Contributors | Affiliation | Role |
Lamborg, Carl | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) | Principal Investigator |
Buesseler, Kenneth O. | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) | Co-Principal Investigator |
Chandler, Cynthia L. | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI BCO-DMO) | BCO-DMO Data Manager |
Sediment Trap Fluxes of mass, elements and phytoplankton pigments
(see platform deployments)
(see platform deployments)
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sedtrapflux_KM0414.csv (Comma Separated Values (.csv), 8.12 KB) MD5:cd36df96fdb7201a57ecd1add0cb9ee3 version: 06 February 2009 PIs: Lamborg, Buesseler Sediment Trap Fluxes of mass, elements and phytoplankton pigments |
sedtrapflux_ZHNG09RR.csv (Comma Separated Values (.csv), 4.69 KB) MD5:2811fce0d1155765db50f48dcdcd6b91 version: 06 February 2009 PIs: Lamborg, Buesseler " Sediment Trap Fluxes of mass, elements and phytoplankton pigments" |
Parameter | Description | Units |
Site | ALOHA or K2 | text |
date | date sampling began (GMT) | YYYYMMDD |
event | unique sampling event | dimensionless |
ev_code | event code from cruise log | alphanumeric |
lon | longitude, negative denotes West | decimal degs |
lat | latitude, negative denotes South | decimal degs |
Deployment | First or second during cruise | text |
Device | Trap type identifier | text |
Depth | Depth of sediment trap | meters |
Mass_f | Total mass flux | milligrams m-2 day-1 |
Mass_f_err | Total mass flux error | milligrams m-2 day-1 |
TC_f | Total Carbon flux | millimoles m-2 day-1 |
TC_f_err | Total Carbon flux error | millimoles m-2 day-1 |
N_f | Total Nitrogen flux | millimoles m-2 day-1 |
N_f_err | Total Nitrogen flux error | millimoles m-2 day-1 |
PO4_f | Total Phosphate flux | micromoles m-2 day-1 |
PO4_f_err | Total Phosphate flux error | micromoles m-2 day-1 |
PIC_f | particulate inorganic carbon flux | micromoles m-2 day-1 |
PIC_f_err | particulate inorganic carbon flux error | micromoles m-2 day-1 |
POC_f | particulate organic carbon flux | millimoles m-2 day-1 |
POC_f_err | particulate organic carbon flux error | millimoles m-2 day-1 |
bSi_f | biogenic Silica flux | micromoles m-2 day-1 |
bSi_f_err | biogenic Silica flux error | micromoles m-2 day-1 |
Th234_f | Thorium 234 flux | dpm m-2 day-1 |
Th234_f_err | Thorium 234 flux error | dpm m-2 day-1 |
Ba_f | Barium flux | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Ba_f_err | Barium flux error | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Al_f | Aluminum flux | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Al_f_err | Aluminum flux error | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Ca_f | Calcium flux | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Ca_f_err | Calcium flux error | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Sr_f | Strontium flux | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Sr_f_err | Strontium flux error | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Sc_f | Scandium flux | nanograms m-2 day-1 |
Sc_f_err | Scandium flux error | nanograms m-2 day-1 |
V_f | Vanadium flux | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
V_f_err | Vanadium flux error | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Mn_f | Manganese flux | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Mn_f_err | Manganese flux error | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Fe_f | Iron flux | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Fe_f_err | Iron flux error | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Co_f | Cobalt flux | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Co_f_err | Cobalt flux error | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Cu_f | Copper flux | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Cu_f_err | Copper flux error | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Zn_f | Zinc flux | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Zn_f_err | Zinc flux error | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
chl_c_f | chlorophyll c flux | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
chl_c_f_err | chlorophyll c flux error | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Per_f | peridinin flux | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Per_f_err | peridinin flux error | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
But_f | 19-prime-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin flux | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
But_f_err | 19-prime-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin flux error | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Fuco_f | fucoxanthin flux | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Fuco_f_err | fucoxanthin flux error | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Hex_f | 19-prime-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin flux | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Hex_f_err | 19-prime-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin flux error | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Viola_f | violaxanthin flux | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Viola_f_err | violaxanthin flux error | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
DDX_f | diadinoxanthin flux | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
DDX_f_err | diadinoxanthin flux error | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Lut_f | lutein flux | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Lut_f_err | lutein flux error | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Zeax_f | zeaxanthin flux | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Zeax_f_err | zeaxanthin flux error | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
chl_b_mv_f | chlorophyll b, monovinyl flux | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
chl_b_mv_f_err | chlorophyll b, monovinyl flux error | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
car_a_f | carotene-alpha flux | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
car_a_f_err | carotene-alpha flux error | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
car_b_f | carotene-beta flux | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
car_b_f_err | carotene-beta flux error | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
chl_a_dv_f | chlorophyll a, divinyl flux | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
chl_a_dv_f_err | chlorophyll a, divinyl flux error | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
chl_a_mv_f | chlorophyll a, monovinyl flux | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
chl_a_mv_f_err | chlorophyll a, monovinyl flux error | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
chl_a_tot_f | sum of chlorophyll a like compounds flux | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
chl_a_f_tot_err | sum of chlorophyll a like compounds flux error | micrograms m-2 day-1 |
Dataset-specific Instrument Name | Neutrally Buoyant Sediment Trap |
Generic Instrument Name | Neutrally Buoyant Sediment Trap |
Generic Instrument Description | In general, sediment traps are specially designed containers deployed in the water column for periods of time to collect particles from the water column falling toward the sea floor. The Neutrally Buoyant Sediment Trap (NBST) was designed by researchers at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. The central cylinder of the NBST controls buoyancy and houses a satellite transmitter. The other tubes collect sediment as the trap drifts in currents at a predetermined depth. The samples are collected when the tubes snap shut before the trap returns to the surface. (more: |
Website | |
Platform | R/V Kilo Moana |
Start Date | 2004-06-20 |
End Date | 2004-07-10 |
Description | VERTIGO project expedition to the U.S. Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOT) site, near the deep-water Station ALOHA (A Long-Term Oligotrophic Habitat Assessment; 22° 45'N, 158° 00'W) located 100 km north of Oahu, Hawaii. Funded by: NSF OCE-0301139
Related information:
VERTIGO cruise information from the VERTIGO Project site:
HOT Web site:
Original cruise data are available from the NSF R2R data catalog: Methods & Sampling Methodology: Methodology Change history: YYMMDD 080710: contributed by Carl Lamborg 081114: date, event, ev_code, lon, lat from cruise logs merged with original data 081114: added to OCB database; Steve Gegg (, BCO DMO 090206: minor edits to some parameter names to conform to OCB convention DMO Note: Used common "device" id from these data to determine sample position, date and event code for sed trap data KM0414 event log |
Website | |
Platform | R/V Roger Revelle |
Start Date | 2005-07-21 |
End Date | 2005-08-27 |
Description | VERTIGO 2005 expedition to the K2site in the NW Pacific near 45° N and 160° E
Funded by: NSF OCE-0301139
Cruise information from the VERTIGO project site:
Original cruise data for the Revelle are available from the NSF R2R data catalog: Methods & Sampling Methodology: Methodology Change history: YYMMDD 080710: contributed by Carl Lamborg 081114: date, event, ev_code, lon, lat from cruise logs merged with original data 081114: added to OCB database; Steve Gegg (, BCO DMO 090206: minor edits to some parameter names to conform to OCB convention DMO Note: Used common "device" id from these data to determine sample position, date and event code for sed trap data RR_K2 event log |
NSF Award Abstract:
In this study, researchers at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, University of California - Santa Cruz, University of California - Santa Barbara, University of Tasmania, and NIWA-Australia will work collaboratively to answer a difficult question in marine biogeochemistry: What controls the efficiency of particle transport between the surface and deep ocean? More specifically, what is the fate of sinking particles leaving the upper ocean and what factors influence remineralization length scales for different sinking particle classes? Knowing the efficiency of particle transport is important for an accurate assessment of the ocean carbon sink. Globally, the magnitude and efficiency of the biological pump will in part modulate levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide.
The research team intends to test two basic hypotheses about remineralization control, namely: (1) particle source characteristics are the dominant control on the efficiency of particle transport; and/or that (2) mid-water processing, either by zooplankton or bacteria, controls transport efficiency. To do so, they will conduct process studies at sea focused on particle flux and composition changes in the upper 500-1000m of the ocean. The basic approach is to examine changes in particle composition and flux with depth within a given source region using a combination of approaches, many of which are new to the field. These include neutrally buoyant sediment traps, particle pumps, settling columns and respiration chambers, along with the development of new biological and geochemical tools for an integrated biogeochemical assessment of the biological pump. Two sites will be studied extensively on three-week process study cruises: the Hawaii Ocean Time-series site (HOT) and a new moored time-series site in the subarctic NW Pacific (Japanese site K2; 47oN 160oE). There are strong contrasts between these sites in rates of production, export, particle composition and expected remineralization length scales.
Evidence for variability in the flux vs. depth relationship of sinking particles is not in dispute, but the controls on particle transport efficiency through the twilight zone remain poorly understood. A lack of reliable flux and particle characterization data within the twilight zone has hampered our ability to make progress in this area, and no single approach is likely to resolve these issues. The proposed study will apply quantitative modeling to determine the net effects of the individual particle processes on the effective transport of carbon and other elements and to place the shipboard observations in the context of spatial and temporal variations in these processes
Besides the obvious contributions to the study of the oceanic and planetary carbon cycles, there are broader outcomes and impacts forthcoming from this project. Graduate and undergraduate students will be included in all aspects of the research, and the involvement of non-US PIs will encourage exchange of students and post-docs between labs in different countries. In addition, the component groups will continue to maintain science web sites designed for both public and scientific exchange where the broader and specific goals and outcomes of this work can be communicated.
Original PI-provided project description:
The main goal of VERTIGO is the investigation of the mechanisms that control the efficiency of particle transport through the mesopelagic portion of the water column.
Question: What controls the efficiency of particle transport between the surface and deep ocean? More specifically, what is the fate of sinking particles leaving the upper ocean and what factors influence remineralization length scales for different sinking particle classes? VERTIGO researchers have set out to test two basic hypotheses regarding remineralization control, namely:
1. particle source characteristics are the dominant control on the efficiency of particle transport; and/or that
2. mid-water processing, either by zooplankton or bacteria, controls transport efficiency.
To test their hypotheses, they will conduct process studies in the field focused on particle flux and composition changes in the upper 500-1000m of the ocean. The basic approach is to examine changes in particle composition and flux with depth within a given source region using a combination of approaches, many of which are new to the field. These include neutrally buoyant sediment traps, particle pumps, settling columns and respiration chambers, along with the development of new biological and geochemical tools for an integrated biogeochemical assessment of the biological pump. Three week process study cruises have been planned at two sites - the Hawaii Ocean Time-series site (HOT) and a new moored time-series site in the subarctic NW Pacific (Japanese site K2; 47oN 160oE) - where there are strong contrasts in rates of production, export, particle composition and expected remineralization length scales.
Evidence for variability in the flux vs. depth relationship of sinking particles is not in dispute but the controls on particle transport efficiency through the twilight zone remain poorly understood. A lack of reliable flux and particle characterization data within the twilight zone has hampered our ability to make progress in this area, and no single approach is likely to resolve these issues. The proposed study will apply quantitative modeling to determine the net effects of the individual particle processes on the effective transport of carbon and other elements, and to place the shipboard observations in the context of spatial and temporal variations in these processes. For rapid progress in this area, we have organized this effort as a group proposal taking advantage of expertise in the US and international community.
The efficiency of particle transport is important for an accurate assessment of the ocean C sink. Globally, the magnitude and efficiency of the biological pump will in part modulate levels of atmospheric CO2. We maintain that to understand present day ocean C sequestration and to evaluate potential strategies for enhancing sequestration, we need to assess possible changes in the efficiency of particle transport due to climate variability or via purposeful manipulations of C uptake, such as via iron fertilization.
VERTIGO Acknowledgments: (from K.O. Buesseler, et al / Deep-Sea Research II 55 (2008) 1522-1539) We thank the officers, crew and shore-based support teams for the R/V Kilo Moana (2004) and R/V Roger Revelle (2005). Funding for VERTIGO was provided primarily by research grants from the US National Science Foundation Programs in Chemical and Biological Oceanography (KOB, CHL, MWS, DKS, DAS). Additional US and non-US grants included: US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Biological and Environmental Research Program (JKBB); the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (DMK); the Australian Cooperative Research Centre program and Australian Antarctic Division (TWT); Chinese NSFC and MOST programs (NZJ); Research Foundation Flanders and Vrije Universiteit Brussel (FD, ME); JAMSTEC (MCH); New Zealand Public Good Science Foundation (PWB); and internal WHOI sources and a contribution from the John Aure and Cathryn Ann Hansen Buesseler Foundation (KOB). A number of individuals at sea and on shore, helped make the VERTIGO project a success, including: J. Andrews, C. Bertrand, R. Bidigare III, S. Bray, K. Casciotti, M. Charette, R. Condon, J. Cope, E. Fields, M. Gall, M. Gonneea, P. Henderson, T. Kobari, D. Kunz, S. Saitoh, S. Manganini, C. Moy, S. Okamoto, S. Pike, L. Robertson, D. Ruddick and Y. Zhang. Suggestions by three anonymous reviewers and help by the editor, R. Lampitt, are also greatly appreciated.
The Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry (OCB) program focuses on the ocean's role as a component of the global Earth system, bringing together research in geochemistry, ocean physics, and ecology that inform on and advance our understanding of ocean biogeochemistry. The overall program goals are to promote, plan, and coordinate collaborative, multidisciplinary research opportunities within the U.S. research community and with international partners. Important OCB-related activities currently include: the Ocean Carbon and Climate Change (OCCC) and the North American Carbon Program (NACP); U.S. contributions to IMBER, SOLAS, CARBOOCEAN; and numerous U.S. single-investigator and medium-size research projects funded by U.S. federal agencies including NASA, NOAA, and NSF.
The scientific mission of OCB is to study the evolving role of the ocean in the global carbon cycle, in the face of environmental variability and change through studies of marine biogeochemical cycles and associated ecosystems.
The overarching OCB science themes include improved understanding and prediction of: 1) oceanic uptake and release of atmospheric CO2 and other greenhouse gases and 2) environmental sensitivities of biogeochemical cycles, marine ecosystems, and interactions between the two.
The OCB Research Priorities (updated January 2012) include: ocean acidification; terrestrial/coastal carbon fluxes and exchanges; climate sensitivities of and change in ecosystem structure and associated impacts on biogeochemical cycles; mesopelagic ecological and biogeochemical interactions; benthic-pelagic feedbacks on biogeochemical cycles; ocean carbon uptake and storage; and expanding low-oxygen conditions in the coastal and open oceans.
Funding Source | Award |
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE) |