Contributors | Affiliation | Role |
Lohmann, Rainer | University of Rhode Island (URI) | Co-Principal Investigator |
Pockalny, Robert | University of Rhode Island (URI) | Co-Principal Investigator |
Pavia, Frank J. | California Institute of Technology (Caltech) | Scientist |
Robinson, Rebecca | University of Rhode Island (URI) | Scientist |
Katz, Samuel | University of Rhode Island (URI) | Student |
Merchant, Lynne M. | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI BCO-DMO) | BCO-DMO Data Manager |
Core collection
MC-800 tubes were labeled (EN651-“Site number”-MC”coring attempt number”“letter of core”,ex: EN651-01-MC01A) and photographed before sectioning. The water on top of the core was syphoned off and a thin piece of stainless-steel sheet was slid under the foot of the tube. The foot was bent up and the stainless-steel sheet was used to transfer the core to the core extruder. Cores were sectioned at 1 cm intervals down to 10 cm, then 2 cm intervals down to 20 cm, using the piece of stainless-steel and a cake spatula to cut them. The remainder of the core was wrapped in combusted aluminum foil and placed in a zip-lock bag for storage. Sections of cores were stored in amber glass jars placed in a freezer. One core was transferred with the extruder to a PVC tube and capped for archival storage. If 5 or more cores were recovered, 0.5 cm sections would be taken down to 10 cm and the remainder of the core wrapped in foil and zip-lock bagged before being frozen. Due to a limited supply of jars, the 0.5 cm core sections were wrapped in combusted aluminum foil and placed in a ziplock bag before being stored with other samples. All cores and core sections were stored at -20 ̊C.
Analytical methods
Surface sediment samples (0 – 1 cm) were dried at 60 ˚C until dry and passed through a 420 µm sieve before analysis. Total organic carbon (TOC) samples were weighed into silver capsules (Elemental microanalysis silver capsules ultra-clean pressed 8 x 5 mm, D2030), acidified to remove inorganic carbon (2 M HCl), and folded into tin capsules (Costech tin capsules 10 x 10 mm, 041073). Black carbon was isolated using the CTO 375 method (Gustafsson et al. 1997, 2001). 100 mg of samples where weighed out into ceramic crucibles and spread into a thin layer to prevent charring. Samples were combusted at 375 ˚C for 24 hrs. under the flow of ultra high purity air (0.4 L min-1). The remaining sediment was transferred to GC (gas chromatography) vials for storage, then processed the same as the TOC samples to remove any inorganic carbon present (as detailed above).
Sampling equipment
Sediment cores were collected using an MC-800
Analytical instrumentation
An Elemental Analyzer (Costech 4010 Elemental Analyzer) was used for quantification of the BC and TOC fractions. The same elemental analyzer coupled to an Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (Thermo Delta V Advantage) was used for the sample carbon isotopes. Radiocarbon isotopes were measured at the National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass spectrometry.
Sediment cores availability
Sediment cores are stored at the NSF-funded Rock and Core Repository at GSO-URI and access to the samples is available through established protocols. Solid material, in the form of cores are curated and retained after the expedition and are available to other investigators that wish to use them for other means (Lohmann 2020).
Data was processed using Microsoft Excel and python (version: 3.9.18) with pandas package (version: 2.2.2)
Loaded the submitted file "Surface Sedimentary Black Carbon Concentrations and Stable and Radiocarbon Isotopes.xlsx" into BCO-DMO's data processor Laminar for processing.
Renamed parameters following the BCO-DMO convention of replacing spaces with underscores and replacing Greek symbols by their name.
Reformatted the parameter Collection_date into an ISO 8601 format of %Y-%m-%d.
Added the parameter columns ‘Cruise_ID’, ‘Site_ID’, ‘Coring_Attempt’, and 'Core_Letter' with values taken from the 'Name' parameter. Each Name value is of the format
Saved the dataset table to a CSV file named 935435_v1_surface_sedimentary_black_carbon.csv
File |
Equatorial Atlantic Sedimentary Black Carbon filename: 935435_v1_surface_sedimentary_black_carbon.csv (Comma Separated Values (.csv), 1.43 KB) MD5:0eb8890c2c6300ace8a72a6b00208fc8 Primary data file for dataset ID 935435, version 1Surface sediments from Equatorial Atlantic Ocean. containing surface concentrations, stable carbon isotopes, and radiocarbon isotope values of the total organic carbon and black carbon. |
Parameter | Description | Units |
Name | Name of the sediment core from which the top 1 cm was sectioned | unitless |
Cruise_ID | Cruise ID | unitless |
Site_ID | Site ID | unitless |
Coring_Attempt | Coring attempt number | unitless |
Core_Letter | Core letter | unitless |
Collection_Date | Date the multicore was collected | unitless |
Lat | Latitude of sampling site, south is negative | decimal degrees |
Lon | Longitude of sampling site, west is negative | decimal degrees |
Depth | Water depth of sample site | meters (m) |
MAR | extraterrestrial 3He mass accumulation rate | grams per square centimeters per thousand years (g cm-2 kyr-1) |
TOC | Total organic carbon concentration | milligrams per gram dry weight (mg/g) |
TOC_d13C | Total organic carbon delta 13C value | per mill (‰) |
TOC_D14C | Delta 14C value of total organic carbon | per mill (‰) |
BC | Black carbon concentration | milligrams per gram dry weight (mg/g) |
BC_sd | Black carbon concentration standard deviation | milligrams per gram dry weight (mg/g) |
BC_d13C | Black carbon delta 13C value | per mill (‰) |
BC_D14C | Delta 14C value of the black carbon | per mill (‰) |
BC_flux | Flux of black carbon to sediments | milligrams per square centimeters per thousand years (mg cm-2 kyr-1) |
BC_flux_sd | The standard deviation of the flux of black carbon to sediments | milligrams per square centimeters per thousand years (mg cm-2 kyr-1) |
Dataset-specific Instrument Name | Costech 4010 Elemental Analyzer |
Generic Instrument Name | Costech International Elemental Combustion System (ECS) 4010 |
Generic Instrument Description | The ECS 4010 Nitrogen / Protein Analyzer is an elemental combustion analyser for CHNSO elemental analysis and Nitrogen / Protein determination. The GC oven and separation column have a temperature range of 30-110 degC, with control of +/- 0.1 degC. |
Dataset-specific Instrument Name | Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer |
Generic Instrument Name | Isotope-ratio Mass Spectrometer |
Dataset-specific Description | Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (Thermo Delta V Advantage) |
Generic Instrument Description | The Isotope-ratio Mass Spectrometer is a particular type of mass spectrometer used to measure the relative abundance of isotopes in a given sample (e.g. VG Prism II Isotope Ratio Mass-Spectrometer). |
Dataset-specific Instrument Name | MC-800 |
Generic Instrument Name | Multi Corer |
Generic Instrument Description | The Multi Corer is a benthic coring device used to collect multiple, simultaneous, undisturbed sediment/water samples from the seafloor. Multiple coring tubes with varying sampling capacity depending on tube dimensions are mounted in a frame designed to sample the deep ocean seafloor. For more information, see Barnett et al. (1984) in Oceanologica Acta, 7, pp. 399-408. |
Website | |
Platform | R/V Endeavor |
Start Date | 2020-02-27 |
End Date | 2020-03-17 |
Description | Project:Tropical Atlantic BC
NSF Award Abstract:
Black carbon is formed during the incomplete burning of fuels (e.g., the black clouds of smoke emitted by buses and trucks). Black carbon does not degrade easily in the environment and can be transported long distances, even reaching the seafloor. Yet the fluxes of black carbon in the environment are not well known, particularly in the oceans. Rivers are considered the dominant source of black carbon to the oceans. However, recent results suggest that there may be regions of the ocean where the atmospheric delivery of black carbon may be important. This study investigates whether biomass burning (e.g., wildfires) in Africa is a source of black carbon to the tropical Atlantic Ocean. The unique molecular and isotopic properties of black carbon will be used to identify black carbon in the atmosphere, water and sediment in the study region. Sediment, water column and atmospheric particles will be collected during a 3-week research cruise across the tropical Atlantic Ocean. Two different approaches will be used to quantify black carbon in the environment. The research is relevant and timely for our understanding of the carbon cycle, a key component of our ability to forecast climate and its change. The project supports a graduate student and provide opportunities for high school students participating in the SMILE Program (Science and Math Investigative Learning Experiences). This project is jointly funded by the Chemical Oceanography Program and the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR).
Surface sediment samples will be collected at ten sites across the tropical Atlantic Ocean in a region known to be impacted by biomass burning events (wildfires) in Africa. Appropriate locations for sediment sampling will be identified using state-of-the-art ship equipment to ensure a successful coring operation. Once collected, the black carbon and organic carbon fractions of the sediment will be isolated and measured. A range of isotopic and molecular marker approaches will be used to identify the likely source of these carbon fractions. The central hypothesis is that the black carbon residing in the sediment of the tropical Atlantic Ocean is derived from biomass burning and delivered through atmospheric deposition. Carbon derived from recent biomass burning contains C-14 isotopes that indicate 'young' (or recently produced) carbon, while carbon from fossil fuels ('old carbon') has no C-14 due to radioactive decay. To further assess the origin of the black carbon in the region, water column and atmospheric particles will be collected during the research cruise. The origin of the atmospheric black carbon particles (biomass burning or fossil fuel emissions) will be established through a collaboration with colleagues in Sweden. The broader impacts of this research include the engagement of high school students through The SMILE Program (Science and Math Investigative Learning Experiences) at the University of Rhode Island. The project also provides training opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students, with a focus on recruitment of students from under-represented groups.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
Funding Source | Award |
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE) |