Summary geochemistry and radiotracer rates for 30 marine sediment cores covering eight sites and four geochemical regimes

Data Type: Cruise Results
Version: 1
Version Date: 2020-11-19

» Quantifying biological production of ethane and propane in deep subsurface sediments (ALKOg)

» Center for Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations (C-DEBI)
Joye, Samantha B.University of Georgia (UGA)Principal Investigator, Contact
Sibert, RyanUniversity of Georgia (UGA)Co-Principal Investigator
Rauch, ShannonWoods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI BCO-DMO)BCO-DMO Data Manager

This dataset contains porewater geochemistry and rate data obtained from Gulf of Mexico sediments collected using both push core and multiple core technology. Sediment push cores were collected across multiple dives of HOV Alvin, during cruises AT18-02 (2010) and AT26-13 (2014) aboard the R/V Atlantis. Multiple cores were collected during cruises EN527, EN528, EN529, and EN586 aboard the R/V Endeavor. Procedures for sample processing were identical for both types of cores.


Spatial Extent: N:28.8533 E:-88.4917 S:26.3787 W:-94.5259
Temporal Extent: 2013-06-20 - 2016-08-14

Dataset Description

This dataset contains porewater geochemistry and rate data obtained from Gulf of Mexico sediments collected using both push core and multiple core technology. Sediment push cores were collected across multiple dives of HOV Alvin, during cruises AT18-02 (2010) and AT26-13 (2014) aboard the R/V Atlantis. Multiple cores were collected during cruises EN527, EN528, EN529, and EN586 aboard the R/V Endeavor. Procedures for sample processing were identical for both types of cores.

Methods & Sampling

Sediment cores were collected immediately upon retrieval from the seafloor and stored at 4 degrees C until further processing. Sediment samples were collected from select cores in 3 cm intervals (reported as average depth below seafloor, in centimeters) for geochemical and rate analysis, using aseptic techniques at in situ temperature (4 degrees C). Methane samples were collected first: A 3 ml subsample was collected in a cut-end syringe, placed in a 20 ml serum vial containing 4 ml 2M NaOH to stop microbial activity, sealed with a butyl rubber stopper, crimp sealed, vortexed to homogenize, and stored at room temperature until analysis. Porewater samples were extracted from whole sediment under pressure into acid washed syringes using a custom argon-purged squeezer as described by Joye et al., 2004. A subsample was collected for sulfide determination and analyzed on board using Cline (1969) colorometric methods. DIC samples were collected in 20 ml Hungate tubes and sealed with butyl stoppers. Samples were preserved with 1 ml saturated CuSO4 and 1 ml of 56 mM NaMoO4 in 10% v/v H3PO4. The headspace DIC was methanized and analyzed by GC-FID. Subsamples were collected for determination of porewater pH and salinity: pH was measured on board using a ROSS pH electrode, calibrated with salinity corrected buffers (pH 4, 7, and 10) chilled to in situ temperature (Bowles et al., 2011), and salinity was measured visually on a 500µl subsample using a handheld refractometer (Cole-Parmer RSA-BR60). The remaining sample was filtered-sterilized through a washed 0.2 µm Target filter and subsampled further for ammonium, major ions, and nutrients.

A 2 ml ammonium subsample (amm1_micro_m) was immediately analyzed on board using the method of Soloranzo (1969). A 5 ml subsample for major ions (sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, sulfate, and chloride) was preserved with concentrated nitric acid (0.1 micromole per L final concentration) and stored at room temperature until analysis by ion chromatography (Joye et al., 2004). The remaining nutrient subsample was frozen at -20 degrees C until shore-based laboratory analysis. Total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) was analyzed via the oxidative combustion-chemiluminescence technique of Salgado and Miller (1998) using a Shimadzu TOC 5000 coupled to an Antek model 7020 NO analyzer (Joye et al., 2004). NOx (nitrate + nitrite) was analyzed on a Lachat FIA 8000 Autoanalyzer using method 31-107-04-1-A, phosphate via the molybdate blue colorometric method, total dissolved phosphate (TDP) by high-temperature combustion and hydrolysis (Monaghan and Ruttenberg 1999), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) by gas chromatography (flame ionization detector; GC-FID), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) by oxidative combustion-infrared analysis, methane by GC-FID, and stable 13C isotopes of DIC by headspace analysis using a Picarro G2201-i isotope analyzer (Joye et al., 2004, Bowles et al., 2016). An additional ammonium subsample was analyzed from the frozen nutrient split to check sample integrity (amm2_micro_m), again using the method outlined by Soloranzo (1969). Whole sediment subsamples for radiotracer sulfate reduction rates and anaerobic oxidation of methane rates were collected in triplicate from a parallel core and were handled, injected, incubated, and analyzed using the methods described in Joye et al., 2004.

Data Processing Description

Data Processing: Raw instrument data were converted to concentration units by applying linear regression of standard curves, using Excel V 16.38 for Macintosh. Sulfate reduction rates were calculated using the relationships outlined in Fossing and Jorgensen, 1989. Anaerobic oxidation of methane rates were similarly calculated using the procedure outlined in Iversen and Blackburn, 1981.

Problem Report: Missing data (represented by 'nd') are due either to deliberate choices, or from accidental loss of sample.

BCO-DMO Processing:
- renamed fields;
- converted date format o YYYY-MM-DD;
- converted date-time field to ISO8601 format.

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Data Files

(Comma Separated Values (.csv), 79.75 KB)
Primary data file for dataset ID 830008

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Related Publications

Alvarez-Salgado, XA, Miller, AEJ. (1998)/ Simultaneous determination of dissolved organic carbon and total dissolved nitrogen in seawater by high temperature catalytic oxidation: conditions for precise shipboard measurements. Marine Chemistry, 62 (03-Apr). 325-333.
Bowles, M. W., Samarkin, V. A., Bowles, K. M., & Joye, S. B. (2011). Weak coupling between sulfate reduction and the anaerobic oxidation of methane in methane-rich seafloor sediments during ex situ incubation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75(2), 500–519. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2010.09.043
Bowles, M., Hunter, K. S., Samarkin, V., & Joye, S. (2016). Patterns and variability in geochemical signatures and microbial activity within and between diverse cold seep habitats along the lower continental slope, Northern Gulf of Mexico. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 129, 31–40. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.02.011
Cline, J. D. (1969). Spectrophotometric Determination of Hydrogen Sulfide in Natural Waters. Limnology and Oceanography, 14(3), 454–458. doi:10.4319/lo.1969.14.3.0454
Fossing, H., & Jorgensen, B. (1989). Measurement of bacterial sulfate reduction in sediments: Evaluation of a single-step chromium reduction method. Biogeochemistry, 8(3). doi:10.1007/bf00002889
Iversen, N., & Blackburn, T. H. (1981). Seasonal Rates of Methane Oxidation in Anoxic Marine Sediments. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 41(6), 1295–1300. doi:10.1128/aem.41.6.1295-1300.1981
Joye, S. B., Boetius, A., Orcutt, B. N., Montoya, J. P., Schulz, H. N., Erickson, M. J., & Lugo, S. K. (2004). The anaerobic oxidation of methane and sulfate reduction in sediments from Gulf of Mexico cold seeps. Chemical Geology, 205(3-4), 219–238. doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2003.12.019
Monaghan, E. J., & Ruttenberg, K. C. (1999). Dissolved organic phosphorus in the coastal ocean: Reassessment of available methods and seasonal phosphorus profiles from the Eel River Shelf. Limnology and Oceanography, 44(7), 1702–1714. doi:10.4319/lo.1999.44.7.1702
Solórzano, L. (1969). Determination of ammonia in natural waters by the phenolhypochlorite method 1 1.This research was fully supported by U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Contract No. ATS (11-1) GEN 10, P.A. 20. Limnology and Oceanography, 14(5), 799–801. doi:10.4319/lo.1969.14.5.0799

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row identifier


core ID


cruise ID


BOEM convention used for the sale of drilling rights in the GoM; used in this dataset as a site name. Briefly, the letters represent the name of the planning area, followed by the lease block number within the planning area. For example, GB480 is read, Garden Banks (planning area), lease block 480. Additional acronyms: GC = Green Canyon, AC = Alaminos Canyon, and MC = Mississippi Canyon. The only site that breaks this convention is Orca basin.


sampling date; format: YYYY-MM-DD


sampling date and time (UTC) formatted to ISO8601 standard: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ



decimal degrees


decimal degrees

sediment depth

centimeters below sea floor




per mille

ammonium concentration measured immediately on the ship

micromoles per L


micromoles per L

nitrite + nitrate

micromoles per L


micromoles per L

dissolved inorganic nitrogen

micromoles per L

total dissolved nitrogen

micromoles per L

ammonium concentration measured in the lab from frozen nutrient sample

micromoles per L

dissolved organic nitrogen

micromoles per L


micromoles per L

total dissolved phosphorus

micromoles per L

dissolved organic phosphorus

micromoles per L

DIN:DIP ratio

unitless (mole ratio)

DON:DOP ratio

unitless (mole ratio)

dissolved organic carbon

micromoles per L

dissolved inorganic carbon

micromoles per L

dic 13C stable isotopes

per mille


micromoles per L


millimoles per L


millimoles per L


millimoles per L


millimoles per L


millimoles per L


millimoles per L


millimoles per L

anaerobic oxidation of methane rates

picomole per cubic centimeter per day

anaerobic oxidation of methane rates

nanomole per cubic centimeter per day

AOM rate standard error

nanomole per cubic centimeter per day

sulfate reduction rates

nanomole per cubic centimeter per day

sulfate reduction rate standard error

nanomole per cubic centimeter per day

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Dataset-specific Instrument Name
Antek 7020 NO analyzer
Generic Instrument Name
Chemiluminescence NOx Analyzer
Dataset-specific Description
Antek Instruments model 7020 NO analyzer. Calibrated with standards made from KNO3 dissolved in MQ (0-100 uM)
Generic Instrument Description
The chemiluminescence method for gas analysis of oxides of nitrogen relies on the measurement of light produced by the gas-phase titration of nitric oxide and ozone. A chemiluminescence analyzer can measure the concentration of NO/NO2/NOX. One example is the Teledyne Model T200:

Dataset-specific Instrument Name
gas chromatography (flame ionization detector; GC-FID)
Generic Instrument Name
Flame Ionization Detector
Dataset-specific Description
SRI 8610C gas chromatograph with flame ionization detector (FID), 1.8m x 3.17 mm Hayecep D packed column, helium carrier, calibrated with certified gas standards (Scotty Specialty Gases; 0.01% UHP CH4 in helium balance).
Generic Instrument Description
A flame ionization detector (FID) is a scientific instrument that measures the concentration of organic species in a gas stream. It is frequently used as a detector in gas chromatography. Standalone FIDs can also be used in applications such as landfill gas monitoring, fugitive emissions monitoring and internal combustion engine emissions measurement in stationary or portable instruments.

Dataset-specific Instrument Name
Lachat FIA 8000 Autoanalyzer
Generic Instrument Name
Flow Injection Analyzer
Dataset-specific Description
Lachat Instruments FIA 8000 Autoanalyzer. Calibrated with standards made from NaNO2 dissolved in MQ (0-10 uM)
Generic Instrument Description
An instrument that performs flow injection analysis. Flow injection analysis (FIA) is an approach to chemical analysis that is accomplished by injecting a plug of sample into a flowing carrier stream. FIA is an automated method in which a sample is injected into a continuous flow of a carrier solution that mixes with other continuously flowing solutions before reaching a detector. Precision is dramatically increased when FIA is used instead of manual injections and as a result very specific FIA systems have been developed for a wide array of analytical techniques.

Dataset-specific Instrument Name
gas chromatography
Generic Instrument Name
Gas Chromatograph
Dataset-specific Description
SRI 8610C gas chromatograph with flame ionization detector (FID), 1.8m x 3.17 mm Hayecep D packed column, helium carrier, calibrated with certified gas standards (Scotty Specialty Gases; 0.01% UHP CH4 in helium balance).
Generic Instrument Description
Instrument separating gases, volatile substances, or substances dissolved in a volatile solvent by transporting an inert gas through a column packed with a sorbent to a detector for assay. (from SeaDataNet, BODC)

Dataset-specific Instrument Name
Dionex DX5000
Generic Instrument Name
Ion Chromatograph
Dataset-specific Description
Dionex DX5000 Ion Chromatograph, calibrated with laboratory made standards.
Generic Instrument Description
Ion chromatography is a form of liquid chromatography that measures concentrations of ionic species by separating them based on their interaction with a resin. Ionic species separate differently depending on species type and size. Ion chromatographs are able to measure concentrations of major anions, such as fluoride, chloride, nitrate, nitrite, and sulfate, as well as major cations such as lithium, sodium, ammonium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium in the parts-per-billion (ppb) range. (from

Dataset-specific Instrument Name
Beckman-Coulter LS6500
Generic Instrument Name
Liquid Scintillation Counter
Dataset-specific Description
Beckman-Coulter LS6500 Liquid Scintillation Counter, calibrated with unquenched 3H and 14C standards from Perkin-Elmer (pn:6008500)
Generic Instrument Description
Liquid scintillation counting is an analytical technique which is defined by the incorporation of the radiolabeled analyte into uniform distribution with a liquid chemical medium capable of converting the kinetic energy of nuclear emissions into light energy. Although the liquid scintillation counter is a sophisticated laboratory counting system used the quantify the activity of particulate emitting (ß and a) radioactive samples, it can also detect the auger electrons emitted from 51Cr and 125I samples. Liquid scintillation counters are instruments assaying alpha and beta radiation by quantitative detection of visible light produced by the passage of rays or particles through a suitable scintillant incorporated into the sample.

Dataset-specific Instrument Name
ROSS pH electrode
Generic Instrument Name
pH Sensor
Dataset-specific Description
Thermo Scientific Orion glass body ROSS pH Electrode; calibrated with salinity and temperature corrected pH buffers (4, 7, 10 pH units).
Generic Instrument Description
An instrument that measures the hydrogen ion activity in solutions. The overall concentration of hydrogen ions is inversely related to its pH.  The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14 and indicates whether acidic (more H+) or basic (less H+). 

Dataset-specific Instrument Name
Thermo Scientific Orion 4 Star pH meter
Generic Instrument Name
pH Sensor
Generic Instrument Description
An instrument that measures the hydrogen ion activity in solutions. The overall concentration of hydrogen ions is inversely related to its pH.  The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14 and indicates whether acidic (more H+) or basic (less H+). 

Dataset-specific Instrument Name
Picarro G2201-i isotope analyzer
Generic Instrument Name
Picarro G2201-i isotope analyzer
Dataset-specific Description
Picarro G2201-i isotopic analyzer; cavity ring down spectrometer (CRDS)
Generic Instrument Description
The G2201-i Isotopic Analyzer measures d13C for CH4 and CO2. See:

Dataset-specific Instrument Name
push cores
Generic Instrument Name
Push Corer
Generic Instrument Description
Capable of being performed in numerous environments, push coring is just as it sounds. Push coring is simply pushing the core barrel (often an aluminum or polycarbonate tube) into the sediment by hand. A push core is useful in that it causes very little disturbance to the more delicate upper layers of a sub-aqueous sediment. Description obtained from:

Dataset-specific Instrument Name
Cole-Parmer RSA-BR60
Generic Instrument Name
Generic Instrument Description
A refractometer is a laboratory or field device for the measurement of an index of refraction (refractometry). The index of refraction is calculated from Snell's law and can be calculated from the composition of the material using the Gladstone-Dale relation. In optics the refractive index (or index of refraction) n of a substance (optical medium) is a dimensionless number that describes how light, or any other radiation, propagates through that medium.

Dataset-specific Instrument Name
Shimadzu UV-1601
Generic Instrument Name
Dataset-specific Description
Shimadzu Instruments Spectrophotometer Model: UV‐1601; Calibrated with laboratory made standards in envornmentally relevant concentration ranges and spectrum tuned for method. KH2PO4 for phosphate (0-40 uM in MQ; 885 nm wavelength); Na2S for sulfide (1-3 uM in MQ; 670 nm wavelength); NH4Cl for ammonium (0-60 uM; 640 nm wavelength)
Generic Instrument Description
An instrument used to measure the relative absorption of electromagnetic radiation of different wavelengths in the near infra-red, visible and ultraviolet wavebands by samples.

Dataset-specific Instrument Name
Shimadzu TOC 5000
Generic Instrument Name
Total Organic Carbon Analyzer
Dataset-specific Description
Shimadzu Instruments TOC-Vcpn with TNM-1 chemiluminescence NO unit; Calibrated with 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 ppm C made from potassium hydrogen phthalate dissolved in 18.2 mOhm MQ water.
Generic Instrument Description
A unit that accurately determines the carbon concentrations of organic compounds typically by detecting and measuring its combustion product (CO2). See description document at:

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R/V Atlantis
Start Date
End Date
The AT18-02 cruise sailed from Galveston, Texas and returned to Gulfport, Mississippi. Operations consisted of sediment sampling using the DSV ALVIN, hydrographic characterizations of the water column and sampling of water for geochemical and microbiological characterization using a standard CTD/Rosette, and additional sampling using a multiple corer. See more information from the WHOI cruise planning synopsis. Cruise information and original data are available from the NSF R2R data catalog.


R/V Atlantis
Start Date
End Date
See additional cruise information from the Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R):


R/V Endeavor
Start Date
End Date
See additional cruise information from the Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R):


R/V Endeavor
Start Date
End Date
See additional cruise information from the Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R):


R/V Endeavor
Start Date
End Date
See additional cruise information from the Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R):


R/V Endeavor
Start Date
End Date
See additional cruise information from the Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R):

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Project Information

Quantifying biological production of ethane and propane in deep subsurface sediments (ALKOg)

Coverage: Gulf of Mexico

Project abstract:
Light hydrocarbon gas mixtures are commonly found in organic-rich marine sediments. Methane (C1) is typically the dominant constituent in these mixtures, but ethane (C2) and propane (C3) are nearly always present in trace amounts. C1 dynamics are typically associated with either thermal cracking of deeply buried organic matter or the metabolic end-product of organic matter degradation. Ethane and propane production had typically been associated with thermocatalytic processes in deeply buried sediments, but limited studies suggested C2/C3 production in biogenic C1 gas mixtures was likely attributable to the activity of methanogenic archaea. However, very few of these studies looked at C1/C2 production in deep-sea sediments, and quantification of rates had either not been attempted, or were absent from the literature. We attempted to use organic-rich, cold seep sediments from the Green Canyon area of the Gulf of Mexico (GC600) to determine C2/C3 dynamics in the first ten meters of sediment (i.e. 0 – 10 m). We found C2/C3 production in near surface cold-seep sediments to be indistinguishable from the background degassing signatures of clay minerals. Surface sediments (i.e. < 4 m) are hypothesized to be dominated by communities of organisms that oxidize C2/C3 compounds, rather than communities that produce them. Experiments determining the controls and magnitude of C2/C3 oxidation in surface sediments in cold-seep environments are ongoing. We hypothesized that C2/C3 production likely occurs deeper in the sediment column (i.e. > 4 m), based primarily on ethane and propane profiles of similar environments. Such material proved difficult to acquire; efforts are ongoing to obtain deep piston cores (i.e. >10 m) for environmental profiling and experimental manipulation in the deeper sediment layers where C2/C3 production likely occurs.

C-DEBI project page:

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Program Information

Center for Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations (C-DEBI)

Coverage: Global

The mission of the Center for Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations (C-DEBI) is to explore life beneath the seafloor and make transformative discoveries that advance science, benefit society, and inspire people of all ages and origins.

C-DEBI provides a framework for a large, multi-disciplinary group of scientists to pursue fundamental questions about life deep in the sub-surface environment of Earth. The fundamental science questions of C-DEBI involve exploration and discovery, uncovering the processes that constrain the sub-surface biosphere below the oceans, and implications to the Earth system. What type of life exists in this deep biosphere, how much, and how is it distributed and dispersed? What are the physical-chemical conditions that promote or limit life? What are the important oxidation-reduction processes and are they unique or important to humankind? How does this biosphere influence global energy and material cycles, particularly the carbon cycle? Finally, can we discern how such life evolved in geological settings beneath the ocean floor, and how this might relate to ideas about the origin of life on our planet?

C-DEBI's scientific goals are pursued with a combination of approaches:
(1) coordinate, integrate, support, and extend the research associated with four major programs—Juan de Fuca Ridge flank (JdF), South Pacific Gyre (SPG), North Pond (NP), and Dorado Outcrop (DO)—and other field sites;
(2) make substantial investments of resources to support field, laboratory, analytical, and modeling studies of the deep subseafloor ecosystems;
(3) facilitate and encourage synthesis and thematic understanding of submarine microbiological processes, through funding of scientific and technical activities, coordination and hosting of meetings and workshops, and support of (mostly junior) researchers and graduate students; and
(4) entrain, educate, inspire, and mentor an interdisciplinary community of researchers and educators, with an emphasis on undergraduate and graduate students and early-career scientists.

Note: Katrina Edwards was a former PI of C-DEBI; James Cowen is a former co-PI.

Data Management:
C-DEBI is committed to ensuring all the data generated are publically available and deposited in a data repository for long-term storage as stated in their Data Management Plan (PDF) and in compliance with the NSF Ocean Sciences Sample and Data Policy. The data types and products resulting from C-DEBI-supported research include a wide variety of geophysical, geological, geochemical, and biological information, in addition to education and outreach materials, technical documents, and samples. All data and information generated by C-DEBI-supported research projects are required to be made publically available either following publication of research results or within two (2) years of data generation.

To ensure preservation and dissemination of the diverse data-types generated, C-DEBI researchers are working with BCO-DMO Data Managers make data publicly available online. The partnership with BCO-DMO helps ensure that the C-DEBI data are discoverable and available for reuse. Some C-DEBI data is better served by specialized repositories (NCBI's GenBank for sequence data, for example) and, in those cases, BCO-DMO provides dataset documentation (metadata) that includes links to those external repositories.

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Funding SourceAward
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE)

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