Contributors | Affiliation | Role |
Paris-Limouzy, Claire B. | University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (UM-RSMAS) | Principal Investigator, Contact |
York, Amber D. | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI BCO-DMO) | BCO-DMO Data Manager |
Related Datasets (data collection during same DISC deployments):
* DISC: Data package
* DISC: Temperature and Light
* DISC: Depth, Temperature, and Salinity
The DISC is a free-floating, cylindrical behavioral observation chamber composed of clear acrylic and is used to monitor the behavior of marine larvae in situ. During each trial, an individual fish larva is placed inside of the central arena (20 cm diameter, 10 cm height) which is transparent to odor, light, and sound. The bottom of the arena is made of clear plexiglass, while the top is made of a fine mesh, and the walls are made of a black opaque film. Larvae can swim freely inside of the arena, and their behavior is recorded using a camera system which is supplemented by information on the rotation of the DISC and by records of the environment (temperature, light intensity, salinity, GPS).
For more information about DISC methodology see dataset "DISC: data package"
BCO-DMO Data Manager Processing Notes:
* added a conventional header with dataset name, PI name, version date
* modified parameter names to conform with BCO-DMO naming conventions
* Added ISO timestamp (UTC) for start and stop
* Values rounded to three decimal places except for lat/lons (5 decimal places) and p_value (2).
File |
Belize_Data.csv (Comma Separated Values (.csv), 83.13 KB) MD5:145632b3abd294130489b0490a0d48bd Primary data file for dataset ID 739595 |
Parameter | Description | Units |
deploy_id | The deployment ID; each experiment has a unique number | unitless |
leg | The leg ID; each boat trip to collect data was given a unique number | unitless |
date_start | The date on which the deployment began; format mm/dd/yyyy | unitless |
date_stop | The date on which the deployment ended, though no deployments went through midnight in this dataset; format mm/dd/yyyy | unitless |
time_start | The time at which the deployment began; i.e. the beginning of acclimation time; format HH:MM | unitless |
time_stop | The Time at which the deployment ended; ie 20 minutes after the start time; format HH:MM | unitless |
ISO_DateTime_UTC_start | Timestamp (UTC) in standard ISO 8601:2004(E) format YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM | unitless |
ISO_DateTime_UTC_stop | Timestamp (UTC) in standard ISO 8601:2004(E) format YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM | unitless |
disc_id | An indentifier for which DISC this deployment was conducted in (Either DISC A or DISC B) | unitless |
depth | The depth of the DISC's chamber during the deployment | meters below surface (m) |
bin_id | The ID of the rearing bin the larva was pulled from for the deployment | unitless |
batch_id | When a batch of larva was split into multiple bins, multiple bins would have the same batch ID | unitless |
fish_age | The age of the larva used for the deployment (Days-post-hatch) | elapsed days |
lat_start | The starting latitude for the deployment | decimal degrees |
lon_start | The starting longitude for the deployment | decimal degrees |
lat_stop | The ending latitude for the deployment | decimal degrees |
lon_stop | The ending longitude for the deployment | decimal degrees |
sky | The condition of the sky during the deployment; A factor identified either clear; mixed; light clouds; cloudy; or rain | unitless |
sea | An indication of the roughness of the sea; A factor identified as 1; 2; 3; 4; or 4+ | unitless |
wind_dir | The direction (angle) the wind was blowing from during the deployment | degrees |
wind_speed | The speed of the wind during the deployment | unknown |
tide | The tidal cycle (A factor either ebb or flood) | unitless |
location | Distance from the reef (A factor either near or far) | unitless |
start_wp | The identifier of the GPS waypoint taken at the start of the deployment from a handhelp GPS | unitless |
end_wp | The identifier of the GPS waypoint taken at the end of the deployment from a handhelp GPS | unitless |
drift_direction | The direction the DISC drifted in during the deployment, based on the GPS waypoints taken at start and stop of the deployment (An angle in degrees; cardinal reference) | degrees |
drift_distance | This distance the DISC travelled during the deployment, based on the GPS waypoints at beginning and end | meters (m) |
In_Behavior | An indication of the health of the larvae at the start of deployment based on diver-assessed behavior (A unitless factor; from 0-5) | unitless |
Out_Behavior | An indication of the health of the larvae at the end of deployment based on diver-assessed behavior (A unitless factor; from 0-5) | unitless |
n | The number of points used to produce circular statistics | unitless |
mean | The mean circular position of a larva, based on the manual track of its location in DISC images (An angle in degrees; cardinal reference) | degrees |
se_mean | The standard error of the circular mean above | degrees |
kappa | A measure of circular concentration, such that if kappa is 0 the distribution is uniform and if kappa is large the distribution becomes more concentrated around the mean (A unitless number greater than 0) | unitless |
variance | The variance of the circular distribution; equal to 1/k (A unitless number greater than 0) | unitless |
r | The rho-value of the circular distribution; essentially a bounded equivalent of kappa; such that 0 is a uniform distribution and 1 is a distribution of points all equal to the mean (A unitless number greater than 0) | unitless |
p_value | The p-value of a Rayleigh's test of uniformity | dimensionless |
signif | A logical TRUE or FALSE indicating if the p-value is significant at an alpha of 0.05 | Boolean (True|False) |
turn_n | The number of points used to calculate turning statistics, which will be equal to or smaller than n because it requires three consecutive points being tracked (unitless integer) | unitless |
turn_abs_mean | The average turning angle throughout the deployment; absolute value is used so direciton of the turn is not represented | degrees |
turn_freq_gt45 | The number of turns made during the deployment which were greater than 45 degrees | unitless |
speed_n | The number of points used to calculate speed statistics, which will be equal to or smaller than n because it requires two consecutive points being tracked | unitless |
speed_mean | The average of instantaneous swimming speeds made throughout the deployment | centimeters per second (cm/s) |
speed_sd | The standard deviation of instantaneous speeds throughout the deployment | centimeters per second (cm/s) |
speed_median | The median value of instanteous speeds throughout the deployment | centimeters per second (cm/s) |
meanTemp | The average temperature of the water throughout the deployment | degrees Celsius |
maxTemp | The maximum temperature recorded during the deployment | degrees Celsius |
minTemp | The minimum temperature recorded during the deployment | degrees Celsius |
meanLight | The average light value recorded during the deployment | lumens per square meter (lux) |
maxLight | The maximum value of light recording during the deployment | lumens per square meter (lux) |
minLight | The minimum value of light recorded during the deployment | lumens per square meter (lux) |
rotationRange | The amount of rotation the DISC underwent during the deployment | degrees |
art | A logical TRUE or FALSE indicating whether or not the concentration of individual points was higher BEFORE accounting for rotation of the DISC | Boolean (True|False) |
current_strength | The current speed during the deployment; calculated using the drift distance and the length of time of the deployment | centimeters per second (cm/s) |
current_bearing | The bearing of the individual larva relative to the direction of the current; calculated from the drift direction and the individual bearing (mean variable) | degrees |
wind_bearing | The bearing of the individual larva relative to the direction of the wind; calculated from the wind direction and the individual bearing (mean variable) | degrees |
zenith | The zenith angle of the sun - calculated from the date; time; and position of the deployment | degrees |
azimuth | The azimuth angle of the sun - calculated from the date; time; and position of the deployment | degrees |
azmean | The bearing of the individual larva relative to the azimuth angle of the sun; calculated from the azimuth angle and the individual bearing (mean variable) | degrees |
lat | The 'mean' latitude of the deployment in between the starting latitude and ending latitude | decimal degrees |
lon | The 'mean' longitude of the deployment in between the starting longitude and ending longitude | decimal degrees |
tran_lat | The latitude at the center of the transect where larvae were collected from sponges | decimal degrees |
tran_lon | The longitude at the center of the transect where larvae were collected from sponges | decimal degrees |
tran_ang | The angle from the center of the individual deployment to the transect center | degrees |
tran_bearing | The bearing of the individual larva relative to the angle towards the transect center; calculated from the tran_ang and the individual bearing (mean variable) | degrees |
lab_lat | The latitude of the lab where larvae were reared on Southwater Cay | decimal degrees |
lab_lon | the longitude of the lab where larvae were reared on Southwater Cay | decimal degrees |
lab_ang | The angle from the center of the individual deployment to the rearing lab | degrees |
lab_bearing | The bearing of the individual larva relative to the angle towards the lab; calculated from the lab_ang and the individual bearing (mean variable) | degrees |
moonAlt | The altitude angle of the moon - calculated from deployment date; time; and position | degrees |
moonAz | The azimuth angle of the mooth - calculated from the deployment date; time; and position | degrees |
moonHor | A logical TRUE or FALSE indicating if the moon was over the horizon or not | Boolean (True|False) |
moon_bearing | The bearing of the individual relative to the azimuth angle of the moon; calculated from the moon azimuth and the individual bearing (mean variable) | degrees |
Website | |
Platform | Belize_reefs |
Start Date | 2016-06-03 |
End Date | 2016-08-18 |
Description from NSF award abstract:
Understanding how far young fish move away from their parents is a major goal of marine ecology because this dispersal can make connections between distinct populations and thus influence population size and dynamics. Understanding the drivers of population dynamics is, in turn, essential for effective fisheries management. Marine ecologists have used two different approaches to understand how fish populations are connected: genetic methods that measure connectivity and oceanographic models that predict connectivity. There is, however, a mismatch between the predictions of oceanographic models and the observations of genetic methods. It is thought that this mismatch is caused by the behavior of the young, or larval, fish. The objective of this research is to study the orientation capabilities of larval fish in the wild throughout development and under a variety of environmental conditions to see if the gap between observations and predictions of population connectivity can be resolved. The project will have broader impacts in three key areas: integration of research and teaching by training young scientists at multiple levels; broadening participation of undergraduates from underrepresented groups; and wide dissemination of results through development of a website with information and resources in English and Spanish.
The overall objective of the research is to investigate the role of larval orientation behavior throughout ontogeny in determining population connectivity. This will be done using the neon goby, Elacatinus lori, as a model system in Belize. The choice of study system is motivated by the fact that direct genetic methods have already been used to describe the complete dispersal kernel for this species, and these observations indicate that dispersal is less extensive than predicted by a high-resolution biophysical model; E. lori can be reared in the lab from hatching to settlement providing a reliable source of larvae of all ages for proposed experiments; and a new, proven behavioral observation platform, the Drifting In Situ Chamber (DISC), allows measurements of larval orientation behavior in open water. The project has three specific objectives: to understand ontogenetic changes in larval orientation capabilities by correlating larval orientation behavior with developmental sensory anatomy; to analyze variation in the precision of larval orientation in different environmental contexts through ontogeny; and to test alternative hypotheses for the goal of larval orientation behavior, i.e., to determine where larvae are heading as they develop.
Funding Source | Award |
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE) |