Status of data contributions from the R/V Melville IronEx II cruise in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean in 1995 (IronEx II project)

Version: 22July2009
Version Date: 2009-07-22

» Iron Experiment II (IronExII)

» Iron Synthesis (FeSynth)
Coale, Kenneth H.Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML)Principal Investigator
Johnson, KenMoss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML)Co-Principal Investigator
Mackie, DougUniversity of OtagoContact
Gegg, Stephen R.Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)BCO-DMO Data Manager

Dataset Description

IronExII - Status of data contributions

Data Processing Description

BCO-DMO Processing Notes
Prepared by WHOI BCO-DMO from original file: FeX2 Data summary.xls
Original file was downloaded on 16June2008 from

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Data Files

(Comma Separated Values (.csv), 1.67 KB)
Primary data file for dataset ID 3132

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Text description of type of data or measurement(s)


name of principal investigator


name of co-principal investigator


flag indicating if data have been contributed; y=yes, n=no and p=preliminary or partial dataset


Quality flag indicating if quality control has been completed; are data final, yes or no


flag indicating whether data are available online: y = in OCB database; n = not available yet; L = link to local resource; R = link to remote resource


Indication of dataset status; comment or link to data


BCO-DMO Dataset Id

These are the "Dataset(s)" listed when datasets
associated with a project or platform deployment are shown


Flag indicating metadata have/have not been contributed for these data (Y/N)

In some inventories, also links to the metadata file


Data Availability Flag O | R

O = open access

R = restricted access


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R/V Melville
Start Date
End Date
Cruise Summary: 5/14/95 Depart Papeete, Tahiti 5/14/95 to 5/23/95 Transit & Test stations 5/23/95 to 5/29/95 Survey for Fe release 5/29/95 to 5/30/95 Fe release #1 5/30/95 to 6/1/95 In & out sampling 6/1/95 to 6/1/95 Fe release #2 6/1/95 to 6/5/95 In & out sampling 6/5/95 to 6/5/95 Fe release #3 6/6/95 to 6/8/95 In & out sampling 6/8/95 to 6/9/95 Control patch (SF6 only), 2nd Fe patch release (0.4 nM Fe) 6/9/95 to 6/15/95 In & out sampling of all 3 patches 6/15/95 to 6/21/95 Transit to Acapulco, Mexico

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Project Information

Iron Experiment II (IronExII)

Coverage: Equatorial Pacific Ocean

One of two (see IronEx I Oct/Nov 1993) small scale iron fertilization experiments conducted
in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean.


5/14/95 Depart Papeete, Tahiti

5/14/95 to 5/23/95 Transit & Test stations

5/23/95 to 5/29/95 Survey for Fe release

5/29/95 to 5/30/95 Fe release #1

5/30/95 to 6/1/95 In & out sampling

6/1/95 to 6/1/95 Fe release #2

6/1/95 to 6/5/95 In & out sampling

6/5/95 to 6/5/95 Fe release #3

6/6/95 to 6/8/95 In & out sampling

6/8/95 to 6/9/95 Control patch (SF6 only), 2nd Fe patch release (0.4 nM Fe)

6/9/95 to 6/15/95 In & out sampling of all 3 patches

6/15/95 to 6/21/95 Transit to Acapulco, Mexico

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Program Information

Iron Synthesis (FeSynth)

Coverage: Global

The two main objectives of the Iron Synthesis program (SCOR Working Group proposal, 2005), are:
1. Data compilation: assembling a common open-access database of the in situ iron experiments, beginning with the first period (1993-2002; Ironex-1, Ironex-2, SOIREE, EisenEx, SEEDS-1; SOFeX, SERIES) where primary articles have already been published, to be followed by the 2004 experiments where primary articles are now in progress (EIFEX, SEEDS-2; SAGE, FeeP); similarly for the natural fertilizations S.O.JGOFS (1992), CROZEX (2004/2005) and KEOPS (2005).

2. Modeling and data synthesis of specific aspects of two or more such experiments for various topics such as physical mixing, phytoplankton productivity, overall ecosystem functioning, iron chemistry, CO2 budgeting, nutrient uptake ratios, DMS(P) processes, and combinations of these variables and processes.

SCOR Working Group proposal, 2005. "The Legacy of in situ Iron Enrichments: Data Compilation and Modeling".

See also: SCOR Proceedings Vol. 42 Concepcion, Chile October 2006, pgs: 13-16 2.3.3 Working Group on The Legacy of in situ Iron Enrichments: Data Compilation and Modeling.

The first objective of the Iron Synthesis program involves a data recovery effort aimed at assembling a common, open-access database of data and metadata from a series of in-situ ocean iron fertilization experiments conducted between 1993 and 2005. Initially, funding for this effort is being provided by the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) and the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF).

Through the combined efforts of the principal investigators of the individual projects and the staff of Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO), data currently available primarily through individuals, disparate reports and data agencies, and in multiple formats, are being collected and prepared for addition to the BCO-DMO database from which they will be freely available to the community.

As data are contributed to the BCO-DMO office, they are organized into four overlapping categories:
1. Level 1, basic metadata
(e.g., description of project/study, general location, PI(s), participants);
2. Level 2, detailed metadata and basic shipboard data and routine ship's operations
(e.g., CTDs, underway measurements, sampling event logs);
3. Level 3, detailed metadata and data from specialized observations
(e.g., discrete observations, experimental results, rate measurements) and
4. Level 4, remaining datasets
(e.g., highest level of detailed data available from each study).

Collaboration with BCO-DMO staff began in March of 2008 and initial efforts have been directed toward basic project descriptions, levels 1 and 2 metadata and basic data, with detailed and more detailed data files being incorporated as they become available and are processed.

Related file

Program Documentation

The Iron Synthesis Program is funded jointly by the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) and the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF).

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Funding SourceAward
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE)
Office of Naval Research (ONR)

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