Data File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
906416_v1_feeding_assays.csv (19.58 KB) | Comma Separated Values (.csv) | Primary data file for dataset ID 906416, version 1. | |
Supplemental File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
Equation1.png (55.04 KB) ![]() | Portable Network Graphics (.png) | Depicts the equation used to determine relative growth rates. The initial (Ginitial) and final (Gfinal) measurements of each metric were used to calculate three relative growth rates (RGR; percent per day (% d-1)) for each individual using Equation 1, where Δt (days (d)) represents the total number of days elapsed between the beginning and end of the experiment. Relative growth rates were used for subsequent statistical analyses of experimental results. | |
2020_kelpGCexps_headerdata.csv (694.00 B) | Comma Separated Values (.csv) | Summary of calibrated pH and temperature data recorded by Durafet sensors in each header during experiments. Column names, descriptions, and units: Season = Seasonal experiment ID from which algal tissue was sourced (Winter = experiment in Feb-March 2020, Summer = experiment in Aug-Sept 2020)". Hdr = ID number (1-8) of header tank leading to experimental aquaria. Treatment = Experimental treatment used in all aquaria downstream of this header (Control = control temperature and pH conditions; OA = OA pH conditions, control temperature conditions; OW = control pH conditions, OW temperature conditions; OA & OW = OA pH conditions, OW temperature conditions). pH_mean = Average pH value recorded in this header during the entire experiment. Precision to 0.01 pH units. pH_sd = Standard deviation of all pH values recorded in this header during the entire experiment. Precision to 0.01 pH units. T_mean = Average temperature recorded in this header during the entire experiment. Precision to 0.1 degrees C. T_sd = Standard deviation of all temperatures recorded in this header during the entire experiment. Precision to 0.1 degrees C. N_10minavg = Sample size of data points used for calculations of mean and standard deviation values. Header conditions were initially recorded every 3 seconds. After calibration, these measurements were averaged in 10 min increments. | |
2020_kelpGCexps_nutrients.csv (2.31 KB) | Comma Separated Values (.csv) | Nutrient concentrations within experimental aquaria. Column names, descriptions, and units: Processing_date = Collection and processing date, format mm/dd/yy. Season = Seasonal experiment ID (Winter = experiment in Feb-March 2020, Summer = experiment in Aug-Sept 2020). Hdr = ID number (1-8) of header tank leading to experimental aquaria where nutrient sample was taken. TankRep = Replicate identifier (A, B, or C) of experimental aquaria nested within header. Temp = Temperature treatment factor (control = experimental control temp, OW = experimental OW treatment). pH = pH treatment factor (control = experimental control temp, OA = experimental OA treatment). NOx_uM = Total nitrate and nitrite concentration in nutrient sample. Precision to 0.001 uM; units = uM. PO4_uM = Total phosphate concentration in nutrient sample. Precision to 0.001 uM; units = uM. NH4_uM = Total ammonium concentration in nutrient sample. Precision to 0.001 uM; units = uM. NO2_uM = Total nitrite concentration in nutrient sample. Precision to 0.001 uM; units = uM. qualityflag_PO4NH4 = code for quality flag (y = phosphate and ammonium data was compromised during analysis, should not be used; n = phosphate and ammonium data is OK). |
Type: Comma Separated Values (.csv)
Description: Primary data file for dataset ID 906416, version 1.
Supplemental Files
Type: Portable Network Graphics (.png)
Description: Depicts the equation used to determine relative growth rates. The initial (Ginitial) and final (Gfinal) measurements of each metric were used to calculate three relative growth rates (RGR; percent per day (% d-1)) for each individual using Equation 1, where Δt (days (d)) represents the total number of days elapsed between the beginning and end of the experiment. Relative growth rates were used for subsequent statistical analyses of experimental results.

Type: Comma Separated Values (.csv)
Description: Summary of calibrated pH and temperature data recorded by Durafet sensors in each header during experiments. Column names, descriptions, and units: Season = Seasonal experiment ID from which algal tissue was sourced (Winter = experiment in Feb-March 2020, Summer = experiment in Aug-Sept 2020)". Hdr = ID number (1-8) of header tank leading to experimental aquaria. Treatment = Experimental treatment used in all aquaria downstream of this header (Control = control temperature and pH conditions; OA = OA pH conditions, control temperature conditions; OW = control pH conditions, OW temperature conditions; OA & OW = OA pH conditions, OW temperature conditions). pH_mean = Average pH value recorded in this header during the entire experiment. Precision to 0.01 pH units. pH_sd = Standard deviation of all pH values recorded in this header during the entire experiment. Precision to 0.01 pH units. T_mean = Average temperature recorded in this header during the entire experiment. Precision to 0.1 degrees C. T_sd = Standard deviation of all temperatures recorded in this header during the entire experiment. Precision to 0.1 degrees C. N_10minavg = Sample size of data points used for calculations of mean and standard deviation values. Header conditions were initially recorded every 3 seconds. After calibration, these measurements were averaged in 10 min increments.
Type: Comma Separated Values (.csv)
Description: Nutrient concentrations within experimental aquaria. Column names, descriptions, and units: Processing_date = Collection and processing date, format mm/dd/yy. Season = Seasonal experiment ID (Winter = experiment in Feb-March 2020, Summer = experiment in Aug-Sept 2020). Hdr = ID number (1-8) of header tank leading to experimental aquaria where nutrient sample was taken. TankRep = Replicate identifier (A, B, or C) of experimental aquaria nested within header. Temp = Temperature treatment factor (control = experimental control temp, OW = experimental OW treatment). pH = pH treatment factor (control = experimental control temp, OA = experimental OA treatment). NOx_uM = Total nitrate and nitrite concentration in nutrient sample. Precision to 0.001 uM; units = uM. PO4_uM = Total phosphate concentration in nutrient sample. Precision to 0.001 uM; units = uM. NH4_uM = Total ammonium concentration in nutrient sample. Precision to 0.001 uM; units = uM. NO2_uM = Total nitrite concentration in nutrient sample. Precision to 0.001 uM; units = uM. qualityflag_PO4NH4 = code for quality flag (y = phosphate and ammonium data was compromised during analysis, should not be used; n = phosphate and ammonium data is OK).