Data File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
larval_counts_2010.csv (18.62 KB) | Comma Separated Values (.csv) | Primary data file for dataset ID 877284 | |
Supplemental File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
Mariana_sampling_events_BCODMO_20220221.csv (829.00 B) | Comma Separated Values (.csv) | Table of sampling events associated with the dataset "Larvae collected near Mariana Back-Arc hydrothermal vents in 2010" (ID: 877284). Authors: Stace Beaulieu, Susan Mills, Lauren Mullineaux Date: 2022-02-22 Column definitions and units are below and also in the attached PDF ("Mariana Sampling Events Column Header Definitions"). Column Header: Description (Units) eventID: An identifier for the set of information associated with a sampling event that concatenates the cruise identifier and the mooring deployment Darwin Core term (unitless) locality: The specific description of the place near the sampling event, using names of vent fields and sites in the InterRidge Vents Database Ver. 3.4 Darwin Core term (unitless) decimalLatitude: The geographic latitude in decimal degrees of the sampling near the locality. Positive values are north of the Equator, negative values are south of it Darwin Core term (degrees) decimalLongitude: The geographic longitude in decimal degrees of the sampling near the locality. Positive values are east of the Greenwich Meridian, negative values are west of it Darwin Core term (degrees) Bottom_Depth_Meters: Depth below sea level of the seafloor under the sampling event (meters (m)) minimumDepthInMeters: The lesser depth of a range of depth below sea level for the sampling event Darwin Core term (meters (m)) maximumDepthInMeters: The greater depth of a range of depth below sea level for the sampling event Darwin Core term (meters (m)) eventDate: The date of the sampling event when the pump stopped Darwin Core term Format: YYYY-MM-DD (unitless) Volume_Filtered_L: Volume of seawater pumped over 63-um filter for the sampling event (liters (L)) Station_MGDS: Station Information event_name in Marine Geoscience Data System (unitless) Missing data identifier = NA | |
Mariana_sampling_events_column_header_definitions_20220222.pdf (375.26 KB) | Portable Document Format (.pdf) | Column definitions and units for the "Mariana Sampling Events" file. |
Type: Comma Separated Values (.csv)
Description: Primary data file for dataset ID 877284
Supplemental Files
Type: Comma Separated Values (.csv)
Description: Table of sampling events associated with the dataset "Larvae collected near Mariana Back-Arc hydrothermal vents in 2010" (ID: 877284). Authors: Stace Beaulieu, Susan Mills, Lauren Mullineaux Date: 2022-02-22 Column definitions and units are below and also in the attached PDF ("Mariana Sampling Events Column Header Definitions"). Column Header: Description (Units) eventID: An identifier for the set of information associated with a sampling event that concatenates the cruise identifier and the mooring deployment Darwin Core term (unitless) locality: The specific description of the place near the sampling event, using names of vent fields and sites in the InterRidge Vents Database Ver. 3.4 Darwin Core term (unitless) decimalLatitude: The geographic latitude in decimal degrees of the sampling near the locality. Positive values are north of the Equator, negative values are south of it Darwin Core term (degrees) decimalLongitude: The geographic longitude in decimal degrees of the sampling near the locality. Positive values are east of the Greenwich Meridian, negative values are west of it Darwin Core term (degrees) Bottom_Depth_Meters: Depth below sea level of the seafloor under the sampling event (meters (m)) minimumDepthInMeters: The lesser depth of a range of depth below sea level for the sampling event Darwin Core term (meters (m)) maximumDepthInMeters: The greater depth of a range of depth below sea level for the sampling event Darwin Core term (meters (m)) eventDate: The date of the sampling event when the pump stopped Darwin Core term Format: YYYY-MM-DD (unitless) Volume_Filtered_L: Volume of seawater pumped over 63-um filter for the sampling event (liters (L)) Station_MGDS: Station Information event_name in Marine Geoscience Data System (unitless) Missing data identifier = NA
Type: Portable Document Format (.pdf)
Description: Column definitions and units for the "Mariana Sampling Events" file.