Data File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
tchain.csv (265.27 MB) | Comma Separated Values (.csv) | Primary data file for dataset ID 742137 | | (348.09 MB) | NetCDF | Time-interpolated water temperature values. Includes calibration coefficients and other sensor metadata. dimensions: z = 27 ; time = 1471740 ; single_value = 1 ; variables: double T(time, z) ; T:units = "degrees Celsius" ; double P(time) ; P:units = "dbar" ; P:comment = "pressure recorded by RBRduo SN51004" ; double H(time) ; H:units = "m" ; H:comment = "surface height reconstructed from RBRduo height above bottom and pressure recorded" ; double dnum(time) ; dnum:comment = "Matlab timestamp" ; double unixtime(time) ; unixtime:comment = "Unix timestamp, obtained using RSKtools datenum2unixtime(), timestep should be 1 s but varies between 0, 1 and 2. Use start time and add 1 s if needed." ; double z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:comment = "vertical positive up, above bottom; instrument height, matches SN field" ; double SN(z) ; SN:comment = "serial numbers of temperature loggers on line; matches z field" ; double SNsurf(single_value) ; SNsurf:comment = "serial number of temperature logger at surface" ; | |
QuIPP2016_Tchain_30m.mat (798.94 MB) | MATLAB Data (.mat) | Time-interpolated water temperature values. Includes calibration coefficients and other sensor metadata. The .mat file containts the matlab struct: >> RawData = SN101173: [1×1 struct] SN101174: NaN SN101175: [1×1 struct] SN101176: [1×1 struct] SN101177: [1×1 struct] SN101178: NaN SN101179: [1×1 struct] SN101180: [1×1 struct] SN101181: [1×1 struct] SN101182: [1×1 struct] SN101183: [1×1 struct] SN101184: [1×1 struct] SN101185: [1×1 struct] SN51004: [1×1 struct] SN101186: [1×1 struct] SN101187: [1×1 struct] SN101188: [1×1 struct] SN101189: [1×1 struct] SN101190: [1×1 struct] SN101191: [1×1 struct] SN101192: [1×1 struct] SN101193: [1×1 struct] SN101194: [1×1 struct] SN101195: [1×1 struct] SN101196: [1×1 struct] SN101197: [1×1 struct] SN916: [1×1 struct] SN: [27×1 double] SNsurf: 916 mabove: [1×27 double] info: {4×1 cell} 4×1 cell array {'SN 101XX are RBRsolos' } {'SN 51004 is RBRduo' } {'SN 916 is SBE56 at surface float' } {'.mabove is meter above bottom for respective .SN'} % Each SN of tchain has a struct >> RawData.SN101177 ans = struct with fields: dbInfo: [1×1 struct] calibrations: [1×1 struct] datasets: [1×1 struct] datasetDeployments: [1×1 struct] instruments: [1×1 struct] instrumentChannels: [1×1 struct] instrumentSensors: [] channels: [1×1 struct] epochs: [1×1 struct] schedules: [1×1 struct] appSettings: [1×1 struct] deployments: [1×1 struct] thumbnailData: [1×1 struct] data: [1×1 struct] data has two vars tstamp and values - matlab datenum >>,:) ans = 1.0000 22.6759 1.0000 22.6559 1.0000 22.6353 >> RawData.SN101177.datasets ans = struct with fields: datasetID: 1 name: 'QuIPP_T30_RBRsolo_101177_20160629_0242.rsk' |
Type: Comma Separated Values (.csv)
Description: Primary data file for dataset ID 742137
Type: NetCDF
Description: Time-interpolated water temperature values. Includes calibration coefficients and other sensor metadata. dimensions: z = 27 ; time = 1471740 ; single_value = 1 ; variables: double T(time, z) ; T:units = "degrees Celsius" ; double P(time) ; P:units = "dbar" ; P:comment = "pressure recorded by RBRduo SN51004" ; double H(time) ; H:units = "m" ; H:comment = "surface height reconstructed from RBRduo height above bottom and pressure recorded" ; double dnum(time) ; dnum:comment = "Matlab timestamp" ; double unixtime(time) ; unixtime:comment = "Unix timestamp, obtained using RSKtools datenum2unixtime(), timestep should be 1 s but varies between 0, 1 and 2. Use start time and add 1 s if needed." ; double z(z) ; z:units = "m" ; z:comment = "vertical positive up, above bottom; instrument height, matches SN field" ; double SN(z) ; SN:comment = "serial numbers of temperature loggers on line; matches z field" ; double SNsurf(single_value) ; SNsurf:comment = "serial number of temperature logger at surface" ;
Type: MATLAB Data (.mat)
Description: Time-interpolated water temperature values. Includes calibration coefficients and other sensor metadata. The .mat file containts the matlab struct: >> RawData = SN101173: [1×1 struct] SN101174: NaN SN101175: [1×1 struct] SN101176: [1×1 struct] SN101177: [1×1 struct] SN101178: NaN SN101179: [1×1 struct] SN101180: [1×1 struct] SN101181: [1×1 struct] SN101182: [1×1 struct] SN101183: [1×1 struct] SN101184: [1×1 struct] SN101185: [1×1 struct] SN51004: [1×1 struct] SN101186: [1×1 struct] SN101187: [1×1 struct] SN101188: [1×1 struct] SN101189: [1×1 struct] SN101190: [1×1 struct] SN101191: [1×1 struct] SN101192: [1×1 struct] SN101193: [1×1 struct] SN101194: [1×1 struct] SN101195: [1×1 struct] SN101196: [1×1 struct] SN101197: [1×1 struct] SN916: [1×1 struct] SN: [27×1 double] SNsurf: 916 mabove: [1×27 double] info: {4×1 cell} 4×1 cell array {'SN 101XX are RBRsolos' } {'SN 51004 is RBRduo' } {'SN 916 is SBE56 at surface float' } {'.mabove is meter above bottom for respective .SN'} % Each SN of tchain has a struct >> RawData.SN101177 ans = struct with fields: dbInfo: [1×1 struct] calibrations: [1×1 struct] datasets: [1×1 struct] datasetDeployments: [1×1 struct] instruments: [1×1 struct] instrumentChannels: [1×1 struct] instrumentSensors: [] channels: [1×1 struct] epochs: [1×1 struct] schedules: [1×1 struct] appSettings: [1×1 struct] deployments: [1×1 struct] thumbnailData: [1×1 struct] data: [1×1 struct] data has two vars tstamp and values - matlab datenum >>,:) ans = 1.0000 22.6759 1.0000 22.6559 1.0000 22.6353 >> RawData.SN101177.datasets ans = struct with fields: datasetID: 1 name: 'QuIPP_T30_RBRsolo_101177_20160629_0242.rsk'