Dataset: Video Plankton Recorder (VPR) raw data file collection from R/V Oceanus OC404-01, OC404-04, OC415-01, OC415-03 in the Sargasso Sea, 2004-2005 (EDDIES project)

Final no updates expectedVersion 25 October 2007 (2007-10-25)Dataset Type:Unknown

Principal Investigator: Cabell S. Davis (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Co-Principal Investigator: Dennis J. McGillicuddy (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

BCO-DMO Data Manager: Cynthia L. Chandler (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Program: Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry (OCB)

Project: Eddies Dynamics, Mixing, Export, and Species composition (EDDIES)

EDDIES OC404 and OC415 cruises
VPR raw data files

PI: Cabell Davis (WHOI)

25 October 2007: Prepared for OCB data system by Cyndy Chandler, BCO-DMO (MCG Dept, WHOI).

Video Plankton Recorder (VPR) Raw Data File Collection

The WHOI Ocean Instruments Web site has a general description of the VPR.

The VPR data files have not been processed yet for the EDDIES cruises. A complete set of raw data files for each cruise is available from the links below. There are two links for each cruise: (1) a .tar.gz (UNIX compressed file archive) and (2) a text file listing the files in each compressed archive.

Each OC404 (2 cruises in 2004) VPR file set includes these subdirectories:

and these zipped file archives:

Each OC415 (2 cruises in 2005) VPR file set includes:
a VPRstartup_readme.txt file
and these subdirectories:

The raw VPR data file collection organized by cruise

The VPR files for each cruise are packaged into several tar files to keep the size of the individual tar archives below the 2 GB maximum for the data server.

Cruise ID Listing of Files in Compressed tar Compressed tar of VPR Data Files
OC404-1 2004 Survey 1

Total size: 16 GB

part 1 listing (< 1 MB)
part 2 listing (< 1 MB)
part 3 listing (< 1 MB)
part 3B listing (< 1 MB)
part 4 listing (< 1 MB)
part 4B listing (< 1 MB)
part 5 listing (< 1 MB)
part 5B listing (< 1 MB)
part 6 listing (< 1 MB)
part 6B listing (< 1 MB)
part 7 listing (< 1 MB)
part 8 listing (< 1 MB)
data part 1 (1.0 GB)
data part 2 (1.6 GB)
data part 3 (1.0 GB)
data part 3B (1.4 GB)
data part 4 (2.0 GB)
data part 4B (.8 GB)
data part 5 (.7 GB)
data part 5B (1.4 GB)
data part 6 (.7 GB)
data part 6B (1.9 GB)
data part 7 (1.9 GB)
data part 8 (1.8 GB)
OC404-4 2004 Survey 2
Total size: 4.1 GB
part 1 listing (< 1 MB)
part 2 listing (< 1 MB)
part 3 listing (2 MB)
data part 1 (291 MB)
data part 2 (1.7 GB)
data part 3 (1.6 GB)
OC415-1 2005 Survey 1
Total size: 6.2 GB
part 1 listing (15 MB)
part 2 listing (7 MB)
part 3 listing (7 MB)
data part 1 (1.6 GB)
data part 2 (763 MB)
data part 3 (748 MB)
OC415-3 2005 Survey 2
Total size: 3.4 GB
archive listing (15 MB) data files (1.6 GB all in one archive)

Hint: To work with the raw files files, make a separate subdirectory for the cruise and download the compressed data file tar files to that cruise subdirectory. Then decompress and unpack only the .tar.gz files for that cruise into that cruise subdirectory. For example, to work with the VPR data files from OC415-1, the 2005 Survey 1 cruise, on a linux system:

  1. mkdir OC415-1; cd OC415-1
  2. download all the 3 .tar.gz files for cruise OC415-1 . . .
  3. gunzip oc415_1.raw_part1.tar.gz
  4. tar -xvf oc415_1.raw_part1.tar
  5. repeat for each oc415_1.raw_part*.tar file

After all the OC415-1 tar files are unpacked, they will require about 3.4 GB of disk space (the Total size noted in column 1), and you should have a collection of subdirectories similar to those listed above for OC415 VPR file set.


Anyone trying to use these raw VPR files is encouraged to contact either Dennis McGillicuddy or Cabell Davis with any questions.

Dennis McGillicuddy
Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
MS #11, Bigelow 209A
Woods Hole, Ma. 02543
Office Phone: +1 508 289 2683

Cabell S. Davis
Biology Department
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
MS #33, Redfield 2-20
Woods Hole, Ma. 02543
Office Phone: +1 508 289 2333

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