.). A few samples that were collected showed obvious contamination from local sources, presumably from material from the R/V Thompson or from nearby fishing boats, and these samples were discarded and are not included in the data set. While the sampling period represents the period during which sampling occurred, sampling was usually not continuous. Sampling was frequently stopped, whenever sampling conditions were no longer suitable. Thus the concentration value at any particular date represents a time integrated sample which is usually non-continuous. Cautionary comments: 1. There may be a problem with the estimate for the mineral "dust" concentration. Most researchers use the average crustal ratio to estimate mineral dust concentrations using elemental concentration data (Al, Fe, etc.). Surface sand and silt samples that were collected in Oman in the Wahibah Sands region have distinct, non-crustal ratios. If individual aerosol samples are comprised of material from distinct sources, including Oman, then it is not unreasonable for their elemental ratios to differ from the published "average" crustal ratio that is used in most aerosol studies. 2. The amount of Ti in all the aerosol samples was small, despite there being a reasonable amount of dust material in most samples. The peaks for Cr and Ti overlap in the neutron activation short irradiation analysis and if significant quantities of Cr are present, this will interfere with the Ti analysis. With the exception of one sample, the Ti values are at or below the detection limit. The sole value above the detection limit was corrected for the Cr contribution using a correction based on the Cr values from the long irradiations. The correction changed the Ti value by less than 5%. The Ti data flagged as being at or below the detection limit was not corrected for possible Cr interference. Data management office notes on supplementary fields - aerosols data lat, lon A nominal ship location is given in lat/lon. The location is the noon position most near the middle of the sampling period, e.g. for a sample which was pumped intermittently from Jan. 3 - 5, the location is given for noon, Jan. 4. Intended as an aid to understanding, not a discrete location. date_begin, date_end We have included the start and stop day for each sample which we believe constrains the sample time about as well as is useful for these data. We also have pump volume and thus a mean concentration of dust per cubic meter of air for that time frame. The actual number of hours sampled during a time block (number of days) is complicated to present. Pumps were turned on and off repetitively depending upon ship maneuvers and relative wind direction (to prevent ship exhaust contamination). Also, the total number of hours the pumps were on is a less useful measure than pump volume, because of the variability in pump efficiency due to changing barometric pressures. An hours worth of pumping does not always yield the same volume of air.


R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Start Date
End Date
Methods & Sampling
PI: Neil Tindale of: Texas A&M University dataset: Aerosols, long irradiation neutron activation analysis dates: January 08, 1995 to December 18, 1995 locations: N: 22.8459 S: 09.8871 W: 57.2609 E: 68.2687 project: Arabian Sea ship: Thomas Thompson Dr. Neil Tindale, Texas A & M Univ. JGOFS/Arabian Sea Aerosols, short and long irradiation neutron activation analysis JGOFS Arabian Sea Aerosol Data This mineral aerosol concentration data set is from samples collected during several cruises on the R/V Thomas Thompson during the JGOFS Arabian Sea field program. The data set includes the sampling period for each sample; the "Day of Year", yrday, number for the start of the sampling period for each sample; and the concentration of different elements for each sample, in micrograms per cubic meter. For the sampling period, "nd" is used as a filler to indicate "no data" gaps in the data array. The dust values are estimated using aluminum concentrations determined by neutron activation analysis. While most samples cover a multi-day period, we only have data for about 150 days. We didn't participate in all of the cruises and, on the cruises where samples were collected, often sampling conditions were less than ideal (bad weather, ship maneuvering, relative wind from astern etc.). A few samples that were collected showed obvious contamination from local sources, presumably from material from the R/V Thompson or from nearby fishing boats, and these samples were discarded and are not included in the data set. While the sampling period represents the period during which sampling occurred, sampling was usually not continuous. Sampling was frequently stopped, whenever sampling conditions were no longer suitable. Thus the concentration value at any particular date represents a time integrated sample which is usually non-continuous. Cautionary comments: 1. There may be a problem with the estimate for the mineral "dust" concentration. Most researchers use the average crustal ratio to estimate mineral dust concentrations using elemental concentration data (Al, Fe, etc.). Surface sand and silt samples that were collected in Oman in the Wahibah Sands region have distinct, non-crustal ratios. If individual aerosol samples are comprised of material from distinct sources, including Oman, then it is not unreasonable for their elemental ratios to differ from the published "average" crustal ratio that is used in most aerosol studies. 2. The amount of Ti in all the aerosol samples was small, despite there being a reasonable amount of dust material in most samples. The peaks for Cr and Ti overlap in the neutron activation short irradiation analysis and if significant quantities of Cr are present, this will interfere with the Ti analysis. With the exception of one sample, the Ti values are at or below the detection limit. The sole value above the detection limit was corrected for the Cr contribution using a correction based on the Cr values from the long irradiations. The correction changed the Ti value by less than 5%. The Ti data flagged as being at or below the detection limit was not corrected for possible Cr interference. Data management office notes on supplementary fields - aerosols data lat, lon A nominal ship location is given in lat/lon. The location is the noon position most near the middle of the sampling period, e.g. for a sample which was pumped intermittently from Jan. 3 - 5, the location is given for noon, Jan. 4. Intended as an aid to understanding, not a discrete location. date_begin, date_end We have included the start and stop day for each sample which we believe constrains the sample time about as well as is useful for these data. We also have pump volume and thus a mean concentration of dust per cubic meter of air for that time frame. The actual number of hours sampled during a time block (number of days) is complicated to present. Pumps were turned on and off repetitively depending upon ship maneuvers and relative wind direction (to prevent ship exhaust contamination). Also, the total number of hours the pumps were on is a less useful measure than pump volume, because of the variability in pump efficiency due to changing barometric pressures. An hours worth of pumping does not always yield the same volume of air.


R/V Thomas G. Thompson
Start Date
End Date
Methods & Sampling
PI: Neil Tindale of: Texas A&M University dataset: Aerosols, long irradiation neutron activation analysis dates: January 08, 1995 to December 18, 1995 locations: N: 22.8459 S: 09.8871 W: 57.2609 E: 68.2687 project: Arabian Sea ship: Thomas Thompson Dr. Neil Tindale, Texas A & M Univ. JGOFS/Arabian Sea Aerosols, short and long irradiation neutron activation analysis JGOFS Arabian Sea Aerosol Data This mineral aerosol concentration data set is from samples collected during several cruises on the R/V Thomas Thompson during the JGOFS Arabian Sea field program. The data set includes the sampling period for each sample; the "Day of Year", yrday, number for the start of the sampling period for each sample; and the concentration of different elements for each sample, in micrograms per cubic meter. For the sampling period, "nd" is used as a filler to indicate "no data" gaps in the data array. The dust values are estimated using aluminum concentrations determined by neutron activation analysis. While most samples cover a multi-day period, we only have data for about 150 days. We didn't participate in all of the cruises and, on the cruises where samples were collected, often sampling conditions were less than ideal (bad weather, ship maneuvering, relative wind from astern etc.). A few samples that were collected showed obvious contamination from local sources, presumably from material from the R/V Thompson or from nearby fishing boats, and these samples were discarded and are not included in the data set. While the sampling period represents the period during which sampling occurred, sampling was usually not continuous. Sampling was frequently stopped, whenever sampling conditions were no longer suitable. Thus the concentration value at any particular date represents a time integrated sample which is usually non-continuous. Cautionary comments: 1. There may be a problem with the estimate for the mineral "dust" concentration. Most researchers use the average crustal ratio to estimate mineral dust concentrations using elemental concentration data (Al, Fe, etc.). Surface sand and silt samples that were collected in Oman in the Wahibah Sands region have distinct, non-crustal ratios. If individual aerosol samples are comprised of material from distinct sources, including Oman, then it is not unreasonable for their elemental ratios to differ from the published "average" crustal ratio that is used in most aerosol studies. 2. The amount of Ti in all the aerosol samples was small, despite there being a reasonable amount of dust material in most samples. The peaks for Cr and Ti overlap in the neutron activation short irradiation analysis and if significant quantities of Cr are present, this will interfere with the Ti analysis. With the exception of one sample, the Ti values are at or below the detection limit. The sole value above the detection limit was corrected for the Cr contribution using a correction based on the Cr values from the long irradiations. The correction changed the Ti value by less than 5%. The Ti data flagged as being at or below the detection limit was not corrected for possible Cr interference. Data management office notes on supplementary fields - aerosols data lat, lon A nominal ship location is given in lat/lon. The location is the noon position most near the middle of the sampling period, e.g. for a sample which was pumped intermittently from Jan. 3 - 5, the location is given for noon, Jan. 4. Intended as an aid to understanding, not a discrete location. date_begin, date_end We have included the start and stop day for each sample which we believe constrains the sample time about as well as is useful for these data. We also have pump volume and thus a mean concentration of dust per cubic meter of air for that time frame. The actual number of hours sampled during a time block (number of days) is complicated to present. Pumps were turned on and off repetitively depending upon ship maneuvers and relative wind direction (to prevent ship exhaust contamination). Also, the total number of hours the pumps were on is a less useful measure than pump volume, because of the variability in pump efficiency due to changing barometric pressures. An hours worth of pumping does not always yield the same volume of air.

[ table of contents | back to top ]

Project Information

U.S. JGOFS Arabian Sea (Arabian Sea)

Coverage: Arabian Sea

The U.S. Arabian Sea Expedition which began in September 1994 and ended in January 1996, had three major components: a U.S. JGOFS Process Study, supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF); Forced Upper Ocean Dynamics, an Office of Naval Research (ONR) initiative; and shipboard and aircraft measurements supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The Expedition consisted of 17 cruises aboard the R/V Thomas Thompson, year-long moored deployments of five instrumented surface buoys and five sediment-trap arrays, aircraft overflights and satellite observations. Of the seventeen ship cruises, six were allocated to repeat process survey cruises, four to SeaSoar mapping cruises, six to mooring and benthic work, and a single calibration cruise which was essentially conducted in transit to the Arabian Sea.

[ table of contents | back to top ]

Program Information

U.S. Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (U.S. JGOFS)

Coverage: Global

The United States Joint Global Ocean Flux Study was a national component of international JGOFS and an integral part of global climate change research.

The U.S. launched the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) in the late 1980s to study the ocean carbon cycle. An ambitious goal was set to understand the controls on the concentrations and fluxes of carbon and associated nutrients in the ocean. A new field of ocean biogeochemistry emerged with an emphasis on quality measurements of carbon system parameters and interdisciplinary field studies of the biological, chemical and physical process which control the ocean carbon cycle. As we studied ocean biogeochemistry, we learned that our simple views of carbon uptake and transport were severely limited, and a new "wave" of ocean science was born. U.S. JGOFS has been supported primarily by the U.S. National Science Foundation in collaboration with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Department of Energy and the Office of Naval Research. U.S. JGOFS, ended in 2005 with the conclusion of the Synthesis and Modeling Project (SMP).

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Funding SourceAward
National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA)

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