Data File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
Th234_Th228.csv (90.33 KB) | Comma Separated Values (.csv) | Primary data file for dataset ID 814857 | |
Supplemental File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
0000-0001-7362-8796-HLY1502-multiple-param-intercal-report_228Th.pdf (514.26 KB) | Portable Document Format (.pdf) | GEOTRACES Intercalibration Report for parameters reported by Ken Buesseler (WHOI) from the HLY1502 (GN01; GEOTRACES Arctic) cruise. Parameters reported: Th_228_SPT_CONC_PUMP::efscqw, Th_228_LPT_CONC_PUMP::civqb1 uBq/kg. | |
0000-0001-7362-8796-HLY1502-multiple-param-intercal-report_234Th.pdf (370.80 KB) | Portable Document Format (.pdf) | GEOTRACES Intercalibration Report for parameters reported by Ken Buesseler (WHOI) from the HLY1502 (GN01; GEOTRACES Arctic) cruise. Parameters reported: Th_234_T_CONC_SUBICE_PUMP::vakpla, Th_234_T_CONC_PUMP::t8ngm8, Th_234_T_CONC_BOTTLE::uap32e, Th_234_T_CONC_UWAY::eta8ui, Th_234_SPT_CONC_PUMP::bxe0xx, Th_234_LPT_CONC_PUMP::qbhjxe mBq/kg. |
Type: Comma Separated Values (.csv)
Description: Primary data file for dataset ID 814857
Supplemental Files
Type: Portable Document Format (.pdf)
Description: GEOTRACES Intercalibration Report for parameters reported by Ken Buesseler (WHOI) from the HLY1502 (GN01; GEOTRACES Arctic) cruise. Parameters reported: Th_228_SPT_CONC_PUMP::efscqw, Th_228_LPT_CONC_PUMP::civqb1 uBq/kg.
Type: Portable Document Format (.pdf)
Description: GEOTRACES Intercalibration Report for parameters reported by Ken Buesseler (WHOI) from the HLY1502 (GN01; GEOTRACES Arctic) cruise. Parameters reported: Th_234_T_CONC_SUBICE_PUMP::vakpla, Th_234_T_CONC_PUMP::t8ngm8, Th_234_T_CONC_BOTTLE::uap32e, Th_234_T_CONC_UWAY::eta8ui, Th_234_SPT_CONC_PUMP::bxe0xx, Th_234_LPT_CONC_PUMP::qbhjxe mBq/kg.