Data File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
920878_v1_great_lakes_polyphosphate.csv (19.40 KB) | Comma Separated Values (.csv) | Primary data file for dataset ID 920878, version 1 | |
Supplemental File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
Supplemental_files_parameter_descriptions.pdf (190.45 KB) | Portable Document Format (.pdf) | Parameter descriptions for Tables S1 and S2 (supplement to dataset 920878) | |
920878_supplement_great_lakes_ctd.csv (155.22 KB) | Comma Separated Values (.csv) | Supplemental CTD data for dataset ID 920878, version 1 Site_ID, Sample site identification, unitless Latitude, Sample site latitude, unitless Longitude, Sample site longitude, unitless Date, Date of sampling, YYYY-MM-DD Depth, Depth of sample collection, meters (m) Temp, Temperature, degrees Celsius (°C) Chl_a, Chl-a measured by CTD, microgram per liter (ug L-1) O2, Dissolved oxygen, milligram per liter (mg L-1) Light, Light transmission, percent (%) | |
920878_supplement_great_lakes_phytoplankton.csv (579.45 KB) | Comma Separated Values (.csv) | Supplemental phytoplankton data for dataset ID 920878, version 1 Division, Division reported in GLENDA, unitless Genus, Genus reported in GLENDA, unitless Species, Species reported in GLENDA, unitless Site_ID, description, unitless GLENDA_site_ID, Site identification for matching data in the Great Lakes Environmental Database (GLENDA), unitless Latitude, Sample site latitude, decimal degrees Longitude, Sample site longitude, decimal degrees Sample_Type, Sample type where INT= Summer integrated epilimnion sample (2 to 4 depths in the epilimnion); DCL= sample of the summer deep chlorophyll layer, when present, unitless Biovolume, Total biovolume of phytoplankton, square micrometer per millimeter (um3/mL) Biovolume_perind, Biovolume per cell, square micrometer per millimeter (um3/mL) Scientific_Name_WoRMS, Scientific name in the World of Register of Marine Species (WoRMS): “ambiguous”=multiple choices were found; "not found = no match was found, unitless Aphia_ID, AphiaID, unitless |
Type: Comma Separated Values (.csv)
Description: Primary data file for dataset ID 920878, version 1
Supplemental Files
Type: Portable Document Format (.pdf)
Description: Parameter descriptions for Tables S1 and S2 (supplement to dataset 920878)
Type: Comma Separated Values (.csv)
Description: Supplemental CTD data for dataset ID 920878, version 1 Site_ID, Sample site identification, unitless Latitude, Sample site latitude, unitless Longitude, Sample site longitude, unitless Date, Date of sampling, YYYY-MM-DD Depth, Depth of sample collection, meters (m) Temp, Temperature, degrees Celsius (°C) Chl_a, Chl-a measured by CTD, microgram per liter (ug L-1) O2, Dissolved oxygen, milligram per liter (mg L-1) Light, Light transmission, percent (%)
Type: Comma Separated Values (.csv)
Description: Supplemental phytoplankton data for dataset ID 920878, version 1 Division, Division reported in GLENDA, unitless Genus, Genus reported in GLENDA, unitless Species, Species reported in GLENDA, unitless Site_ID, description, unitless GLENDA_site_ID, Site identification for matching data in the Great Lakes Environmental Database (GLENDA), unitless Latitude, Sample site latitude, decimal degrees Longitude, Sample site longitude, decimal degrees Sample_Type, Sample type where INT= Summer integrated epilimnion sample (2 to 4 depths in the epilimnion); DCL= sample of the summer deep chlorophyll layer, when present, unitless Biovolume, Total biovolume of phytoplankton, square micrometer per millimeter (um3/mL) Biovolume_perind, Biovolume per cell, square micrometer per millimeter (um3/mL) Scientific_Name_WoRMS, Scientific name in the World of Register of Marine Species (WoRMS): “ambiguous”=multiple choices were found; "not found = no match was found, unitless Aphia_ID, AphiaID, unitless