GMT time starting from January 1 2010 (day 1). E.g. December 31 2010 – day 365 and January 1 2011 – day 366. Hours and minutes are converted to decimal fractions of a day.
Latitude (South is negative)
Longitude (West is negative)
abbreviation for Sea Surface Temperature in degrees C
Temperature in the underway CO2 equilibrator where pCO2 is measured. Used to correct measured value back to SST.
abbreviation for Sea Surface Salinity (no units)
sea surface density (kg L-1)
(Density – 1) x 1000 (unitless)
Schmidt number – a parameter related to gas transfer velocity calculation (no units) (Wanninkhof 1992)
sea surface chlorophyll a fluorescence (relative units)
CO2 solubility (Weiss 1974)