Contributors | Affiliation | Role |
Bruno, John | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-Chapel Hill) | Principal Investigator, Contact |
Agudo-Adriani, Esteban | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-Chapel Hill) | Student |
Newman, Sawyer | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI BCO-DMO) | BCO-DMO Data Manager |
Samples were collected using the squidpop protocol (Duffy et al., 2015). In each trial we set 20-25 stakes with squid attached to one end and the other end buried into the sand. We left the stakes for one hour. Afterward, we count how many bait were eaten to have an estimation of predation rates.
BCO-DMO Processing Notes:
File |
squidpopdataanalysis_nsf.csv (Comma Separated Values (.csv), 124.81 KB) MD5:2cf262106fac88c7339f7a481037ba5c Primary data file for Squidpop 2021 2022 dataset. |
Parameter | Description | Units |
Year | Year of squidpop sampling trial | unitless |
Month | Month of squidpop sampling trial | unitless |
Locality | Locality of squidpop sampling trial | unitless |
SamplingTrial | Sampling trial identifier; identifiers are comprised of the year, month, and locality of the sample | unitless |
Season | Season based on temperature sampling trial occured; documented seasons include, "Cold" and "Warm" | unitless |
Habitat | Habitat category where sample trial was documented; habitats include, "CoralReef," "Beach," "Mangrove," "RockyReef" | unitless |
Depth | Depth of squidpop deployment | meters |
Temperature | Water temerature at sampling trial locality | Celcius |
Time | Time of sampling trial | unitless |
Squidpop | Squidpop stake number | unitless |
Eaten | Whether the bait was eaten "1" or not eaten "0"; Blank values in the dataset indicate if the stake was removed or not found | unitless |
Code | Squidpop stake identifier, where the codes are comprised of year, month, locality and stake | unitless |
Note | Field notes | unitless |
NSF Award Abstract:
Nearly all the animals that inhabit the ocean are "cold-blooded" or ectothermic, meaning their body temperatures match the temperature of the ocean around them. This has important consequences for their physiology and more broadly for the way marine ecosystems function. When ectotherms warm up, their metabolism increases; meaning they breathe more rapidly, and eat more just to stay alive. This is bad news for prey since a warm predator is a hungry predator. But warming also enables prey species to crawl or swim away more quickly when being hunted. Thus, everything speeds up in warm water. Energy flows more quickly from the sun to seaweeds (via photosynthesis), to the herbivores, then on up to the large predators at the top of the food chain. The research team is testing these ideas in the Galápagos Islands to determine how temperature influences marine ecosystems. Ongoing work in this iconic natural laboratory is helping marine ecologists understand the role of temperature and how this and other ecosystems could function in the future as climate change warms the ocean. Other broader impacts of the project include student training and on-site outreach to tourists and the local community about ocean warming and some of the lesser-known species that inhabit the Galápagos.
The broad goal of this project is to understand the effect that temperature has on patterns and processes in upwelling systems. Specifically, the team is measuring the temperature-dependence of herbivory and carnivory in rocky subtidal habitats of the Galápagos. They are performing field experiments to measure the relative and interactive effects of temperature, herbivory, and nutrient flux on the productivity and standing biomass of benthic macroalgae. Additionally, they are using in situ predation assays across spatial and temporal temperature gradients and mesocosm experiments to determine the relationship between ocean temperature and predation intensity for predator-prey pairings including whelk–barnacle, sea star–urchin, and fish–squid.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
Funding Source | Award |
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE) |