Contributors | Affiliation | Role |
Lotterhos, Katie | Northeastern University | Principal Investigator, Contact |
Newman, Sawyer | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI BCO-DMO) | BCO-DMO Data Manager |
See metadata files associated with simulation outputs in the repository.
The associated modeling code is archived at 10.5281/zenodo.7622893.
The tutorial associated with the publication is published at
Landscapes and demographies
All simulations consisted of 100 demes arranged on a 10 x 10 landscape grid. The 15 levels of landscape-demography were broadly divided into three landscape categories: (i) a stepping stone landscape with latitudinal and longitudinal selective clines (Stepping-Stone Clines, the most commonly simulated scenario in testing methods) (Coop et al. 2010; Frichot et al. 2013; Günther & Coop 2013; de Villemereuil et al. 2014; Lotterhos & Whitlock 2015; Rellstab et al. 2015; Gautier 2015; Forester et al. 2016, 2018), (ii) a stepping stone landscape with one latitudinal cline and one non-linear longitudinal mountain range (Stepping-Stone Mountain, which left the potential for unique architectures to arise to the same selective pressure at different geographic locations), and (iii) an estuary landscape with a latitudinal and longitudinal selective clines (Estuary Clines, which simulated repeated independent bouts of adaptation analogous to oysters or sticklebacks that repeatedly colonize and adapt to isolated freshwater environments connected by gene flow in the marine environment). For simplicity, I refer to the latitudinal environment as Temperature and the longitudinal environment as Env2.
In summary, Stepping-Stone Mountain had a different environmental pattern than Stepping-Stone Clines but the same demography, while Estuary Clines had the same environmental pattern as Stepping-Stone Clines but different demography. The demographic parameters were chosen such that different landscapes achieved similar levels of neutral genetic differentiation and local adaptation. Within each of the three landscapes, 5 demographies were simulated that described the migration rates and effective population sizes on the landscape (see Supplemental Methods).
See the Supplemental Methods for a description of the multivariate continuous space simulations with 6 traits.
Genetic map
The Wright-Fisher simulations were based on a previously published quantitative genetic model and a genetic map (Lotterhos 2019). The genome consisted of 20 linkage groups each with 50,000 sites. The scaled recombination rate (N metapop r = 0.01) gave a resolution of 0.001 cM between proximate bases and a total length of 50 cM for each linkage group. This resolution mimicked a SNP chip, in which SNPs were collected across a large genetic map (Lotterhos 2019). The population-scaled neutral mutation rate was (N metapop μ= 0.001). QTNs could evolve on the first 10 linkage groups, while on the second 10 linkage groups only neutral loci could evolve.
Genetic Architecture and Stabilizing Selection
Mutation: Quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs) contributed additively to the optimal phenotype for each individual without dominance. Three genic levels were simulated: oligogenic (few loci of large effect on the trait), moderately polygenic (dozens to hundreds of loci with intermediate effects), and highly polygenic (hundreds of loci with small effects). For QTN mutations under 1 trait or 2 traits without pleiotropy, the univariate effect size of a new QTN mutation was drawn from a normal distribution with a mean of 0 and standard deviation sigma QTN. For QTN mutations under 2 traits with pleiotropy, the bivariate effect size was drawn from a multivariate normal distribution with a standard deviation of sigma QTN for both traits and no covariance, which gave flexibility for mutations to evolve with effects on one or both traits. Thus, the distribution of effect sizes and linkage relationships among QTNs was allowed to evolve.
Pleiotropy: Within each genic category were 5 levels of pleiotropy and selection: (i) 1 temperature trait (which adapted to the latitudinal cline), (ii) 2 traits without pleiotropy and equal strengths of selection on both traits, (iii) 2 traits without pleiotropy and with weaker selection on the temperature trait, (iv) 2 traits with pleiotropy (QTNs could evolve effects on one or both traits) and equal strengths of selection on both traits, and (v) 2 traits with pleiotropy and with weaker selection on the latitudinal temperature trait.
Selection: The trait was subject to spatially heterogeneous stabilizing selection with the optimum for each location in space given by the environment. For each individual in each generation, the fitness was determined by a Gaussian function given the difference between the individual’s phenotype and the optimum at that location.
See trait equation details in the supplemental document: equation_details_genetic_architecture_and_stabilizing_selection.pdf
For information on burn-in, adding neutral loci with tree sequencing, filtering, and sampling, see the Supplemental Methods.
Quantifying the degree of local adaptation, divergence, and structure
For each replicate, the degree of local adaptation was measured as (i) the difference between population fitness in sympatry and allopatry following (Blanquart et al. 2013) and (ii) the correlation between the phenotype and environmental cline for each trait. Overall divergence (genetic differentiation) was calculated as Weir and Cockerham’s FST (Weir & Cockerham 1984) in OutFLANK (Whitlock & Lotterhos 2015). Population structure was estimated with a principal component analysis on the genotype matrix.
Quantifying trait and allelic clines
The degree of a trait cline was measured as Kendall's tau rank correlation coefficient between individual trait values and deme environment. The degree of an allele frequency cline was measured as Kendall's tau rank correlation coefficient (Kendall 1938, 1945) between deme allele frequency and deme environment, with significance being determined after Bonferroni correction based on the number of SNPs in the data. QTNs that were significant by this criteria were deemed “clinal QTNs.” The proportion of clinal QTNs excluded minor alleles with frequency < 0.01.
GEA performance
Latent-factor mixed models (LFMM) assess the linear relationship between genotype and environment while controlling for structure as latent factors. LFMM was implemented using the function lfmm2 in the R package LEA v.4.0.3 (Frichot et al. 2013; Frichot & François 2015; Caye et al. 2019). Redundancy analysis (RDA) and the partial RDA (pRDA) including a structure correction (conditional on the first 2 PC axes) were implemented using the ‘rda’ function in the R package vegan (Dixon 2003). See Supplemental Methods for details of implementation and correction for false discovery rate.
The performance of the association metrics were summarized as: (i) false discovery rate (FDR, proportion of outliers that are neutral, lower is better), (ii) true positive rate (TPR, proportion of QTNs that are significant outliers, higher is better), and (iii) the area under the precision-recall curve (AUC-PR, higher is better) (Lotterhos et al. 2022). In order to provide the most optimistic estimate of a method’s performance, the performance statistics were calculated by only including truly neutral loci unaffected by selection on linkage groups 11-20 and the QTNs.
Importance of clinal QTNs to local adaptation
First framework: A linear model was used to conduct the GWAS with individual trait value as the response variable and SNP genotype, PC1, and PC2 as explanatory variables. The proportion of GWAS hits that also showed clines with the environmental variable was compared to the known number of clinal QTNs. Second framework: The proportion of additive genetic variance (VA) for each QTN was calculated as the additive genetic variance for the focal QTN standardized by the total additive genetic variance following (Lotterhos 2019). The proportion of additive genetic variance (VA) explained by clinal QTNs was compared to a null expectation equal to the proportion of QTNs that were clinal. Third framework: I estimated the proportion of local explained by different subsets of QTNs: (i) QTNs with MAF > 0.01, (ii) clinal QTNs, and (iii) clinal QTNs inferred from latent factor mixed models that include a structure correction. For (ii) and (iii), a GEA model was performed for each environment, and then outlier QTNs were combined into a focal QTN set that was used for the local adaptation prediction. For each focal subset of QTNs, the counts of the derived allele were multiplied by the QTN effect size, summed to get a phenotype, and that phenotype was used in an in silico reciprocal transplant using the known phenotype-fitness function to estimate the degree of local adaptation. This estimate was then divided by the total degree of local adaptation (using all QTNs including those below the MAF threshold) to get an estimate of the proportion of local adaptation explained by that focal subset.
Processing notes from researcher:
File |
Summary data table for dataset 889769 filename: summary_20220428_20220726.csv (Comma Separated Values (.csv), 2.47 MB) MD5:8bf218995df195620cd3a1462e7bb324 File processed with laminar pipeline "889769_v1_paradox_of_adaptive_trait_clines" at path 889769/1/data/summary_20220428_20220726.csv |
File |
Genotypes filename: genotypes.tar (Tape Archive (.tar), 8.87 GB) MD5:f0ea2afc1c65cb3b466dac668259c89a For each simulation seed, a genotype matrix with SNPs in rows and individuals in columns. 1000 individuals were sampled from the landscape (10/deme) and SNPs were filtered to MAF > 0.01. Each entry in the matrix is a 0, 1, or 2 corresponding to the counts of the derived allele. |
Individual metadata filename: (Plain Text, 3.38 KB) MD5:d90914a5c7eda47b3b54b57af8f955a2 Metadata describing the columns in the "Individuals" file |
Individuals compressed file filename: individuals.tar (Tape Archive (.tar), 372.71 MB) MD5:c936fac46abfbcf224f3d31be75fb894 Data for each of the 1000 sampled individuals, for each of the 2250 simulation seeds |
Mutations metadata filename: (Plain Text, 7.76 KB) MD5:76b68fe8451b5895268332128428b3f6 Metadata for the mutation data describing each column in the data |
Mutations filename: mutations.tar (Tape Archive (.tar), 14.21 GB) MD5:260e2f85de28a462de748e81bf62366a Data for each SNP mutation in a simulation seed. Data correspond to rows in the Genotypes file. |
Summary file metadata filename: (Plain Text, 22.78 KB) MD5:470a7d6e497bc3e5046ef7409f88df26 Metadata for the summary file describing each column in the data |
Summary file filename: summary_20220428_20220726.txt (Plain Text, 3.63 MB) MD5:06ce383f26faeac78bbb7ab8e29489c3 Summary statistics for each simulation seed |
Parameter | Description | Units |
seed | Simulation seed. | unitless |
n_samp_tot | Total number of individuals sampled. | unitless |
n_samp_per_pop | Number of individuals sampled from each deme. | unitless |
sd_fitness_among_inds | Variance in fitness among all sampled individuals in the simulation (sampling prob. is proportional to fitness to mimic viability selection). | unitless |
sd_fitness_among_pops | Variance in fitness among all demes in the simulation after sampling (sampling prob. is proportional to fitness to mimic viability selection). | unitless |
final_LA | Final amount of local adaptation in the simulation. | unitless |
K | Number of populations used in analyses. | unitless |
Bonf_alpha | The significance threshold for P-values applied to the correlation. | unitless |
numCausalLowMAFsample | Number of causal loci that were not filtered out, but were below the MAF cutoff. These were included in the calculations. | unitless |
all_corr_phen_temp | For all individuals, correlation between individual temp phenotype and environment temperature. | unitless |
subsamp_corr_phen_temp | After sampling 10 individuals from each deme with a probability based on their fitness, correlation individual temp phenotype and environment temperature. | unitless |
all_corr_phen_sal | For all individuals, correlation between individual sal phenotype and environment salinity. | unitless |
subsamp_corr_phen_sal | After sampling 10 individuals from each deme with a probability based on their fitness, correlation between individual sal phenotype and environment salinity. | unitless |
num_causal_prefilter | Number of causal loci in sim before filtering for MAF > 0.01. | unitless |
num_causal_postfilter | Number of causal loci in sim before filtering for MAF > 0.01. | unitless |
num_non_causal | Number of neutral loci in sim arising on the half of the genome where they could be linked to causal loci. | unitless |
num_neut_prefilter | Total number of neutral loci on all LG before filtering MAF > 0.01. This is not really accurate, since many neutral loci were filtered out after output by pyslim - causal loci were not subject to filtering. | unitless |
num_neut_postfilter | Total number of neutral loci on all LG after filtering MAF > 0.01. | unitless |
num_neut_neutralgenome | Number of truly neutral loci in sim, unlinked to causal loci, on LG 11-20. | unitless |
num_causal_temp | Number of loci with non-zero phenotypic effects on the temperature phenotype. | unitless |
num_causal_sal | Number of loci with non-zero phenotypic effects on the salinity phenotype. | unitless |
num_multiallelic | Rarely there is a back-mutation in SLiM, leading to a 0/0 0/1 1/1 1/2 0/2 2/2 genotypes. These were filtered for analysis. | unitless |
meanFst | Overall FST (fixation index) calculated from mean(T1)/mean(T2) in outflank. | unitless |
va_temp_total | Total additive genetic variance in the temperature trait, based on the entire 10,000 individual sample. | unitless |
va_sal_total | Total additive genetic variance in the salinity trait, based on the entire 10,000 individual sample. | unitless |
Va_temp_sample | Total additive genetic variance in the temperature trait, based on the 1,000 individual (10 ind/deme x 100 demes) sample. | unitless |
Va_sal_sample | Total additive genetic variance in the salinity trait, based on the entire 1,000 individual (10 ind/deme x 100 demes) sample. | unitless |
nSNPs | Total number of SNPs in analysis. | unitless |
median_causal_temp_cor | Median abs(Spearman's correlation) between allele frequency and temperature for causal loci. | unitless |
median_causal_sal_cor | Median abs(Spearman's correlation) between allele frequency and salinity for causal loci. | unitless |
median_neut_temp_cor | Median abs(Spearman's correlation) between allele frequency and temperature for neutral loci. | unitless |
median_neut_sal_cor | Median abs(Spearman's correlation) between allele frequency and salinity for neutral loci. | unitless |
cor_VA_temp_prop | Proportion of VA in temperature phenotype explained by clinal outliers for temperature, based on kendall's correlation between deme allele frequency and deme temperature. | unitless |
cor_VA_sal_prop | Proportion of VA in salinity phenotype explained by clinal outliers for salinity, based on kendall's correlation between deme allele frequency and deme salinity. | unitless |
cor_TPR_temp | True positive rate for loci with non-zero effects on temperature, based on kendall's correlation between deme allele frequency and deme temperature. | unitless |
cor_TPR_sal | True positive rate for loci with non-zero effects on salinity, based on kendall's correlation between deme allele frequency and deme salinity. | unitless |
cor_FDR_allSNPs_temp | False discovery rate of (kendall's correlation between deme allele frequency and deme temperature) for loci with non-zero effects on temperature. | unitless |
cor_FDR_neutSNPs_temp | An optimistic calculation for false discovery rate of (kendall's correlation between deme allele frequency and deme temperature) for loci with non-zero effects on temperature, excluding non-causal loci in half of genome affected by selection. | unitless |
cor_FDR_allSNPs_sal | False discovery rate of (kendall's correlation between deme allele frequency and deme salinity) for loci with non-zero effects on salinity. | unitless |
cor_FDR_neutSNPs_sal | An optimistic calculation for false discovery rate of (kendall's correlation between deme allele frequency and deme temperature) for loci with non-zero effects on temperature, excluding non-causal loci in half of genome affected by selection. | unitless |
num_causal_sig_temp_corr | Number of causal loci on temperature trait that are significant cor(af,temp) after Bonferroni correction. | unitless |
num_causal_sig_sal_corr | Number of causal loci on salinity trait that are significant cor(af,salinity) after Bonferroni correction. | unitless |
num_notCausal_sig_temp_corr | Number of non-causal (neutral and neutral-linked) loci that are significant cor(af,temp) after Bonferroni correction. | unitless |
num_notCausal_sig_sal_corr | Number of non-causal (neutral and neutral-linked) loci that are significant cor(af,salinity) after Bonferroni correction. | unitless |
num_neut_sig_temp_corr | Number of truly neutral loci (LG 11-20) that are significant cor(af,temp) after Bonferroni correction. | unitless |
num_neut_sig_sal_corr | Number of truly neutral loci (LG 11-20) that are significant cor(af,salinity) after Bonferroni correction. | unitless |
cor_AUCPR_temp_allSNPs | AUC-PR of kendall's correlation between deme allele frequency and deme temperature, based on the whole genome and causal loci for temperature. | unitless |
cor_AUCPR_temp_neutSNPs | An optimistic estimate of AUC-PR of kendall's correlation between deme allele frequency and deme temperature, based on causal loci for temperature and neutral loci not affected by selection (excluding non-causal loci in half of genome affected by selection). | unitless |
cor_AUCPR_sal_allSNPs | AUC-PR of kendall's correlation between deme allele frequency and deme salinity, based on the whole genome and causal loci for salinity. | unitless |
cor_AUCPR_sal_neutSNPs | An optimistic estimate of AUC-PR of kendall's correlation between deme allele frequency and deme salinity, based on causal loci for salinity and neutral loci not affected by selection (excluding non-causal loci in half of genome affected by selection). | unitless |
cor_af_temp_noutliers | Number of outliers for cor(af,temp) after Bonferroni correction. | unitless |
cor_af_sal_noutliers | Number of outliers for cor(af,salinity) after Bonferroni correction. | unitless |
cor_FPR_temp_neutSNPs | False positive rate in cor(af,temp) after Bonferroni correction, based on neutral loci unaffected by selection (LG 11-20). | unitless |
cor_FPR_sal_neutSNPs | False positive rate in cor(af,sal) after Bonferroni correction, based on neutral loci unaffected by selection (LG 11-20). | unitless |
LEA3_2_lfmm2_Va_temp_prop | Proportion of additive genetic variance (Va) in the temperature trait explained by outliers in the LFMM temp model. | unitless |
LEA3_2_lfmm2_Va_sal_prop | Proportion of additive genetic variance (Va) in the saliniity trait explained by outliers in the LFMM salinity model. | unitless |
LEA3_2_lfmm2_TPR_temp | True positive rate of the LFMM temp model for loci with alleles that have non-zero effects on the temperature phenotype. | unitless |
LEA3_2_lfmm2_TPR_sal | True positive rate of the LFMM salinity model for loci with alleles that have non-zero effects on the salnity phenotype. | unitless |
LEA3_2_lfmm2_FDR_allSNPs_temp | False discovery rate of the LFMM temp model for the entire genome. | unitless |
LEA3_2_lfmm2_FDR_allSNPs_sal | False discovery rate of the LFMM temp model for the entire genome. | unitless |
LEA3_2_lfmm2_FDR_neutSNPs_temp | An optimistic calculation of the false discovery rate of the LFMM temp model, including only causal loci and neutral loci not affected by selection (any non-causal loci that arises on the half of the genome affected by selection was excluded). | unitless |
LEA3_2_lfmm2_FDR_neutSNPs_sal | An optimistic calculation of the false discovery rate of the LFMM salinity model, including only causal loci and neutral loci not affected by selection (any non-causal loci that arises on the half of the genome affected by selection was excluded). | unitless |
LEA3_2_lfmm2_AUCPR_temp_allSNPs | The AUC-PR of the lfmm temp model based on the entire genome. | unitless |
LEA3_2_lfmm2_AUCPR_temp_neutSNPs | An optimistic calculation of the AUC-PR of the LFMM temp model, including only causal loci and neutral loci not affected by selection (any non-causal loci that arises on the half of the genome affected by selection was excluded). | unitless |
LEA3_2_lfmm2_AUCPR_sal_allSNPs | The AUC-PR of the lfmm salinity model based on the entire genome. | unitless |
LEA3_2_lfmm2_AUCPR_sal_neutSNPs | An optimistic calculation of the AUC-PR of the LFMM salinity model, including only causal loci and neutral loci not affected by selection (any non-causal loci that arises on the half of the genome affected by selection was excluded). | unitless |
LEA3_2_lfmm2_mlog10P_tempenv_noutliers | Number of outliers for the lfmm temp model (qvalue <0.05). | unitless |
LEA3_2_lfmm2_mlog10P_salenv_noutliers | Number of outliers for the lfmm salinity model (qvalue <0.05). | unitless |
LEA3_2_lfmm2_num_causal_sig_temp | Number of causal loci on the temp trait, significant in the lfmm temp model (qvalue <0.05). | unitless |
LEA3_2_lfmm2_num_neut_sig_temp | Number of neutral loci false positives (only neutral loci not affected by selection), significant in the lfmm temp model (qvalue <0.05). | unitless |
LEA3_2_lfmm2_num_causal_sig_sal | Number of causal loci on the salinity trait, significant in the lfmm salinity model (qvalue <0.05). | unitless |
LEA3_2_lfmm2_num_neut_sig_sal | Number of neutral loci false positives (only neutral loci not affected by selection), significant in the lfmm salinity model (qvalue <0.05). | unitless |
LEA3_2_lfmm2_FPR_neutSNPs_temp | False positive rate of lfmm temperature model. | unitless |
LEA3_2_lfmm2_FPR_neutSNPs_sal | False positive rate of lfmm salinity model. | unitless |
RDA1_propvar | Proportion of variance explained by first RDA axis. RDA model: genotype ~ environment. | unitless |
RDA2_propvar | Proportion of variance explained by second RDA axis. RDA model: genotype ~ environment. | unitless |
RDA1_propvar_corr | Proportion of variance explained by first RDA axis. RDA model with structure correction: genotype ~ environment + Condition(PC1 + PC2). | unitless |
RDA2_propvar_corr | Proportion of variance explained by second RDA axis. RDA model with structure correction: genotype ~ environment + Condition(PC1 + PC2). | unitless |
RDA1_temp_cor | Output of `summary(rdaout)$biplot[2,1]`, which is the correlation between RDA1 and the temperature environmental variable. RDA model: genotype ~ environment. | unitless |
RDA1_sal_cor | Output of `summary(rdaout)$biplot[1,1]`, which is the correlation between RDA1 and the salinity environmental variable. RDA model: genotype ~ environment. | unitless |
RDA2_temp_cor | Output of `summary(rdaout)$biplot[2,2]`, which is the correlation between RDA2 and the temperature environmental variable. RDA model: genotype ~ environment. | unitless |
RDA2_sal_cor | Output of `summary(rdaout)$biplot[1,2]`, which is the correlation between RDA2 and the salinity environmental variable. RDA model: genotype ~ environment. | unitless |
RDA_Va_temp_prop | Proportion of additive genetic variance (Va) in the temperature trait explained by outliers in the RDA outlier analysis, following (Capblanq 2018, RDA model: genotype ~ environment. | unitless |
RDA_Va_temp_prop_corr | Proportion of additive genetic variance (Va) in the temperature trait explained by outliers in the RDA outlier analysis, following (Capblanq 2018, RDA model with structure correction: genotype ~ environment + Condition(PC1 + PC2). | unitless |
RDA_Va_sal_prop | Proportion of additive genetic variance (Va) in the salinity trait explained by outliers in the RDA outlier analysis, following (Capblanq 2018, RDA model: genotype ~ environment. | unitless |
RDA_Va_sal_prop_corr | Proportion of additive genetic variance (Va) in the salinity trait explained by outliers in the RDA outlier analysis, following (Capblanq 2018, RDA model with structure correction: genotype ~ environment + Condition(PC1 + PC2). | unitless |
RDA_TPR | True positive rate of the RDA for all causal loci. Since RDA is a multidimensional analysis, I did not differentiate between loci that had causal effects on temperature or salinity. RDA model: genotype ~ environment. | unitless |
RDA_TPR_corr | True positive rate of the RDA for all causal loci. Since RDA is a multidimensional analysis, I did not differentiate between loci that had causal effects on temperature or salinity. RDA model with structure correction: genotype ~ environment + Condition(PC1 + PC2). | unitless |
RDA_FDR_allSNPs | False discovery rate of the RDA outlier analysis based on the entire genome. RDA model: genotype ~ environment. | unitless |
RDA_FDR_allSNPs_corr | False discovery rate of the RDA outlier analysis based on the entire genome. RDA model with structure correction: genotype ~ environment + Condition(PC1 + PC2). | unitless |
num_RDA_sig_causal | Number of causal loci that are significant in the RDA analysis at q > 0.05. RDA model: genotype ~ environment. | unitless |
num_RDA_sig_neutral | Number of neutral loci (LG 11-20) that are significant in the RDA analysis at q > 0.05. RDA model: genotype ~ environment. | unitless |
num_RDA_sig_causal_corr | Number of causal loci that are significant in the RDA analysis at q > 0.05. RDA model with structure correction: genotype ~ environment + Condition(PC1 + PC2). | unitless |
num_RDA_sig_neutral_corr | Number of neutral loci (LG 11-20) that are significant in the RDA analysis at q > 0.05. RDA model with structure correction: genotype ~ environment + Condition(PC1 + PC2). | unitless |
RDA_FDR_neutSNPs | An optimistic calculation of the false discovery rate of the RDA, including only causal loci and neutral loci not affected by selection (any non-causal loci that arises on the half of the genome affected by selection was excluded). RDA model: genotype ~ environment. | unitless |
RDA_FDR_neutSNPs_corr | An optimistic calculation of the false discovery rate of the RDA, including only causal loci and neutral loci not affected by selection (any non-causal loci that arises on the half of the genome affected by selection was excluded). RDA model with structure correction: genotype ~ environment + Condition(PC1 + PC2). | unitless |
RDA_AUCPR_allSNPs | AUC-PR of the RDA outlier analysis based on the entire genome. RDA model: genotype ~ environment. | unitless |
RDA_AUCPR_neutSNPs | An optimistic calculation of the AUC-PR of the RDA, including only causal loci and neutral loci not affected by selection (any non-causal loci that arises on the half of the genome affected by selection was excluded). RDA model: genotype ~ environment. | unitless |
RDA_AUCPR_neutSNPs_corr | An optimistic calculation of the AUC-PR of the RDA, including only causal loci and neutral loci not affected by selection (any non-causal loci that arises on the half of the genome affected by selection was excluded). RDA model with structure correction: genotype ~ environment + Condition(PC1 + PC2). | unitless |
RDA_FPR_neutSNPs | False positive rate of the RDA analysis, based only on neutral SNPs. RDA model: genotype ~ environment. | unitless |
RDA_FPR_neutSNPs_corr | False positive rate of the RDA analysis, based only on neutral SNPs. RDA model with structure correction: genotype ~ environment + Condition(PC1 + PC2). | unitless |
RDA_RDAmutpred_cor_tempEffect | # pearson's correlation between the predicted temperature effect from RDA and the true mutation effect on temperature. RDA model: genotype ~ environment. | unitless |
RDA_RDAmutpred_cor_salEffect | # pearson's correlation between the predicted salinity effect from RDA and the true mutation effect on salinity. RDA model: genotype ~ environment. | unitless |
RDA_absRDAmutpred_cor_tempVa | # pearson's correlation between the abs(predicted temperature effect from RDA) and the true mutation Va on temperature. RDA model: genotype ~ environment. | unitless |
RDA_absRDAmutpred_cor_salVa | # pearson's correlation between the abs(predicted salinity effect from RDA) and the true mutation Va on salinity. RDA model: genotype ~ environment. | unitless |
RDA_RDAmutpred_cor_tempEffect_structcorr | # pearson's correlation between the predicted temperature effect from RDA and the true mutation effect on temperature. RDA model: genotype ~ environment. RDA model with structure correction: genotype ~ environment + Condition(PC1 + PC2). | unitless |
RDA_RDAmutpred_cor_salEffect_structcorr | # pearson's correlation between the predicted salinity effect from RDA and the true mutation effect on salinity. RDA model: genotype ~ environment. RDA model with structure correction: genotype ~ environment + Condition(PC1 + PC2). | unitless |
RDA_absRDAmutpred_cor_tempVa_structcorr | # pearson's correlation between the abs(predicted temperature effect from RDA) and the true mutation Va on temperature. RDA model: genotype ~ environment. RDA model with structure correction: genotype ~ environment + Condition(PC1 + PC2). | unitless |
RDA_absRDAmutpred_cor_salVa_structcorr | # pearson's correlation between the abs(predicted salinity effect from RDA) and the true mutation Va on salinity. RDA model: genotype ~ environment. RDA model with structure correction: genotype ~ environment + Condition(PC1 + PC2). | unitless |
RDA_cor_RDA20000temppredict_tempPhen | Correlation between the true temperature phenotype and that predicted from an RDA based on 20K SNPs. see `seed_Rout_RDA_predictions` for correlations with less loci used to make the prediction. RDA model: genotype ~ environment. | unitless |
RDA_cor_RDA20000salpredict_salPhen | Correlation between the true salinity phenotype and that predicted from an RDA based on 20K SNPs. see `seed_Rout_RDA_predictions` for correlations with less loci used to make the prediction. RDA model: genotype ~ environment. | unitless |
RDA_cor_RDA20000temppredict_tempPhen_structcorr | Correlation between the true temperature phenotype and that predicted from an RDA based on 20K SNPs. see `seed_Rout_RDA_predictions` for correlations with less loci used to make the prediction. RDA model with structure correction: genotype ~ environment + Condition(PC1 + PC2). | unitless |
RDA_cor_RDA20000salpredict_salPhen_structcorr | Correlation between the true salinity phenotype and that predicted from an RDA based on 20K SNPs. see `seed_Rout_RDA_predictions` for correlations with less loci used to make the prediction. RDA model with structure correction: genotype ~ environment + Condition(PC1 + PC2). | unitless |
cor_PC1_temp | Correlation between individual loading on PC1 from the principle components based on the Genotype-matrix (individual genotypes labeled as 0,1,2) and temperature of the deme where it was sampled. | unitless |
cor_PC1_sal | Correlation between individual loading on PC1 from the principle components based on the Genotype-matrix and salnity of the deme where it was sampled. | unitless |
cor_PC2_temp | Correlation between individual loading on PC2 from the principle components based on the Genotype-matrix and temperature of the deme where it was sampled. | unitless |
cor_PC2_sal | Correlation between individual loading on PC2 from the principle components based on the Genotype-matrix and salnity of the deme where it was sampled. | unitless |
cor_LFMMU1_temp | Correlation between the individual loading on the latent factor 1 from the lfmm model based on temperature. | unitless |
cor_LFMMU1_sal | Correlation between the individual loading on the latent factor 1 from the lfmm model based on salnity. | unitless |
cor_LFMMU2_temp | Correlation between the individual loading on the latent factor 2 from the lfmm model based on temperature. | unitless |
cor_LFMMU2_sal | Correlation between the individual loading on the latent factor 2 from the lfmm model based on salnity. | unitless |
cor_PC1_LFMMU1_temp | Correlation between (individual loading on PC1 from the principle components based on the Genotype-matrix) and (individual loading on the latent factor 1 from the lfmm model based on temperature). | unitless |
cor_PC1_LFMMU1_sal | Correlation between (individual loading on PC1 from the principle components based on the Genotype-matrix) and (individual loading on the latent factor 1 from the lfmm model based on salinity). | unitless |
cor_PC2_LFMMU1_temp | Correlation between (individual loading on PC2 from the principle components based on the Genotype-matrix) and (individual loading on the latent factor 1 from the lfmm model based on temperature). | unitless |
cor_PC2_LFMMU1_sal | Correlation between (individual loading on PC2 from the principle components based on the Genotype-matrix) and (individual loading on the latent factor 1 from the lfmm model based on salinity). | unitless |
gwas_TPR_sal | True positive rate of the GWAS model for the salinity trait. | unitless |
gwas_TPR_temp | True positive rate of the GWAS model for the temperature trait. | unitless |
gwas_FDR_sal_neutbase | False discovery rate of the GWAS model for the salinity trait, only including QTNs and purely neutral loci unaffected by selection. | unitless |
gwas_FDR_temp_neutbase | False discovery rate of the GWAS model for the temperature trait, only including QTNs and purely neutral loci unaffected by selection. | unitless |
clinalparadigm_sal_proptop5GWASclines | Proportion of the top 5% of GWAS loci with the smallest P-values for the salinity trait (true and false positives) that show clines. | unitless |
clinalparadigm_temp_proptop5GWASclines | Proportion of the top 5% of GWAS loci with the smallest P-values for the temperature trait (true and false positives) that show clines. | unitless |
clinalparadigm_sal_propsigGWASclines | Proportion of GWAS hits for the salinity trait (true and false positives) that show clines. | unitless |
clinalparadigm_temp_propsigGWASclines | Proportion of GWAS hits for the temperature trait (true and false positives) that show clines. | unitless |
Dataset-specific Instrument Name | Northeastern's High Performance Computing Cluster |
Generic Instrument Name | High-Performance Computing Cluster |
Generic Instrument Description | "High-Performance Computing" (HPC) refers to a class of evolving technologies that provide leading-edge computational capabilities, including scalable high-performance computers, high-end graphic systems, and high-speed networks. HPC may be used for molecular modeling, genome analysis, and image processing, among others. |
NSF Award Abstract:
Environmental change can be rapid and involve multiple aspects of the environment changing at the same time, such as warming and increased disease pressure. Rapid environmental change threatens the productivity of aquaculture and crops on which humans depend. Predicting organisms' vulnerabilities to rapid and multifactor environmental change, however, is a major scientific challenge. A hurdle to addressing this challenge arises from the complex and non-intuitive ways that organisms adapt, through changes at the level of the DNA sequence, to many environmental stresses at the same time. Thus, there is a need for new approaches to understand and predict adaptation in multivariate environments. To address this need, this project integrates research and education with a Model Validation Program (MVP). The research is developing and evaluating Machine Learning Algorithms (MLAs) for understanding and predicting adaptation of organisms to multivariate environments from their DNA sequences. To evaluate MLAs, this research combines both data simulation and an empirical test in the field with the Eastern Oyster, which provide important ecosystem services and support a multi-million dollar industry. For oysters, this research is studying how temperature, disease pressure, and salinity interact with evolutionary history to determine fitness in the field. This research advances efforts toward addressing the major scientific challenge of predicting adaptation in complex environments by integrating concepts across the frontiers of marine, evolutionary, and statistical sciences in a new way. Machine learning and model validation are not traditionally taught in the marine and environmental sciences, but are becoming increasingly relevant to these fields. As part of a broader education program, this research is developing MVP Learning Modules for high school students and undergraduates, which help students build the foundational knowledge they need to critically evaluate and apply models. Modules are being disseminated to hundreds of students in the greater Boston area and are being made available online for widespread use. The MVP mentoring program is training graduate students, undergraduates, and high school students in marine evolutionary ecology, statistical genomics, and machine learning. This research addresses a pressing societal need to more informatively match genotypes to environments for restoration, farming, and assisted gene flow efforts. Results are being disseminated to stakeholders in the oyster industry.
The goal of this research is to evaluate if MLAs, which can model non-linearities, can be used to understand and predict adaptation to multivariate environments under a wide range of scenarios. In Objective 1, the Principal Investigator (PI) is creating simulated datasets with different aspects of realism, and using them to evaluate and refine the MLAs. This novel set of simulations is studying genome evolution under high gene flow in complex, multivariate environments. In Objective 2, the PI is building on their expertise with the Eastern oyster to evaluate the MLAs in a field setting. The PI is first developing a comprehensive seascape genomic dataset and using it to train MLAs to predict an individual's multivariate environment based on a single nucleotide polymorphism genotype. Then, the PI is testing if the MLA prediction can predict the fitness of different genotypes from across the species range when raised in common garden field conditions. In Objective 3, the PI is integrating research and education by using the data obtained from Objs. 1 and 2 to develop a series of original "MVP Learning Modules" with interactive web apps for persons at different levels of understanding, using the relatable example of an oyster restoration project. This research lays the foundation for future studies by producing datasets that could become classical examples for developing and benchmarking innovative modeling approaches.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
Funding Source | Award |
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE) |