Contributors | Affiliation | Role |
Osenberg, Craig | University of Georgia (UGA) | Principal Investigator, Contact |
Frazer, Thomas | University of Florida (UF) | Co-Principal Investigator |
Shima, Jeffrey | Victoria University of Wellington | International Collaborator |
Gegg, Stephen R. | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI BCO-DMO) | BCO-DMO Data Manager |
Reef composition was surveyed on all 192 reefs between years 2003-2005. The Focal Point Contact (Point Contact) method was used to determine the major substrate types that occupy each reef. Beginning in 2012, reefs 129-144 were used for a manipulative experiment; data beginning in 2012 for these reefs can be found in the project “Spatial patterns of coral-vermetid interactions: short-term effects and long-term consequences.” These data are meant to verify visual cover estimates at each reef (found in the dataset “Percent Visual Cover”).
Location: Moorea, French Polynesia (17.48 degrees S, 149.82 degrees W)
Sampling and Analytical Methodology:
Three transects were laid out over the right, middle and left side of each reef. The diver recorded the substrate every 10 cm, yielding at least 50 fixed-point contacts for every reef. Corals and algae that are commonly observed are divided by genera. Porites spp are further distinguished as ridged, smooth or columnar.
Materials: transect tape and slates
Data Processing:
To obtain “TOTPOINTS”: Sum all species points from the reef.
NA- Not applicable (never recorded) to this data set
NR- Not recorded at certain times throughout the data set
BCO-DMO Processing Notes
- Generated from original file "LTR_PercentCoverPointContact.csv" contributed by Rebecca Atkins
- Parameter names edited to conform to BCO-DMO naming convention found at Choosing Parameter Name
- Any blank rows removed
File |
LTR_PercentCoverPointContact.csv (Comma Separated Values (.csv), 9.16 KB) MD5:2e5c4403ea6de0163473bcce65eee473 Primary data file for dataset ID 645000 |
Parameter | Description | Units |
DATE | Date Data Collected | DD-MMM-YYYY |
Time_In | Time observer entered the water | HH:MM |
Time_Out | Time observer exited the water | HH:MM |
OBSERV | Initials of observer (JSW-Jada Simone White) | text |
SITE | Location of reefs (TOW) | text |
REEF | Reef # (two representative reefs chosen from each site) (1-192) | dimensionless |
TREATMENT | Treatment (does not apply to this data set) | NA |
PSPSMOO | Porites sp. (Smooth) (Range: 0 - TOTAL POINTS) | number of individuals |
PSPRIDG | Porites sp. (Ridged) (Range: 0 - TOTAL POINTS) | number of individuals |
PSPCOLUM | Porites sp. (Columnar) (Range: 0 - TOTAL POINTS) | number of individuals |
PRUS | Porites rus (Range: 0 - TOTAL POINTS) | number of individuals |
MONTIP | Montipora spp. (Range: 0 - TOTAL POINTS) | number of individuals |
POC | Pocillopora spp. (Range: 0 - TOTAL POINTS) | number of individuals |
ACROP | Acropora spp. (Range: 0 - TOTAL POINTS) | number of individuals |
OTHCORAL | Total coverage of other live coral (Range: 0 - TOTAL POINTS) | number of individuals |
TURF_steg | Stegastes sp. turf (does not apply to this dataset- see “TURF” below) | number of individuals |
TURF_surg | Turf grazed by Acanthurids (does not apply to this dataset) | number of individuals |
TURF | Stegastes sp. turf (Range: 0 - TOTAL POINTS) | number of individuals |
TURBINAR | Turbinaria sp. (Range: 0 - TOTAL POINTS) | number of individuals |
CCA | CCA (crustose coraline algae) (does not apply to this data set) | number of individuals |
Bare | Bare substrate; including coralline algae (Range: 0 - TOTAL POINTS) | number of individuals |
Bare_plus_CCA | (does not apply to this data set) | number of individuals |
PIRREG | Porites irregularis? Unidentified branching species of coral common on reefs (Range: 0 - TOTAL POINTS) | number of individuals |
LEPTASTR | Leptastrea spp. (Range: 0 - TOTAL POINTS) | number of individuals |
PAVONA | Pavona cactus (Range: 0 - TOTAL POINTS) | number of individuals |
FUNGIA | Fungia spp. | number of individuals |
MUSSIDAE | Corals from the family Mussidae (difficult to i.d. to genera) (Range: 0 - TOTAL POINTS) | number of individuals |
CAULERPA | Caulerpa spp. (Range: 0 - TOTAL POINTS) | number of individuals |
DICTYOTA | Dictyota spp. (Range: 0 - TOTAL POINTS) | number of individuals |
HALIMEDA | Halimeda spp. (Range: 0 - TOTAL POINTS) | number of individuals |
PADINA | Padina spp. (Range: 0 - TOTAL POINTS) | number of individuals |
CYANO | Various growth forms of cyanobacteria (Range: 0 - TOTAL POINTS) | number of individuals |
GALAXAUR | Galaxaura sp. (Range: 0 - TOTAL POINTS) | number of individuals |
AMANSIA | Amansia rhodantha (Range: 0 - TOTAL POINTS) | number of individuals |
SPONGE | Fleshy grey sponge (Range: 0 - TOTAL POINTS) | number of individuals |
VERMETID | Vermetid spp. (does not apply to this data set) | number of individuals |
TRIDACNA | Tridacna Spp. (does not apply to this data set) | number of individuals |
SPIROBRANCH | Spirobranch Spp. (does not apply to this data set) | number of individuals |
CORALGAE | Coraline algae (Range: 0 - TOTAL POINTS) | number of individuals |
OTHER | Other Corals (Range: 0 - TOTAL POINTS) | number of individuals |
TOTPOINTS | Sum of FPC points measured for that reef (Total points) | number of individuals |
NOTES | NOTES | text |
Dataset-specific Instrument Name | Mask and snorkel |
Generic Instrument Name | Diving Mask and Snorkel |
Generic Instrument Description | A diving mask (also half mask, dive mask or scuba mask) is an item of diving equipment that allows underwater divers, including, scuba divers, free-divers, and snorkelers to see clearly underwater.
Snorkel: A breathing apparatus for swimmers and surface divers that allows swimming or continuous use of a face mask without lifting the head to breathe, consisting of a tube that curves out of the mouth and extends above the surface of the water. |
Dataset-specific Instrument Name | Transect Tape |
Generic Instrument Name | Measuring Tape |
Dataset-specific Description | Materials: transect tape and slates |
Generic Instrument Description | A tape measure or measuring tape is a flexible ruler. It consists of a ribbon of cloth, plastic, fibre glass, or metal strip with linear-measurement markings. It is a common tool for measuring distance or length. |
Dataset-specific Instrument Name | Slate |
Generic Instrument Name | Underwater Writing Slate |
Dataset-specific Description | Materials: transect tape and slates |
Generic Instrument Description | Underwater writing slates and pencils are used to transport pre-dive plans underwater, to record facts whilst underwater and to aid communication with other divers. |
Website | |
Platform | Osenberg et al Moorea |
Start Date | 2003-05-19 |
End Date | 2015-07-12 |
Description from NSF award abstract:
Ecologists have long been interested in the factors that drive spatial and temporal variability in population density and structure. In marine reef systems, attention has focused on the role of settlement-the transition of pelagic larvae to a benthic stage-and on density-dependent processes affecting recently settled juveniles. Recent data suggest that co-variance in settlement and subsequent density-dependent survival can obscure the patterns of density dependence at larger scales, a phenomenon called cryptic density dependence. This research will explore the mechanisms that underlie the spatial covariance of settlement and site quality - a process that has received little attention in the standard paradigm. These mechanistic studies of cryptic density dependence will facilitate the development of new frameworks for fish population dynamics that incorporate larval ecology, habitat quality, density dependence, life history, and the patterns and implications of spatial covariance among these factors. More generally, the work provides a specific empirical context, and a general theoretical treatment, of cryptic heterogeneity (hidden individual variation in demographic rates).
Note: Drs. Craig W. Osenberg and Ben Bolker were at the University of Florida at the time the NSF award was granted. Dr. Osenberg moved to the University of Georgia during the summer of 2014 (current contact information). Dr. Bolker moved to McMaster University in 2010 (current contact information).
Funding Source | Award |
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE) |