This dataset contains GenBank and GenBank Short Read Archive (SRA) sequence accession numbers for samples from microbialite mats at Hamelin Pool, Australia and Highborne Cay, Bahamas.
Bernhard et al. 2013. Insights into foraminiferal influences on microfabrics of microbialites at Highborne Cay, Bahamas. PNAS 110(24); published ahead of print May 28, 2013. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1221721110.
Edgcomb et al. 2013. Active eukaryotes in microbialites from Highborne Cay, Bahamas and Hamelin Pool (Shark Bay), Australia. In press, ISME Journal.
Edgcomb et al. 2013. Molecular indicators of microbial diversity in oolitic sands of Highborne Cay, Bahamas. Geobiology 11: 234-251. doi: 10.1111/gbi.12029.
Edgcomb, V. P., Summons, R., Bernhard, J. M. (2013) Sequence accession numbers from microbialite mats sampled from R/V F.G. Walton Smith cruise WS1005 in the Bahamas and from Hamelin Pool, Australia from 2010-2011 (Protists_Stromatolites project). Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). (Version 25 July 2013) Version Date 2013-07-25 [if applicable, indicate subset used]. [access date]
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