Contributors | Affiliation | Role |
Landing, William M. | Florida State University EOAS (FSU - EOAS) | Principal Investigator, Contact |
Shelley, Rachel | Florida State University EOAS (FSU - EOAS) | Scientist |
Rauch, Shannon | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI BCO-DMO) | BCO-DMO Data Manager |
Aerosol data collected on R/V Polarstern cruise ARK-XXVI-3.
Aerosols were sampled at a rate of 1 cubic meter per minute (1 m3/min) using the Florida State University high volume aerosol sampler (Tisch Environmental TSP TE5170V). The sampler was located on the flying deck, forward railings. Acid-washed Whatman 41, 47 mm disc (cellulose esters; W41) filters were used.
Method references:
Buck, C.S., et al. 2010. The solubility and deposition of aerosol Fe and other trace elements in the North Atlantic Ocean: observations from the A16N CLIVAR/CO2 repeat hydrography section. Marine Chemistry 120, 57-70. doi: 10.1016/j.marchem.2008.08.003.
Buck, C. S., Landing, W.M., Resing, J. A., Lebon, G. T. 2006. Aerosol iron and aluminum solubility in the northwest Pacific Ocean: Results from the 2002 IOC cruise. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 7. doi: 10.1029/2005GC000977.
Morton, P.L. et al. 2013. Methods for the sampling and analysis of marine aerosols: results from the 2008 GEOTRACES aerosol intercalibration experiment. Limnology and Oceanography Methods 11:62-78. doi: 10.4319/lom.2013.11.62.
Concentrations below the detection limit are flagged as "BDL" in the data columns. Detection limits were calculated using an air volume of 1200 cubic meters. See PDF of detection limits for this dataset.
Quality flag definitions:
BDL = below detection limit.
0 = No QC performed.
1 = Good data.
2 = Probably good data.
3 = Probably bad data that is potentially correctable.
4 = Bad data.
5 = Value changed.
6 = Sample < blank.
8 = Interpolated value.
9 = Missing value.
BCO-DMO edits:
- changed Aug and Sept to 08 and 09 in month columns;
- replaced blanks with 'nd' to indicate 'no data';
- modified parameter names to conform with BCO-DMO naming conventions;
- removed % signs from RSD columns.
File |
aerosols.csv (Comma Separated Values (.csv), 2.59 KB) MD5:bfd65c0ccfee7807c5ddeea43853ddc3 Primary data file for dataset ID 538512 |
Parameter | Description | Units |
julian_day_start | Julian day at the start of the sampling event. | day of year |
cruise_id | Cruise identification number. | dimensionless |
day_start | 2-digit day of month at the start of the sampling event. | dd (01 to 31) |
month_start | 2-digit month of year at the start of the sampling event. | mm (01 to 12) |
year_start | 4-digit year of the start of the sampling event. | YYYY |
time_start_UTC | Time (UTC) in hours and minutes at the start of the sampling event; 24-hour clock. | HHMM |
lat_start | Latitude at the start of the sampling event. | decimal degrees |
lon_start | Longitude at the start of the sampling event. | decimal degrees |
day_end | 2-digit day of month at the end of the sampling event. | dd (01 to 31) |
month_end | 2-digit month of year at the end of the sampling event. | mm (01 to 12) |
year_end | 4-digit year of the end of the sampling event. | YYYY |
time_end_UTC | Time (UTC) in hours and minutes at the end of the sampling event; 24-hour clock. | HHMM |
lat_end | Latitude at the end of the sampling event. | decimal degrees |
lon_end | Longitude at the end of the sampling event. | decimal degrees |
air_vol_total | Total volume of air sampled. | cubic meters (m^3) |
air_vol_per_filter | Volume of air filtered per filter. | cubic meters (m^3) |
Na_Total | Total aerosol Na (Sodium) concentration. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Na_Total_var | Total aerosol Na concentration variance. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Na_Total_RSD | Relative standard deviation (rsd) of total aerosol Na concentration. | percent (%) |
Mg_Total | Total aerosol Mg (Magnesium) concentration. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Mg_Total_var | Total aerosol Mg concentration variance. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Mg_Total_RSD | Relative standard deviation (rsd) of total aerosol Mg concentration. | percent (%) |
Al_Total | Total aerosol Al (Aluminum) concentration. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Al_Total_var | Total aerosol Al concentration variance. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Al_Total_RSD | Relative standard deviation (rsd) of total aerosol Al concentration. | percent (%) |
P_Total | Total aerosol P (Phosphorus) concentration. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
P_Total_var | Total aerosol P concentration variance. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
P_Total_RSD | Relative standard deviation (rsd) of total aerosol P concentration. | percent (%) |
Sc_Total | Total aerosol Sc (Scandium) concentration. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Sc_Total_var | Total aerosol Sc concentration variance. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Sc_Total_RSD | Relative standard deviation (rsd) of total aerosol Sc concentration. | percent (%) |
Ti_Total | Total aerosol Ti (Titanium) concentration. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Ti_Total_var | Total aerosol Ti concentration variance. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Ti_Total_RSD | Relative standard deviation (rsd) of total aerosol Ti concentration. | percent (%) |
V_Total | Total aerosol V (Vanadium) concentration. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
V_Total_var | Total aerosol V concentration variance. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
V_Total_RSD | Relative standard deviation (rsd) of total aerosol V concentration. | percent (%) |
Cr_Total | Total aerosol Cr (Chromium) concentration. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Cr_Total_var | Total aerosol Cr concentration variance. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Cr_Total_RSD | Relative standard deviation (rsd) of total aerosol Cr concentration. | percent (%) |
Mn_Total | Total aerosol Mn (Manganese) concentration. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Mn_Total_var | Total aerosol Mn concentration variance. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Mn_Total_RSD | Relative standard deviation (rsd) of total aerosol Mn concentration. | percent (%) |
Fe_Total | Total aerosol Fe (Iron) concentration. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Fe_Total_var | Total aerosol Fe concentration variance. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Fe_Total_RSD | Relative standard deviation (rsd) of total aerosol Fe concentration. | percent (%) |
Co_Total | Total aerosol Co (Cobalt) concentration. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Co_Total_var | Total aerosol Co concentration variance. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Co_Total_RSD | Relative standard deviation (rsd) of total aerosol Co concentration. | percent (%) |
Ni_Total | Total aerosol Ni (Nickel) concentration. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Ni_Total_var | Total aerosol Ni concentration variance. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Ni_Total_RSD | Relative standard deviation (rsd) of total aerosol Ni concentration. | percent (%) |
Cu_Total | Total aerosol Cu (Copper) concentration. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Cu_Total_var | Total aerosol Cu concentration variance. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Cu_Total_RSD | Relative standard deviation (rsd) of total aerosol Cu concentration. | percent (%) |
Zn_Total | Total aerosol Zn (Zinc) concentration. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Zn_Total_var | Total aerosol Zn concentration variance. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Zn_Total_RSD | Relative standard deviation (rsd) of total aerosol Zn concentration. | percent (%) |
Rb_Total | Total aerosol Rb (Rubidium) concentration. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Rb_Total_var | Total aerosol Rb concentration variance. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Rb_Total_RSD | Relative standard deviation (rsd) of total aerosol Rb concentration. | percent (%) |
Sr_Total | Total aerosol Sr (Strontium) concentration. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Sr_Total_var | Total aerosol Sr concentration variance. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Sr_Total_RSD | Relative standard deviation (rsd) of total aerosol Sr concentration. | percent (%) |
Zr_Total | Total aerosol Zr (Zirconium) concentration. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Zr_Total_var | Total aerosol Zr concentration variance. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Zr_Total_RSD | Relative standard deviation (rsd) of total aerosol Zr concentration. | percent (%) |
Cd_Total | Total aerosol Cd (Cadmium) concentration. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Cd_Total_var | Total aerosol Cd concentration variance. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Cd_Total_RSD | Relative standard deviation (rsd) of total aerosol Cd concentration. | percent (%) |
Sb_Total | Total aerosol Sb (Antimony) concentration. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Sb_Total_var | Total aerosol Sb concentration variance. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Sb_Total_RSD | Relative standard deviation (rsd) of total aerosol Sb concentration. | percent (%) |
Ba_Total | Total aerosol Ba (Barium) concentration. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Ba_Total_var | Total aerosol Ba concentration variance. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Ba_Total_RSD | Relative standard deviation (rsd) of total aerosol Ba concentration. | percent (%) |
La_Total | Total aerosol La (Lanthanum) concentration. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
La_Total_var | Total aerosol La concentration variance. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
La_Total_RSD | Relative standard deviation (rsd) of total aerosol La concentration. | percent (%) |
Ce_Total | Total aerosol Ce (Cerium) concentration. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Ce_Total_var | Total aerosol Ce concentration variance. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Ce_Total_RSD | Relative standard deviation (rsd) of total aerosol Ce concentration. | percent (%) |
Nd_Total | Total aerosol Nd (Neodymium) concentration. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Nd_Total_var | Total aerosol Nd concentration variance. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Nd_Total_RSD | Relative standard deviation (rsd) of total aerosol Nd concentration. | percent (%) |
Pb_Total | Total aerosol Pb (lead) concentration. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Pb_Total_var | Total aerosol Pb concentration variance. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Pb_Total_RSD | Relative standard deviation (rsd) of total aerosol Pb concentration. | percent (%) |
Th_Total | Total aerosol Th (Thorium) concentration. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Th_Total_var | Total aerosol Th concentration variance. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
Th_Total_RSD | Relative standard deviation (rsd) of total aerosol Th concentration. | percent (%) |
U_Total | Total aerosol U (Uranium) concentration. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
U_Total_var | Total aerosol U concentration variance. | nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m3) |
U_Total_RSD | Relative standard deviation (rsd) of total aerosol U concentration. | percent (%) |
Dataset-specific Instrument Name | Tisch Environmental TSP TE5170V |
Generic Instrument Name | Aerosol Sampler |
Generic Instrument Description | A device that collects a sample of aerosol (dry particles or liquid droplets) from the atmosphere. |
Website | |
Platform | R/V Polarstern |
Report | |
Start Date | 2011-08-05 |
End Date | 2011-10-06 |
Description | The Polarstern expedition ARK-XXVI/3 "TransArc" (Trans-Arctic survey of the Arctic Ocean in transition) served the overarching goal to capture the physical, biological and chemical state of the Arctic Ocean in a changing climate. During TransArc, investigators sampled the ocean and ice properties and their ecosystems along gradients from the Eurasian shelf edge to the Canadian Basin.
Polarstern left Tromso on August 5, 2011, with 54 scientists from 10 institutes of 7 countries and 43 crew members on board. A number of ice-tethered buoys and bottom-mounted moorings were deployed and recovered respectively. Ice thickness and optical measurements were made at stations, and an ROV was deployed for under ice observations. CTD casts, plankton net casts and sediment sampling were also conducted. The station work finished on September 26. After passing the ice-free Northern Sea Route to the western Barents Sea and the stormy Norwegian and North Seas, Polarstern returned to Bremerhaven on 6 October 2011. |
Description from the NSF award abstract:
The investigators propose to use the naturally occurring isotope beryllium-7, which is produced in the atmosphere by cosmic rays and has a 53.3-day half-life, as a tracer for estimating the atmospheric fluxes of a variety of trace elements to the surface of the Arctic Ocean. They have collected samples of snow, sea ice, surface waters, and atmospheric aerosols through an international collaboration concurrent with the preparation of this proposal. This project provides funding for the analysis of Be-7 and for trace elements including aluminum, manganese, iron, cupper, zinc, cadmium, and lead. The atmospheric input of numerous chemical species into the global ocean has been shown to equal or exceed that from river sources. In the Arctic, several contaminant elements in particular are dominated by atmospheric sources, with implications for the Arctic ecosystem and human health. The project will investigate several elements of interest to the international GEOTRACES program, which is currently formulating plans for coordinated Arctic work. The project will support a Ph.D. student who will incorporate these results into his dissertation.
Funding Source | Award |
NSF Arctic Sciences (NSF ARC) |