Data File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
syn_growth.csv (18.43 KB) | Comma Separated Values (.csv) | Primary data file for dataset ID 882390 | |
Supplemental File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
SraRunTable_PRJNA377729.csv (45.60 KB) | Comma Separated Values (.csv) | SRA accessions and related collection and treatment information extracted from NCBI's SRA Run Selector. This includes all SRA runs and related BioSamples for BioProject PRJNA377729 ( | | (8.66 KB) | ZIP Archive (ZIP) | This .zip package contains the files necessary to replicate our growth curve analyses described in Barreto Filho et al. (2022). The file SynCurves.csv contains all of the raw data from the Synechococcus WH8102 and CC9311 growth experiments leading up to our RNA collection. Column headings are Strain (CC9311 or WH8102), Replicate (representing the clonal biological replicate of each culture), Treatment (400 ppm or 800 ppm pCO2), Transfer (each culture was passaged twice before RNA harvesting at the end of the third "transfer cycle"; during the third cycle, each replicate was split into 5 replicate tubes to increase harvested biomass, designated as e.g. replicate 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.), Time (days since the first post-acclimation transfer), and Cell Density (in cells per milliliter, measured by flow cytometry). The file SynProGrowthCurves.rcode.txt contains the R code necessary to replicate our statistical analysis of the growth curves of both the above Synechococcus cultures as well as the Prochlorococcus cultures reported in our earlier manuscript (Hennon et al. 2018). The packages plyr, lme4, and lsmeans (or emmeans) will need to be installed, but after that the code can be copied and pasted into an R window with the working directory set to contain SynGR.csv and our results should be reproducible. The file SynGR.csv contains the compiled growth rate data used for the statistical analysis. Column headings are Species (CC9311, WH8102, or MIT9312), Replicate (biological replicate clone), Treatment (CO2- for 400 ppm pCO2 or CO2+ for 800 ppm), Transfer (see above), T0 (date of initial culture inoculation), Tend (date of culture transfer or RNA harvesting), InitDens and FinalDens (cell density in cells per milliliter on T0 and Tend, respectively), t (elapsed time in days between T0 and Tend), m (malthusian growth rate, inverse days), r (exponential growth rate, inverse days), Lag (lag phase duration in days), DieOff (initial loss of cells after transfer as a proportion). Note that r, lag, and DieOff were only calculable for cultures that were monitored frequently enough to allow robust estimates of exponential growth rate; some CC9311 cultures were sampled less frequently. |
Type: Comma Separated Values (.csv)
Description: Primary data file for dataset ID 882390
Supplemental Files
Type: Comma Separated Values (.csv)
Description: SRA accessions and related collection and treatment information extracted from NCBI's SRA Run Selector. This includes all SRA runs and related BioSamples for BioProject PRJNA377729 (
Type: ZIP Archive (ZIP)
Description: This .zip package contains the files necessary to replicate our growth curve analyses described in Barreto Filho et al. (2022). The file SynCurves.csv contains all of the raw data from the Synechococcus WH8102 and CC9311 growth experiments leading up to our RNA collection. Column headings are Strain (CC9311 or WH8102), Replicate (representing the clonal biological replicate of each culture), Treatment (400 ppm or 800 ppm pCO2), Transfer (each culture was passaged twice before RNA harvesting at the end of the third "transfer cycle"; during the third cycle, each replicate was split into 5 replicate tubes to increase harvested biomass, designated as e.g. replicate 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.), Time (days since the first post-acclimation transfer), and Cell Density (in cells per milliliter, measured by flow cytometry). The file SynProGrowthCurves.rcode.txt contains the R code necessary to replicate our statistical analysis of the growth curves of both the above Synechococcus cultures as well as the Prochlorococcus cultures reported in our earlier manuscript (Hennon et al. 2018). The packages plyr, lme4, and lsmeans (or emmeans) will need to be installed, but after that the code can be copied and pasted into an R window with the working directory set to contain SynGR.csv and our results should be reproducible. The file SynGR.csv contains the compiled growth rate data used for the statistical analysis. Column headings are Species (CC9311, WH8102, or MIT9312), Replicate (biological replicate clone), Treatment (CO2- for 400 ppm pCO2 or CO2+ for 800 ppm), Transfer (see above), T0 (date of initial culture inoculation), Tend (date of culture transfer or RNA harvesting), InitDens and FinalDens (cell density in cells per milliliter on T0 and Tend, respectively), t (elapsed time in days between T0 and Tend), m (malthusian growth rate, inverse days), r (exponential growth rate, inverse days), Lag (lag phase duration in days), DieOff (initial loss of cells after transfer as a proportion). Note that r, lag, and DieOff were only calculable for cultures that were monitored frequently enough to allow robust estimates of exponential growth rate; some CC9311 cultures were sampled less frequently.