Contributors | Affiliation | Role |
Pavia, Frank J. | California Institute of Technology (Caltech) | Principal Investigator |
Dong, Sijia | California Institute of Technology (Caltech) | Co-Principal Investigator |
Lam, Phoebe J. | University of California-Santa Cruz (UCSC) | Co-Principal Investigator |
Subhas, Adam V. | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) | Co-Principal Investigator |
Rauch, Shannon | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI BCO-DMO) | BCO-DMO Data Manager |
The data in this compilation come from three existing datasets already on BCO-DMO:
(1) The Compilation of MULVFS size-fractionated POC, PIC, and bSi data (; DOI: 10.26008/1912/bco-dmo.884057.1),
(2) GEOTRACES GP16 Particle Composition (; DOI: 10.1575/1912/bco-dmo.668083.1), and
(3) GEOTRACES GA03 Particulate Composition (; DOI: 10.1575/1912/bco-dmo.3871.5.1).
The collection and measurement methodologies for each of these datasets are described in detail on their respective BCO-DMO dataset landing pages.
For this dataset, we merged the Multiple Unit Large Volume in-situ Filtration System (MULVFS, Bishop et al. 1985) LVP PIC, POC, and bSi dataset published partially in Lam et al. 2011 with new data collected using McLane in-situ pumps equipped with two size-fractionating filters during the GEOTRACES program. The filter sizes generally consist of a 51 micrometer (μm) or 53μm pre-filter that collects large particles, followed by a 0.8μm or 1μm filter that collects smaller particles. We annotate large size fraction particles (>53μm or >51μm) as "LSF", and small size fraction particles (1-53μm or 0.8-51μm) denoted "SSF" (small size fraction).
Data quality flags were assigned to values as follows:
0 = good quality - passed lab QC;
1 = unknown quality - oceanographically consistent, but no intercalibration possible;
4 = questionable quality - below detection limit or anomalously high or low;
8 = bad quality - failed lab QC, or known issue with sample.
File |
compiled_pic_poc_bsi.csv (Comma Separated Values (.csv), 177.31 KB) MD5:1e56c7ff88cf5aaa4bd5ee82506ee57e Primary data file for dataset ID 883965 |
Parameter | Description | Units |
cruise_id | Cruise ID number if available; if not, a unique numeric cruiseID was created based on year and month of cruise. These correspond to the "cruiseID" column of related dataset 884057. | unitless |
station_GEOTRC | GEOTRACES Station Number | unitless |
Lon | longitude (negative values = West) | degrees East |
Lat | latitude (negative values = South) | degrees North |
depth_n | depth | meters |
month | month | unitless |
year | year | unitless |
PICPOC_ssf | particulate inorganic carbon to particulate organic carbon in small size fraction | unitless |
PICPOC_lsf | particulate inorganic carbon to particulate organic carbon in large size fraction | unitless |
PICPOC_lsf_ssf | particulate inorganic carbon to particulate organic carbon, large size fraction over small size fraction | unitless |
POC_ssf | small size particulate organic carbon concentration | micromoles per liter |
POC_ssf_flag | small size particulate organic carbon quality control flags, defined as: | unitless |
POC_lsf | large size particulate organic carbon flux | micromoles per liter |
POC_lsf_flag | large size particulate organic carbon quality control flags, defined as: | unitless |
PIC_ssf | small size particulate inorganic carbon concentration | micromoles per liter |
PIC_ssf_flag | small size particulate inorganic carbon quality control flags, defined as: | unitless |
PIC_lsf | large size particulate inorganic carbon flux | micromoles per liter |
PIC_lsf_flag | large size particulate inorganic carbon quality control flags, defined as: | unitless |
bSi_ssf | small size biogenic silica concentration | micromoles per liter |
bSi_ssf_flag | small size biogenic silica fquality control flags, defined as: | unitless |
bSi_lsf | large size biogenic silica flux | micromoles per liter |
bSi_lsf_flag | large size biogenic silica quality control flags, defined as: | unitless |
Dataset-specific Instrument Name | Multiple Unit Large Volume in-situ Filtration System |
Generic Instrument Name | Multiple Unit Large Volume Filtration System |
Generic Instrument Description | The Multiple Unit Large Volume Filtration System (MULVFS) was first described in Bishop et al., 1985 (doi: 10.1021/ba-1985-0209.ch009). The MULVFS consists of multiple (commonly 12) specialized particulate matter pumps, mounted in a frame and tethered to the ship by a cable (Bishop et al., 1985; Bishop and Wood, 2008). The MULVFS filters particulates from large volumes of seawater, although the exact protocols followed will vary for each project. |
NSF Award Abstract:
The ocean actively exchanges carbon dioxide with the atmosphere and is currently absorbing about a third of the carbon dioxide humans emit through fossil fuel burning. Because carbon dioxide is acidic, ocean pH drops as it takes up carbon dioxide, a process known as "ocean acidification". Ocean acidification negatively affects the health of marine ecosystems by making it harder for organisms to grow their calcium carbonate shells. Yet, the dissolution of these calcium carbonate shells in the deep ocean helps neutralize the carbon dioxide we emit as humans. The extent to which this process takes place is a function of the solubility of marine calcium carbonate. This project will evaluate the temperature and pressure effects on the stability of biologically produced calcium carbonate minerals. The results from this study will allow us to better predict where, how much, and how fast, carbon dioxide will be neutralized and stored in the world's ocean. We will also investigate the ways in which small changes in the chemical composition of calcium carbonate shells - such as the incorporation of magnesium - influence their stability. This project will also conduct micro-computed tomography scans of microorganisms' shells to better visualize them in 3-dimensional detail. We will print these 3-dimensional scans for use as educational tools in the classroom and in the Woods Hole Visitor Center. In addition, professional development workshops for high school teacher on ocean acidification and the importance of marine calcification will be held yearly.
The ocean is the ultimate repository for most of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions, which in turn is making ocean chemistry less favorable for biogenic carbonate precipitation through the process of ocean acidification. Ocean acidification decreases seawater pH but dissolution of primarily biogenic carbonate minerals has the capacity to buffer this acidification and over thousands of years push whole-ocean pH and atmospheric carbon dioxide to their preindustrial values. Unfortunately, the relationship between seawater chemistry, carbonate mineral solubility, and the kinetics that govern carbonate dissolution and precipitation are not fully understood. Currently, it is clear that relationships based solely on inorganic calcite are insufficient to describe the cycling of biogenic calcites in the ocean. This project will conduct a systematic determination of the solubilities and reaction kinetics of the three most common biogenic carbonates (coccoliths, foraminifera, and pteropods), both in the laboratory and in the field, using spectrophotometric pH saturometry. The saturometer incubates calcium carbonate with seawater in a closed system. During each run, the change in pH within the saturometer traces the progression of calcium carbonate dissolution/precipitation as the system approaches equilibrium. The saturometer therefore has the potential to link mechanistic interpretations of mineral dissolution/precipitation kinetics to measurements of solubility in a single experiment. The spectrophotometric pH method uses well-calibrated indicator dyes, allows solubility and data to be tied to modern pH calibrations and reference materials, and can be used in the laboratory or deployed on a hydrowire at sea. Field experiments will be conducted at multiple depths, elucidating in-situ controls on solubility and kinetics, as well as the sensitivity of biogenic calcite solubility to temperature and pressure. Experiments will be conducted from both sides of equilibrium, allowing for robust determinations of inorganic and biogenic solubilities.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
Funding Source | Award |
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE) |