Adult Black Sea Bass (Centropristis striata) winter survival and lipid accumulation in wild-caught fish in Long Island Sound in Sept of 2022 to Apr of 2023

Data Type: Other Field Results
Version: 1
Version Date: 2024-09-23

» Collaborative research: The genomic underpinnings of local adaptation despite gene flow along a coastal environmental cline (GenomAdapt)
Baumann, HannesUniversity of Connecticut (UConn)Principal Investigator
Zavell, Max D.University of Connecticut (UConn)Student
York, Amber D.Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI BCO-DMO)Data Manager

This dataset contains adult Black Sea Bass (Centropristis striata) winter survival and lipid accumulation in wild-caught fish in Long Island Sound (September 2022 to April 2023). This dataset includes data from fish collected concurrently with those used in a related mesocosm experiment (run Oct 2022 to Apr 2023), with fish collected at the same reef (see 'Related Datasets' section). Study description: We experimentally examined overwintering potential of adult Black Sea Bass (Centropristis striata), an ecologically and economically important fish that seasonally migrates from offshore overwintering grounds to coastal feeding and nursery areas. We collected adults from Long Island Sound in September 2022 and reared them in a laboratory-mesocosm experiment under a contemporary seasonal temperature profile for Long Island Sound (LIS; October 2022 – April 2023) to assess their potential to survive and accumulate lipids throughout the winter. We also fed experimental adults two diet items (blue mussels and Atlantic herring), which are commonly found in Long Island Sound. In addition, we sampled fish from the same reef in LIS at the start (October) and end (April) of the experiment to identify lipid dynamics in wild fish that migrate offshore. Experimental C. striata growth throughout the winter was negligible with high mortality (> 50% observed). While survivors fed herring had higher tissue lipid contents, mortality was 2x higher than for fish fed mussels. In contrast, to the experimental fish, wild-captured fish in the spring had higher gonadosmatic indices than that for survivors across both diet treatments, which was most similar to fall-captured fish. While some fish survived throughout the winter, current winter bottom temperatures still preclude a year-round C. striata presence within Long Island Sound. Overwintering inshore is still disadvantageous compared to seasonally migrating due to surviving experimental fish having lower gonadosomatic indices, suggesting that the offshore overwintering period is a time to build energy reserves. However, as coastal waters continue to warm, changing conditions could lead populations to become year-round residents of Long Island Sound, thus increasing C. striata abundance.


Location: Long Island Sound; Northwest Atlantic shelf
Spatial Extent: Lat:41.3045 Lon:-71.9332
Temporal Extent: 2022-09-15 - 2023-04-27

Methods & Sampling

17 adult specimens were collected by boat off Stonington Borough, CT (41° 20’37.8” N 71° 54’51.4” W) between September 15th and October 10th, 2022 to act as a wild ‘pre-migratory’ baseline (‘fall’, n = 17) and an additional 21 individuals were collected from the same location on April 27th 2021 to act as a wild “post-migratory” baseline (‘spring’, n = 21). Upon collection, individuals were immediately euthanized with MS-222 and measured for length (TL; 33.7 ± 4.4 cm), body depth (BD; 8 ± 0.9 cm), and wet weight (wW; 532.6 ± 227 g). During dissections, the stomach was removed to calculate a stomachless whole weight to standardize for consumed prey items, and the liver and gonad was then removed, individually weighed (0.01 g) and frozen at -20°C for future lipid extractions. A subsample of dorsally located white muscle tissue was also removed and frozen.

For all adults, we calculated gonadosomatic (GSI; %) and hepatosomatic (HSI; %) indices using stomachless fish mass (wW – stomach mass), to standardize for stomach contents, as {e.g., 100 × [(gonad or liver mass, g) / (stomachless fish mass)].

We quantified gonad, liver, and white muscle, storage lipid, lean-mass, and ash weights of each surviving experimental individual and baseline specimen. Samples were frozen at -50°C for 1 week and remeasured for whole body dry weight (dWb, 0.001 g). Following published protocols (Schultz and Conover 1997, Guo et al. 2021, 2022, Zavell et al. 2023), dried specimens were loaded into preweighed Alundum medium-porosity extraction thimbles and transferred to a custom-designed Soxhlet apparatus, where they were bathed in petroleum ether for 3.5 h to extract all metabolically available lipids. Samples were then dried overnight (60°C) and re-measured, with the change in pre- and post-extraction weights (ΔdW), representing the storage-lipid fraction (dWLipid). Samples were then muffle furnaced for 4 h at 550°C and reweighed with ΔdW, representing the lean-mass fraction (dWLean) and the remaining mass represents the inorganic fraction (dWAsh). 

Organism Identifier (LSID, Life Sciences Identifier)
Centropristis striata,

Data Processing Description

See methods section. 

BCO-DMO Processing Description

* Sheet "Wild Fish" of submitted file "Adult-BSB-Overwintering-Wild-Fish-BCO-DMO-V4.xlsx" was imported into the BCO-DMO data system as the primary data table for this dataset.
** Missing data values are displayed differently based on the file format you download.  They are blank in csv files, "NaN" in MatLab files, etc.

* Column names adjusted to conform to BCO-DMO naming conventions designed to support broad re-use by a variety of research tools and scripting languages. [Only numbers, letters, and underscores.  Can not start with a number]

* Dates converted to ISO 8601 format
* Latitude and Longitude converted to decimal degree format (South and west are negative). example lon 71.9332°W to -71.9332

Problem Description

The gonads from "fall" wild fish were not saved for lipid / lean analysis, resulting in the blanks within the "wild fish" dataset.

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Data Files

(Comma Separated Values (.csv), 12.20 KB)
Primary data file for dataset ID 938012, version 1

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Related Publications

Fulton, T. W. "The Rate of Growth of Fishes. 20th Annual Report of the Fishery Board of Scotland." (1902): 326-446.
Guo, L. W., Jordaan, A., Schultz, E. T., & McCormick, S. D. (2022). Identification of supraoptimal temperatures in juvenile blueback herring (Alosa aestivalis) using survival, growth rate and scaled energy reserves. Conservation Physiology, 10(1).
Guo, L. W., McCormick, S. D., Schultz, E. T., & Jordaan, A. (2021). Direct and size‐mediated effects of temperature and ration‐dependent growth rates on energy reserves in juvenile anadromous alewives (Alosa pseudoharengus). Journal of Fish Biology, 99(4), 1236–1246. Portico.
Ricker, W. E. (1975). Computation and interpretation of biological statistics of fish populations. Fish. Res. Board Can. Bull., 191, 1-382.
Zavell, M. D., Mouland, M. E. P., Matassa, C. M., Schultz, E. T., & Baumann, H. (2023). Temperature‐ and ration‐dependent winter growth in northern‐stock Black Sea Bass juveniles. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 153(2), 163–179. Portico.
Zavell, M.D., Mouland, E.P., Barnum, D.L., Matassa, C.M., Schultz, E.T., and Baumann, H. (Submitted). Can adult Black Sea Bass overwinter in Long Island Sound, USA? Submitted to Marine and Coastal Fisheries

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Related Datasets

Baumann, H., Zavell, M. D. (2024) Adult Black Sea Bass (Centropristis striata) winter survival and lipid accumulation under varying diet and temperature conditions from a laboratory mesocosm experiment (Oct 2022 to Apr 2023) with individuals collected in Long Island Sound. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). (Version 1) Version Date 2024-09-23 doi:10.26008/1912/bco-dmo.938004.1 [view at BCO-DMO]
Relationship Description: Data from the same study. Fish were collected from the same reef.

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Black Sea Bass - Centropristis striata. LSID:


Stonington Borough, CT


Longitute of collection site (Stonington Borough)

decimal degrees

Latitude of collection site (Stonington Borough)

decimal degrees

Date of fish collection in the wild


Date of fish sampling


ID of each individual fish


Sampling Season (fall or spring)


Total length at sampling date

centimenter (cm)

Whole body wet weight at sampling date

grams (g)

Fulton's condition index using wet weight at sampling date. Fulton’s Condition Index is: (Weight / TL^3)*100 (see Fulton, TW (1902); Ricker, WE (1975)).

grams per cubic centimeter(g/cm3)

Stomach weight at sampling date

grams (g)

Stomachless weight at tat experiment end (wWF - Stomach.wW)

grams (g)

Weight of stomach contants

grams (g)

Gonad wet weight at sampling date

grams (g)

Gonad dry weight at sampling date

grams (g)

Liver wet weight at sampling date

grams (g)

Liver dry weight at sampling date

grams (g)

Dry weight of the subsample of white muscle used to run lipid and lean analysis

grams (g)

Sex via visual observation of the gonads (M = male, F = female, U = unknown)


Gonadosomatic Index (gonad_wW / wWF *100)

percent (%)

Hepatosomatic Index (liver_wW / wWF *100)

percent (%)

Total gonad lipid content

grams (g)

Total gonad lean content

grams (g)

Total liver lipid content

grams (g)

Total liver lean content

grams (g)

Percent gonad lipid content (gonad_lipid_g /gonad_dW*100)

percent (%)

Percent gonad lean content (gonad_lean_g/gonad_dW*100)

percent (%)

Percent liver lipid content (liver_lipid_g /liver_dW*100)

percent (%)

Percent liver lean content (liver_lean_g/liver_dW*100)

percent (%)

Total white muscle lipid in subsample

grams (g)

Total white muscle lean in subsample

grams (g)

Percent white muscle lipid content (w_muscle_lipid_g/w_muscle_sub_dW*100)

percent (%)

Percent white muscle lean content (w_muscle_lean_g/w_muscle_sub_dW*100)

percent (%)



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Dataset-specific Instrument Name
Hach Handheld pH and Temperature probe (HQ2200 Multi/2 Channel)
Generic Instrument Name
Multi Parameter Portable Meter
Generic Instrument Description
An analytical instrument that can measure multiple parameters, such as pH, EC, TDS, DO and temperature with one device and is portable or hand-held.

Dataset-specific Instrument Name
Mettler Toledo Balance (XPR1202S)
Generic Instrument Name
Generic Instrument Description
An instrument used to measure weight or mass.

Dataset-specific Instrument Name
Generic Instrument Name
Soxhlet extractor
Dataset-specific Description
Custom-designed Soxhlet apparatus for Lipid/Lean analyzes – UConn Storrs – self designed and assembled
Generic Instrument Description
A Soxhlet extractor is a piece of laboratory apparatus designed for the extraction of a lipid from a solid material. The solid is placed in a filter paper thimble which is then placed into the main chamber of the Soxhlet extractor. The solvent (heated to reflux) travels into the main chamber and the partially soluble components are slowly transferred to the solvent.

Dataset-specific Instrument Name
HOBO Pendant MX Water Temperature Data Logger
Generic Instrument Name
Temperature Logger
Generic Instrument Description
Records temperature data over a period of time.

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Project Information

Collaborative research: The genomic underpinnings of local adaptation despite gene flow along a coastal environmental cline (GenomAdapt)

Coverage: Eastern coastline of North America

NSF Abstract:

Oceans are large, open habitats, and it was previously believed that their lack of obvious barriers to dispersal would result in extensive mixing, preventing organisms from adapting genetically to particular habitats. It has recently become clear, however, that many marine species are subdivided into multiple populations that have evolved to thrive best under contrasting local environmental conditions. Nevertheless, we still know very little about the genomic mechanisms that enable divergent adaptations in the face of ongoing intermixing. This project focuses on the Atlantic silverside (Menidia menidia), a small estuarine fish that exhibits a remarkable degree of local adaptation in growth rates and a suite of other traits tightly associated with a climatic gradient across latitudes. Decades of prior lab and field studies have made Atlantic silverside one of the marine species for which we have the best understanding of evolutionary tradeoffs among traits and drivers of selection causing adaptive divergence. Yet, the underlying genomic basis is so far completely unknown. The investigators will integrate whole genome sequencing data from wild fish sampled across the distribution range with breeding experiments in the laboratory to decipher these genomic underpinnings. This will provide one of the most comprehensive assessments of the genomic basis for local adaptation in the oceans to date, thereby generating insights that are urgently needed for better predictions about how species can respond to rapid environmental change. The project will provide interdisciplinary training for a postdoc as well as two graduate and several undergraduate students from underrepresented minorities. The findings will also be leveraged to develop engaging teaching and outreach materials (e.g. a video documentary and popular science articles) to promote a better understanding of ecology, evolution, and local adaptation among science students and the general public.

The goal of the project is to characterize the genomic basis and architecture underlying local adaptation in M. menidia and examine how the adaptive divergence is shaped by varying levels of gene flow and maintained over ecological time scales. The project is organized into four interconnected components. Part 1 examines fine-scale spatial patterns of genomic differentiation along the adaptive cline to a) characterize the connectivity landscape, b) identify genomic regions under divergent selection, and c) deduce potential drivers and targets of selection by examining how allele frequencies vary in relation to environmental factors and biogeographic features. Part 2 maps key locally adapted traits to the genome to dissect their underlying genomic basis. Part 3 integrates patterns of variation in the wild (part 1) and the mapping of traits under controlled conditions (part 2) to a) examine how genomic architectures underlying local adaptation vary across gene flow regimes and b) elucidating the potential role of chromosomal rearrangements and other tight linkage among adaptive alleles in facilitating adaptation. Finally, part 4 examines dispersal - selection dynamics over seasonal time scales to a) infer how selection against migrants and their offspring maintains local adaptation despite homogenizing connectivity and b) validate candidate loci for local adaptation. Varying levels of gene flow across the species range create a natural experiment for testing general predictions about the genomic mechanisms that enable adaptive divergence in the face of gene flow. The findings will therefore have broad implications and will significantly advance our understanding of the role genomic architecture plays in modifying the gene flow - selection balance within coastal environments.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

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Funding SourceAward
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE)
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE)
Connecticut Sea Grant (CTSG)

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