Data File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
FTIR_Spectra.csv (8.32 MB) | Comma Separated Values (.csv) | Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy raw spectra from soil samples collected at Plum Island Ecosystems - LTER in 2014-2015 as part of the project "Eutrophication Effects on Sediment Metabolism and Benthic Algal-bacterial Coupling: An Application of Novel Techniques in a LTER Estuary". Column descriptions: Site: Three high marsh sites were cored in PIE-LTER, unitless. Location: At each of the three sites, two high marsh cores and one inundated pond core were collected, unitless. Core ID: The two marsh cores were labelled 1 and 2, unitless. Depth: Depth of horizon relative to surface of the marsh, cm. 5996 - 181.3: Absorbance spectra wave number, cm-1. missing data identifier (no data): NA |
Type: Comma Separated Values (.csv)
Description: Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy raw spectra from soil samples collected at Plum Island Ecosystems - LTER in 2014-2015 as part of the project "Eutrophication Effects on Sediment Metabolism and Benthic Algal-bacterial Coupling: An Application of Novel Techniques in a LTER Estuary". Column descriptions: Site: Three high marsh sites were cored in PIE-LTER, unitless. Location: At each of the three sites, two high marsh cores and one inundated pond core were collected, unitless. Core ID: The two marsh cores were labelled 1 and 2, unitless. Depth: Depth of horizon relative to surface of the marsh, cm. 5996 - 181.3: Absorbance spectra wave number, cm-1. missing data identifier (no data): NA