Contributors | Affiliation | Role |
Muller-Karger, Frank | University of South Florida (USF) | Lead Principal Investigator, Principal Investigator |
Astor, Yrene | Estacion de Investigaciones Marinas de Margarita (EDIMAR-FLASA) | Principal Investigator |
Scranton, Mary I. | Stony Brook University - MSRC (SUNY-SB MSRC) | Principal Investigator |
Taylor, Gordon T. | Stony Brook University - MSRC (SUNY-SB MSRC) | Principal Investigator |
Thunell, Robert C. | University of South Carolina | Principal Investigator |
Varela, Ramon | Estacion de Investigaciones Marinas de Margarita (EDIMAR-FLASA) | Principal Investigator |
Benitez-Nelson, Claudia R. | University of South Carolina | Co-Principal Investigator |
Buck, Kristen Nicolle | University of South Florida (USF) | Co-Principal Investigator |
Fanning, Kent | University of South Florida (USF) | Co-Principal Investigator |
Capelo, Juan | Estacion de Investigaciones Marinas de Margarita (EDIMAR-FLASA) | Scientist |
Gutierrez, Javier | Estacion de Investigaciones Marinas de Margarita (EDIMAR-FLASA) | Scientist, Technician |
Guzman, Laurencia | Estacion de Investigaciones Marinas de Margarita (EDIMAR-FLASA) | Scientist, Technician |
Lorenzoni, Laura | University of South Florida (USF) | Scientist, Student, Contact, Data Manager |
Montes, Enrique | University of South Florida (USF) | Scientist, Student |
Rojas, Jaimie | Estacion de Investigaciones Marinas de Margarita (EDIMAR-FLASA) | Scientist, Student, Technician |
Rondon, Anadiuska | Estacion de Investigaciones Marinas de Margarita (EDIMAR-FLASA) | Scientist, Student, Technician |
Rueda-Roa, Digna | University of South Florida (USF) | Scientist, Student, Contact, Data Manager |
Tappa, Eric | University of South Carolina | Scientist, Technician |
Arias, Glenda | Estacion de Investigaciones Marinas de Margarita (EDIMAR-FLASA) | Technician |
Garcia, Jonnathan | Estacion de Investigaciones Marinas de Margarita (EDIMAR-FLASA) | Technician |
Narvaez, Jesus | Estacion de Investigaciones Marinas de Margarita (EDIMAR-FLASA) | Technician |
Ojeda, Patricia | Estacion de Investigaciones Marinas de Margarita (EDIMAR-FLASA) | Technician |
Rosales, Alberto | Estacion de Investigaciones Marinas de Margarita (EDIMAR-FLASA) | Technician |
Biddle, Mathew | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI BCO-DMO) | BCO-DMO Data Manager |
McKee, Theresa | University of South Florida (USF) | BCO-DMO Data Manager |
The CARIACO Ocean Time-Series Program (formerly known as CArbon Retention In A Colored Ocean) started on November 1995 (CAR-001) and ended on January 2017 (CAR-232). Monthly cruises were conducted to the CARIACO station (10.50° N, 64.67° W) onboard the R/V Hermano Ginés of the Fundación La Salle de Ciencias Naturales de Venezuela. The following sections describe the methods used in collecting the core observations at the CARIACO station.
Methodology published at CARIACO site (
CARIACO Field Program general description (
Additional funding support provided by:
Fondo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Investigación, FONACIT (2000001702 and 2011000353), Venezuela.
Ley Orgánica de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, LOCTI (Estación de Investigaciones Marinas, 23914), Venezuela.
Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research, IAI (IAI-CRN3094).
Nutrient Type |
Technicon Analyzer II |
Detection limits |
Errors of analysis |
Detection limits |
PO4 Phosphate |
0.03 µmol |
<0.01 µM |
0.02 µM |
Si(OH)4 Silica |
0.14 µmol |
0.2 µM |
0.4 µM |
NO3 Nitrate |
0.06 µmol |
0.02 µM |
0.04 µM |
NO2 Nitrite |
0.02 µmol |
<0.01 µM |
0.01 µM |
NH4 Ammonium |
0.07 µmol |
0.05 µM |
0.1 µM |
For a detailed log for each cruise, please refer to the supplemental document Cruise Data Acquisition Report (
BCO-DMO Processing Notes:
- added conventional header with dataset name, PI name, version date
- modified parameter names to conform with BCO-DMO naming conventions
- added latitude and longitude information from additional LatLon.csv file.
- reformatted the date from yyyymmdd to ISO convention yyyy-mm-dd
File |
niskin.csv (Comma Separated Values (.csv), 2.07 MB) MD5:5d2482248285c8c2b4e3fd37480ca435 Primary data file for dataset ID 3093 |
File |
CARIACO Bottle Methodology filename: CARIACO_methodology.pdf (Portable Document Format (.pdf), 114.32 KB) MD5:249ebc2049893a3b193413d26deabaf8 Historical documentation of the CARIACO Bottle methodology |
CARIACO Hydrocast Summary filename: CARIACO_Hydrography_Lat_Lon_time_ofCTDcasts.xlsx (Octet Stream, 481.93 KB) MD5:fcc02089603ea304e8ba7d5b08754db2 A summary of the latitude, longitude, Date, time, and depth for each cruise leg. Updated on 2019-07-03 with a revised summary file submitted on 2019-06-26. |
Cruise Data Acquisition Report filename: Cruise_data_aquisition_report.xlsx (Octet Stream, 58.33 KB) MD5:c724109309a10df4ad0652338f6c116c Detailed log for each cruise. This includes information about eddies, intrusions, other anomalies, sensors used, and malfunctions. |
Parameter | Description | Units |
Cruise_number | number of cruise | integer (nnn) |
Cruise_ID_1 | cruise ID for OCB | alphanumeric |
Cruise_ID_2 | cruise ID for the CARIACO project | alphanumeric |
Leg | number of cruise in the same month | integer (n) |
Day | day of sampling in dd format | unitless |
Month | month of sampling in mm format | unitless |
Year | year of sampling in yyyy format | unitless |
Hydro_cast_no | hydrographic CTD cast number | integer (n) |
ISO_DateTime_start_hc_local | start date and time of hydrocast in Venezuelan Standard Time (VET) in ISO 8601 format | unitless |
ISO_DateTime_end_hc_local | end date and time of hydrocast in Venezuelan Standard Time (VET) in ISO 8601 format | unitless |
Depth_target | depth target (nominal) | meters (m) |
Depth_real | depth of sample | meters (m) |
O2_ml_L | dissolved oxygen (average in ml/L) | milliliters/liter (ml/L) |
q_O2_ml_L | quality flag for O2_(ml/L) | dimensionless |
O2_umol_kg | dissolved oxygen (average in μmol/kg) | micromoles/kilogram (μmol/kg) |
q_O2_umol_kg | quality flag for O2_(μmol/kg) | dimensionless |
NO3_UDO | nitrate UDO (average) | micromolar (μM) |
q_NO3_UDO | quality flag for nitrate UDO | dimensionless |
PO4_UDO | phosphate UDO (average) | micromolar (μM) |
q_PO4_UDO | quality flag for phosphate UDO | dimensionless |
SiO4_UDO | silica UDO | micromolar (μM) |
q_SiO4_UDO | quality flag for silica UDO | dimensionless |
NH4_USF | ammonia USF | micromolar (μM) |
q_NH4_USF | quality flag for ammonia USF | dimensionless |
NO2_USF | nitrite USF | micromolar (μM) |
q_NO2_USF | quality flag for nitrite USF | dimensionless |
NO3_NO2_USF | nitrate plus nitrite USF | micromolar (μM) |
q_NO3_NO3_USF | quality flag for nitrate plus nitrite USF | dimensionless |
PO4_USF | phosphate USF | micromolar (μM) |
q_PO4_USF | quality flag for phosphate USF | dimensionless |
SiO4_USF | silica USF | micromolar (μM) |
q_SiO4_USF | quality flag for silica USF | dimensionless |
pH | pH average total hydrogen (at 25 deg. C) no corrected for dye impurities | ion scale (pH) |
q_pH | quality flag for pH | dimensionless |
Alkalinity_mol_kg | total alkalinity | moles/kilogram (mol/kg) |
q_Alkalinity_mol_kg | quality flag for total alkalinity (mol/kg) | dimensionless |
Alkalinity_umol_kg | total alkalinity | micromoles/kilogram (μmol/kg) |
q_Alkalinity_umol_kg | quality flag for total alkalinity (μmol/kg) | dimensionless |
TCO2 | total carbon dioxide in seawater (no corrected) | micromoles/kilogram (μmol/kg) |
q_TCO2 | quality flag for total carbon dioxide in seawater (no corrected) | dimensionless |
fCO2 | fugacity of CO2 in sea water (no corrected) | microatmospheres (μatm) |
q_fCO2 | quality flag for fugacity of CO2 in sea water (no corrected) | dimensionless |
pH_corrected | pH average total hydrogen (at 25 deg. C) corrected for dye impurities | ion scale (pH) |
q_pH_corrected | quality flag for pH_corrected | dimensionless |
TCO2_corrected | total carbon dioxide in seawater (recalculated with corrected pH) | micromoles/kilogram (μmol/kg) |
q_TCO2_corrected | quality flag for total carbon dioxide in seawate recalculated | dimensionless |
fCO2_corrected | fugacity of total carbon dioxide in seawate recalculated | microatmospheres (μatm) |
q_fCO2_corrected | quality flag for ffugacity of total carbon dioxide recalculated | dimensionless |
Salinity_bottles | salinity from salinometer | PSU (PSU) |
q_Salinity_bottles | quality flag for salinity from salinometer | dimensionless |
Salinity_CTD | salinity from CTD | PSU (PSU) |
q_Salinity_CTD | quality flag for salinity from CTD | dimensionless |
Temperature | temperature from CTD ITS-90 scale | degrees Celsius (degC (°C)) |
q_Temperature | quality flag for temperature from CTD | dimensionless |
Sigma_t | density | kilograms/meter^3 (Kg/m^3) |
q_Sigma_t | quality flag for density | dimensionless |
TPP | total particulate phosphorus | nanomolar (nM) |
q_TPP | quality flag for total particulate phosphorus | dimensionless |
PIP | particulate inorganic phosphorus | nanomolar (nM) |
q_PIP | quality flag for particulate inorganic phosphorus | dimensionless |
POC_ug_kg | particulate organic carbon | micrograms/liter (μg/kg) |
q_POC_ug_kg | quality flag for particulate organic carbon (μg/kg) | dimensionless |
PON_ug_kg | particulate organic nitrogen | micrograms/liter (μg/kg) |
q_PON_ug_kg | quality flag for particulate organic nitrogen (μg/kg) | dimensionless |
POC_ug_L | particulate organic carbon | micrograms/liter (μg/L) |
q_POC_ug_L | quality flag for particulate organic carbon (μg/L) | dimensionless |
PN_ug_L | particulate organic nitrogen | micrograms/liter (μg/L) |
q_PN_ug_L | quality flag for particulate organic nitrogen (μg/L) | dimensionless |
C_N_particulate | carbon to nitrogen ratio of particulate C to N | mole/mole (mol/mol) |
q_C_N_particulate | quality flag for C to N particulate | dimensionless |
DON | dissolved organic nitrogen USF | micromolar (μM) |
q_DON | quality flag for dissolved organic nitrogen USF | dimensionless |
DOP | dissolved organic phosporus USF | micromolar (μM) |
q_DOP | quality flag for dissolved organic phosporus USF | dimensionless |
DOC | dissolved organic carbon | micromolar (μM) |
q_DOC | quality flag for dissolved organic carbon | dimensionless |
TOC | total organic carbon | micromolar (μM) |
q_TOC | quality flag for total organic carbon | dimensionless |
PrimaryProductivity | primary production | milligrams Carbon/meter^3/hour (mgC/m^3/hr) |
q_PrimaryProductivity | quality flag for primary production | dimensionless |
Chlorophyll | chlorophyll a | milligrams/meter^3 (mg/m^3) |
q_Chlorophyll | quality flag for chlorophyll a | dimensionless |
Phaeopigments | phaeopigment | milligrams/meter^3 (mg/m^3) |
q_Phaeopigments | quality flag for phaeopigment | dimensionless |
Total_Prokaryotes | number of prokaryotes cells | (cells/L )10^8 ((cells_x_10^8/L)) |
Bact_Biomass_mgC_m3 | bacterial biomass (mgC/m^3) | milligrams Carbon/meter^3 (mgC/m^3) |
Bact_Biomass_uMC | bacterial biomass (μMC) | microMolar Carbon (μMC) |
Bio_cast_no | biological CTD cast number (primary production chlorophyll and phaeopigments) | integer (n) |
ISO_DateTime_start_bc_local | start date and time of biocast in Venezuelan Standard Time (VET) in ISO 8601 format | unitless |
ISO_DateTime_end_bc_local | end date and time of biocast in Venezuelan Standard Time (VET) in ISO 8601 format | unitless |
ISO_DateTime_start_hc_UTC | start date and time of hydrocast in UTC in ISO 8601 format | yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss |
ISO_DateTime_end_hc_UTC | end date and time of hydrocast in UTC in ISO 8601 format | unitless |
ISO_DateTime_start_bc_UTC | start time of biocast in UTC in ISO 8601 format | unitless |
ISO_DateTime_end_bc_UTC | end time of biocast in UTC in ISO 8601 format | unitless |
Latitude | Latitude of observations with positive values indicating North | decimal degrees |
Longitude | Longitude of observations with negative values indicating West | decimal dgrees |
Dataset-specific Instrument Name | ALPKEM RFA II |
Generic Instrument Name | Alpkem RFA300 |
Dataset-specific Description | These samples were analyzed on an ALPKEM RFA II. |
Generic Instrument Description | A rapid flow analyser (RFA) that may be used to measure nutrient concentrations in seawater. It is an air-segmented, continuous flow instrument comprising a sampler, a peristaltic pump which simultaneously pumps samples, reagents and air bubbles through the system, analytical cartridge, heating bath, colorimeter, data station, and printer. The RFA-300 was a precursor to the smaller Alpkem RFA/2 (also RFA II or RFA-2). |
Dataset-specific Instrument Name | SBE-19 |
Generic Instrument Name | CTD Sea-Bird SEACAT 19 |
Dataset-specific Description | Between November 1995 and September 1996, three separate SBE-19 CTDs were used in repeated casts until a reliable salinity profile was obtained below the oxycline. The SBE-19 model CTDs frequently failed to provide reliable conductivity values below the oxycline in the Cariaco Basin. |
Generic Instrument Description | The Sea-Bird SBE 19 SEACAT Recorder measures conductivity, temperature, and pressure (depth). The SEACAT is self-powered and self-contained and can be deployed in profiling or moored mode. The SBE 19 SEACAT was replaced in 2001 by the 19plus. more information from Sea-Bird Electronics |
Dataset-specific Instrument Name | Perkin Elmer 2400 Elemental Analyzer. |
Generic Instrument Name | Elemental Analyzer |
Dataset-specific Description | Measurement: The filters were folded inside a tin disk and analyzed on a Perkin Elmer 2400 Elemental Analyzer. The samples were combusted at 1200-1300°C and then passed through a reduction tube to removes the oxygen added to raise the combustion temperature. Filers were not acid fumed prior to analysis. The C and N were then separated in a chromatographic column and were measured on a Thermal Conductivity Detector. Carbon and nitrogen standards, and blank filters were used to calibrate the data. The accuracy of the instrument was |
Generic Instrument Description | Instruments that quantify carbon, nitrogen and sometimes other elements by combusting the sample at very high temperature and assaying the resulting gaseous oxides. Usually used for samples including organic material. |
Dataset-specific Instrument Name | HPLC |
Generic Instrument Name | High-Performance Liquid Chromatograph |
Dataset-specific Description | HPLC analysis was restarted in July 2006 (CAR-123). Samples were filtered 47 mm Whatman GF/F filters at 8 depths (1, 7, 15, 25, 35, 55, 75 and 100m). The volume filtered depends on the amount of particles in the water. Replicates were taken at the 1m depth. Filters were stored in aluminum envelopes and stored in the fridge until reaching shore. Once on shore, samples were stored at -40°C until transportation to the US. Horn Point Laboratory ( performs the analyses through a collaborative agreement with NASA. The method used was Van Heukelem and Thomas (2001). |
Generic Instrument Description | A High-performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) is a type of liquid chromatography used to separate compounds that are dissolved in solution. HPLC instruments consist of a reservoir of the mobile phase, a pump, an injector, a separation column, and a detector. Compounds are separated by high pressure pumping of the sample mixture onto a column packed with microspheres coated with the stationary phase. The different components in the mixture pass through the column at different rates due to differences in their partitioning behavior between the mobile liquid phase and the stationary phase. |
Dataset-specific Instrument Name | Licor Photosynthetically-Active Radiation (PAR) integrator |
Generic Instrument Name | LI-COR Biospherical PAR Sensor |
Dataset-specific Description | As the productivity cast was taken, a Licor Photosynthetically-Active Radiation (PAR) integrator, placed high above the ship's bridge, was activated. |
Generic Instrument Description | The LI-COR Biospherical PAR Sensor is used to measure Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR) in the water column. This instrument designation is used when specific make and model are not known. |
Dataset-specific Instrument Name | BetaScout (PerkinElmer) scintillation counter |
Generic Instrument Name | Liquid Scintillation Counter |
Dataset-specific Description | These vials were refrigerated until they were ready for analysis on a BetaScout (PerkinElmer) scintillation counter. |
Generic Instrument Description | Liquid scintillation counting is an analytical technique which is defined by the incorporation of the radiolabeled analyte into uniform distribution with a liquid chemical medium capable of converting the kinetic energy of nuclear emissions into light energy. Although the liquid scintillation counter is a sophisticated laboratory counting system used the quantify the activity of particulate emitting (ß and a) radioactive samples, it can also detect the auger electrons emitted from 51Cr and 125I samples.
Liquid scintillation counters are instruments assaying alpha and beta radiation by quantitative detection of visible light produced by the passage of rays or particles through a suitable scintillant incorporated into the sample. |
Dataset-specific Instrument Name | Niskin Bottle |
Generic Instrument Name | Niskin bottle |
Generic Instrument Description | A Niskin bottle (a next generation water sampler based on the Nansen bottle) is a cylindrical, non-metallic water collection device with stoppers at both ends. The bottles can be attached individually on a hydrowire or deployed in 12, 24, or 36 bottle Rosette systems mounted on a frame and combined with a CTD. Niskin bottles are used to collect discrete water samples for a range of measurements including pigments, nutrients, plankton, etc. |
Dataset-specific Instrument Name | SeaTech transmissometer |
Generic Instrument Name | Sea Tech Transmissometer |
Dataset-specific Description | Beam attenuation measurements were added to the time series on its 11th cruise (November 1986) originally using a SeaTech transmissometer. |
Generic Instrument Description | The Sea Tech Transmissometer can be deployed in either moored or profiling mode to estimate the concentration of suspended or particulate matter in seawater. The transmissometer measures the beam attenuation coefficient in the red spectral band (660 nm) of the laser lightsource over the instrument's path-length (e.g. 20 or 25 cm). This instrument designation is used when specific make and model are not known. The Sea Tech Transmissometer was manufactured by Sea Tech, Inc. (Corvalis, OR, USA). |
Dataset-specific Instrument Name | SBE-25 |
Generic Instrument Name | Sea-Bird SBE 25 Sealogger CTD |
Dataset-specific Description | Starting in September 1996, the SBE-19 CTDs were replaced by SBE-25 CTDs, which provided extremely accurate and reliable data in anoxic waters. |
Generic Instrument Description | The Sea-Bird SBE 25 SEALOGGER CTD is battery powered and is typically used to record data in memory, eliminating the need for a large vessel, electrical sea cable, and on-board computer. All SBE 25s can also operate in real-time, transmitting data via an opto-isolated RS-232 serial port. Temperature and conductivity are measured by the SBE 3F Temperature sensor and SBE 4 Conductivity sensor (same as those used on the premium SBE 9plus CTD). The SBE 25 also includes the SBE 5P (plastic) or 5T (titanium) Submersible Pump and TC Duct. The pump-controlled, TC-ducted flow configuration significantly reduces salinity spiking caused by ship heave, and in calm waters allows slower descent rates for improved resolution of water column features. Pressure is measured by the modular SBE 29 Temperature Compensated Strain-Gauge Pressure sensor (available in eight depth ranges to suit the operating depth requirement). The SBE 25's modular design makes it easy to configure in the field for a wide range of auxiliary sensors, including optional dissolved oxygen (SBE 43), pH (SBE 18 or SBE 27), fluorescence, transmissivity, PAR, and optical backscatter sensors. More information from Sea-Bird Electronics: |
Dataset-specific Instrument Name | SBE-43 oxygen probe |
Generic Instrument Name | Sea-Bird SBE 43 Dissolved Oxygen Sensor |
Dataset-specific Description | The CTD also had a SBE-43 oxygen probe |
Generic Instrument Description | The Sea-Bird SBE 43 dissolved oxygen sensor is a redesign of the Clark polarographic membrane type of dissolved oxygen sensors. more information from Sea-Bird Electronics |
Dataset-specific Instrument Name | Technicon Analyzer II |
Generic Instrument Name | Technicon AutoAnalyzer II |
Dataset-specific Description | Subsequent Cariaco analyses were performed on a Technicon Analyzer II |
Generic Instrument Description | A rapid flow analyzer that may be used to measure nutrient concentrations in seawater. It is a continuous segmented flow instrument consisting of a sampler, peristaltic pump, analytical cartridge, heating bath, and colorimeter. See more information about this instrument from the manufacturer. |
Dataset-specific Instrument Name | Turner fluorometer model 10-AU-005 |
Generic Instrument Name | Turner Designs Fluorometer 10-AU |
Dataset-specific Description | Chlorophyll procedure: after removal from the freezer, the filters were extracted in 10 ml of methanol. The samples were allowed to extract for 24 hours in the refrigerator. Following extraction, samples were centrifuged for 20 minutes to remove debris. The fluorometer (Turner fluorometer model 10-AU-005) was allowed to warm up and stabilize for 30 minutes prior to use. Pure methanol was measured to confirm the zero position. Samples were transferred to 1-cm cells and they were measured directly into the fluorometer (Fo). 100 µl of 0.48N HCl was added to each cell. A second reading was taken from the fluorometer for each cell (Fa). Standardization. The fluorometer was calibrated every year with a commercially available chlorophyll a standard (Σ). The concentration of chlorophyll-an and phaeopigments in the sample were calculated using Yentsh and Menzel (1963) equation, with a specific absorption coefficient of 74.5 (chlorophyll in methanol). |
Generic Instrument Description | The Turner Designs 10-AU Field Fluorometer is used to measure Chlorophyll fluorescence. The 10AU Fluorometer can be set up for continuous-flow monitoring or discrete sample analyses. A variety of compounds can be measured using application-specific optical filters available from the manufacturer. (read more from Turner Designs,, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) |
Dataset-specific Instrument Name | C-Star transmissometer |
Generic Instrument Name | WET Labs {Sea-Bird WETLabs} C-Star transmissometer |
Dataset-specific Description | a C-Star transmissometer (660 nm, Wetlabs) |
Generic Instrument Description | The C-Star transmissometer has a novel monolithic housing with a highly intgrated opto-electronic design to provide a low cost, compact solution for underwater measurements of beam transmittance. The C-Star is capable of free space measurements or flow-through sampling when used with a pump and optical flow tubes. The sensor can be used in profiling, moored, or underway applications. Available with a 6000 m depth rating.
More information on Sea-Bird website: |
Dataset-specific Instrument Name | Wetlabs ECO fluorometer |
Generic Instrument Name | WETLabs ECO-FLNTU |
Dataset-specific Description | a Wetlabs ECO fluorometer outfitted for chlorophyll-a estimates |
Generic Instrument Description | The ECO FLNTU is a dual-wavelength, single-angle sensor for simultaneously determining both chlorophyll fluorescence and turbidity. |
Website | |
Platform | B/O Hermano Gines |
Start Date | 1995-11-08 |
Description | Monthly oceanographic cruises to the CARIACO station (10.5 degrees N, 64.67 degrees W) have been conducted since November 1995 to examine the hydrography, primary production, and settling flux of particulate material. The research vessel is the 75-foot B/O (Barco Oceanografico) Hermano Gines of the Fundaciòn La Salle de Ciencias Naturales (FLASA) located on Margarita Island, Venezuela. Water is collected using a rosette ensemble equipped with twelve 8-liter bottles and a CTD (conductivity-temperature-depth meter); the CTD also has an oxygen sensor, a fluorometer for chlorophyll-a estimates, and a transmissometer. Data are read out real-time on a computer screen on board the ship as the rosette ensemble is lowered to approximately 1,380 m, the bottom of the Cariaco Basin. Water samples are analyzed for various parameters including phytoplankton biomass, dissolved and particulate nutrient and carbon concentration, primary productivity rates and total bacterial production. |
Since 1995, the CARIACO Ocean Time-Series (formerly known as the CArbon Retention In A Colored Ocean) Program has studied the relationship between surface primary production, physical forcing variables like the wind, and the settling flux of particulate carbon in the Cariaco Basin. This depression, located on the continental shelf of Venezuela (Map), shows marked seasonal and interannual variation in hydrographic properties and primary production (carbon fixation rates by photosynthesis of planktonic algae).
This peculiar basin is anoxic below ~250 m, due its restricted circulation and high primary production (Muller-Karger et al., 2001). CARIACO observations show annual primary production rates exceed 500 gC/m2y, of which over 15-20% can be accounted for by events lasting one month or less. Such events are observed in other locations where time series observations are collected, and suggest that prior estimates of regional production based on limited sampling may have been underestimated. The annual primary production rates in the Cariaco Basin are comparable to rates estimated using time series observations for Monterey Bay (460 gC/m2y; Chavez, 1996), and higher than previous rates estimated for Georges Bank, the New York Shelf, and the Oregon Shelf (380, 300, and 190 gC/m2y, respectively; Walsh, 1988).
The Cariaco Basin has long been the center of attention of scientists trying to explain paleoclimate. Due to its high rates of sedimentation (30 to >100 cm/ky; Peterson et al., 2000) and excellent preservation, the varved sediments of the Cariaco Basin offer the opportunity to study high resolution paleoclimate and better understand the role of the tropics in global climate change ( Black et al., 1999; Peterson et al., 2000; Haug et al., 2001; Black et al., 2004; Hughen et al., 2004 ).
Now, the CARIACO program provides a link between the sediment record and processes near the surface of the ocean. Sediment traps maintained by the CARIACO program show that over 5% of autochtonous material reaches 275 m depth, and that nearly 2% reaches 1,400 m. The significance of this flux is that it represents a sink for carbon and that it helps explain the record of ancient climate stored at the bottom of the Cariaco Basin.
Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and Venezuela's Fondo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (FONACIT). For more information please see this Acknowledgements link.
The Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry (OCB) program focuses on the ocean's role as a component of the global Earth system, bringing together research in geochemistry, ocean physics, and ecology that inform on and advance our understanding of ocean biogeochemistry. The overall program goals are to promote, plan, and coordinate collaborative, multidisciplinary research opportunities within the U.S. research community and with international partners. Important OCB-related activities currently include: the Ocean Carbon and Climate Change (OCCC) and the North American Carbon Program (NACP); U.S. contributions to IMBER, SOLAS, CARBOOCEAN; and numerous U.S. single-investigator and medium-size research projects funded by U.S. federal agencies including NASA, NOAA, and NSF.
The scientific mission of OCB is to study the evolving role of the ocean in the global carbon cycle, in the face of environmental variability and change through studies of marine biogeochemical cycles and associated ecosystems.
The overarching OCB science themes include improved understanding and prediction of: 1) oceanic uptake and release of atmospheric CO2 and other greenhouse gases and 2) environmental sensitivities of biogeochemical cycles, marine ecosystems, and interactions between the two.
The OCB Research Priorities (updated January 2012) include: ocean acidification; terrestrial/coastal carbon fluxes and exchanges; climate sensitivities of and change in ecosystem structure and associated impacts on biogeochemical cycles; mesopelagic ecological and biogeochemical interactions; benthic-pelagic feedbacks on biogeochemical cycles; ocean carbon uptake and storage; and expanding low-oxygen conditions in the coastal and open oceans.
The United States Joint Global Ocean Flux Study was a national component of international JGOFS and an integral part of global climate change research.
The U.S. launched the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) in the late 1980s to study the ocean carbon cycle. An ambitious goal was set to understand the controls on the concentrations and fluxes of carbon and associated nutrients in the ocean. A new field of ocean biogeochemistry emerged with an emphasis on quality measurements of carbon system parameters and interdisciplinary field studies of the biological, chemical and physical process which control the ocean carbon cycle. As we studied ocean biogeochemistry, we learned that our simple views of carbon uptake and transport were severely limited, and a new "wave" of ocean science was born. U.S. JGOFS has been supported primarily by the U.S. National Science Foundation in collaboration with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Department of Energy and the Office of Naval Research. U.S. JGOFS, ended in 2005 with the conclusion of the Synthesis and Modeling Project (SMP).
Program description text taken from Chapter 1: Introduction from the Global Intercomparability in a Changing Ocean: An International Time-Series Methods Workshop report published following the workshop held November 28-30, 2012 at the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences. The full report is available from the workshop Web site hosted by US OCB:
Decades of research have demonstrated that the ocean varies across a range of time scales, with anthropogenic forcing contributing an added layer of complexity. In a growing effort to distinguish between natural and human-induced earth system variability, sustained ocean time-series measurements have taken on a renewed importance. Shipboard biogeochemical time-series represent one of the most valuable tools scientists have to characterize and quantify ocean carbon fluxes and biogeochemical processes and their links to changing climate (Karl, 2010; Chavez et al., 2011; Church et al., 2013). They provide the oceanographic community with the long, temporally resolved datasets needed to characterize ocean climate, biogeochemistry, and ecosystem change.
The temporal scale of shifts in marine ecosystem variations in response to climate change are on the order of several decades. The long-term, consistent and comprehensive monitoring programs conducted by time-series sites are essential to understand large-scale atmosphere-ocean interactions that occur on interannual to decadal time scales. Ocean time-series represent one of the most valuable tools scientists have to characterize and quantify ocean carbon fluxes and biogeochemical processes and their links to changing climate.
Launched in the late 1980s, the US JGOFS (Joint Global Ocean Flux Study; research program initiated two time-series measurement programs at Hawaii and Bermuda (HOT and BATS, respectively) to measure key oceanographic measurements in oligotrophic waters. Begun in 1995 as part of the US JGOFS Synthesis and Modeling Project, the CARIACO Ocean Time-Series (formerly known as the CArbon Retention In A Colored Ocean) Program has studied the relationship between surface primary production, physical forcing variables like the wind, and the settling flux of particulate carbon in the Cariaco Basin.
The objective of these time-series effort is to provide well-sampled seasonal resolution of biogeochemical variability at a limited number of ocean observatories, provide support and background measurements for process-oriented research, as well as test and validate observations for biogeochemical models. Since their creation, the BATS, CARIACO and HOT time-series site data have been available for use by a large community of researchers.
Data from those three US funded, ship-based, time-series sites can be accessed at each site directly or by selecting the site name from the Projects section below.
Funding Source | Award |
Fondo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación of Venezuela (FONACIT) | |
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE) | |
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE) | |
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE) | |
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE) | |
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE) | |
National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) | |
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE) | |
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE) | |
National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) | |
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE) | |
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE) | |
Fondo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación of Venezuela (FONACIT) | |
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE) | |
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE) | |
National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) |