Data File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
Mutations.tar.gz (377.14 MB) | ZIP Archive (ZIP) | Contains the final mutation databases. | | (13.21 KB) | ZIP Archive (ZIP) | Contains the code used to do the SPAA network analysis of those genes in Alteromonas EZ55 identified during the analyses in Folder 3 as being mutated more often than expected by chance. Code from this folder was used to produce main text figure 5. A cytoscape-formatted XML file is also included. Refer to file "ReadMe.SPAA.txt" within this folder for more information. | | (263.05 KB) | ZIP Archive (ZIP) | Contains the code used to the over-representation analysis of those genes identified during the analyses in Folder 3 as being mutated more often than expected by chance. Code from this folder was used to produce figures S14, S15, S17, and S19. Refer to file "ReadMe.ORA.txt" within this folder for more information. | | (748.44 KB) | ZIP Archive (ZIP) | Contains the code used to do coverage analysis, including detection of large duplications and possible regions of recombination. Code from this folder was used to produce. It also contains the code used to do the primary analyses on the mutation data, including i) mutation type distribution, ii) statistical analysis of the impact of pCO2 and partner treatments on mutations, iii) analysis of metrics of natural selection, and iv) statistical analysis of deviation of mutation counts from neutral predictions. Code from this folder was used to produce main text figure 3 as well as figures S1-S6, S10-S13, S16, S18, and S20-S21. Refer to file "ReadMe.mutations.txt" within this folder for more information. | | (156.42 MB) | ZIP Archive (ZIP) | Contains the code used to assemble the raw Illumina sequencing reads against reference genomes and predict where mutations had occurred using breseq, as well as to analyze the frequency of mutations with different proportional abundances in the population. The breseq output was curated as described in these files and the final mutation databases are stored in the folder "Mutations". Code in this folder was used to produce Figures S7-S9. Refer to file "ReadMe.GenomeAssembly.txt" within this folder for more information. | |
Supplemental File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
ReadMe.genomics.txt (2.17 KB) | Plain Text | This document gives an overview of the code and data archives necessary to replicate the analysis of all genomic data presented in the manuscript "Marine phytoplankton and heterotrophic bacteria rapidly adapt to future pCO2 conditions in experimental co-cultures" by Zhiying Lu et al. |
Type: ZIP Archive (ZIP)
Description: Contains the final mutation databases.
Type: ZIP Archive (ZIP)
Description: Contains the code used to do the SPAA network analysis of those genes in Alteromonas EZ55 identified during the analyses in Folder 3 as being mutated more often than expected by chance. Code from this folder was used to produce main text figure 5. A cytoscape-formatted XML file is also included. Refer to file "ReadMe.SPAA.txt" within this folder for more information.
Type: ZIP Archive (ZIP)
Description: Contains the code used to the over-representation analysis of those genes identified during the analyses in Folder 3 as being mutated more often than expected by chance. Code from this folder was used to produce figures S14, S15, S17, and S19. Refer to file "ReadMe.ORA.txt" within this folder for more information.
Type: ZIP Archive (ZIP)
Description: Contains the code used to do coverage analysis, including detection of large duplications and possible regions of recombination. Code from this folder was used to produce. It also contains the code used to do the primary analyses on the mutation data, including i) mutation type distribution, ii) statistical analysis of the impact of pCO2 and partner treatments on mutations, iii) analysis of metrics of natural selection, and iv) statistical analysis of deviation of mutation counts from neutral predictions. Code from this folder was used to produce main text figure 3 as well as figures S1-S6, S10-S13, S16, S18, and S20-S21. Refer to file "ReadMe.mutations.txt" within this folder for more information.
Type: ZIP Archive (ZIP)
Description: Contains the code used to assemble the raw Illumina sequencing reads against reference genomes and predict where mutations had occurred using breseq, as well as to analyze the frequency of mutations with different proportional abundances in the population. The breseq output was curated as described in these files and the final mutation databases are stored in the folder "Mutations". Code in this folder was used to produce Figures S7-S9. Refer to file "ReadMe.GenomeAssembly.txt" within this folder for more information.
Supplemental Files
Type: Plain Text
Description: This document gives an overview of the code and data archives necessary to replicate the analysis of all genomic data presented in the manuscript "Marine phytoplankton and heterotrophic bacteria rapidly adapt to future pCO2 conditions in experimental co-cultures" by Zhiying Lu et al.