Bacteria in the water and bacteria from the same location but directly associated (in the cuticle) with copepods were collected from several locations world-wide with pumps and nets from saline and fresh water. The acquired DNA was sequenced and sent to GenBank. The links are here.
These data will be available after January, 2017.
Lee, C. E., Carneiro da Silva, J. (2016) Bacteria assemblages associated with Eurytemora affinis in both salt and fresh water from shoreside Lee-DaSilva Lee-DaSilva_Collection in the USA; Netherlands; Canada; Belgium; various locations each from 2012-2014 (CopepodMicrobiome project). Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). (Version first) Version Date 2016-03-18 [if applicable, indicate subset used]. [access date]
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