Processed dissolved oxygen and infauna of experimental chambers and ambient sensors acquired in the shallow subtidal shore-accessible site in Bon Secour Bay, Mobile Bay, Alabama, USA between August 7-12, 2021

Data Type: Other Field Results
Version: 1
Version Date: 2024-10-21

» CAREER: Mechanisms of bioturbation and ecosystem engineering by benthic infauna (Bioturbation and Ecosystem Engineering)
Gadeken, KaraUniversity of South Alabama; and Dauphin Island Sea Lab (USA-DISL)Student, Contact
Soenen, KarenWoods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI BCO-DMO)BCO-DMO Data Manager

This data set includes data and scripts from a field study examining the effect of diel oxygen cycling on faunal activity, and in turn sediment oxygen demand. The field experiment used in situ flow-through benthic chambers to measure oxygen consumption, as described in the methods paper Gadeken et al 2023 in L&O:Methods. The chambers were deployed and retrieved in three ~24 hour deployments in a shallow subtidal area of Bon Secour Bay in Mobile Bay, AL, in August 2021. Included in this data set are the raw data files of oxygen and temperature measurements from Onset HOBO DO loggers integrated into the benthic chamber system, annotated MATLAB scripts and workspaces detailing data processing and analysis, and faunal community data from the benthic chambers.


Location: SShallow subtidal shore-accessible site in Bon Secour Bay, Mobile Bay, AL, USA
Spatial Extent: Lat:30.239478 Lon:-87.894094
Temporal Extent: 2021-08-07 - 2021-08-12

Dataset Description

Five matlab script files (.m) are added as supplemental files to this dataset. They are for the data analysis and results/figures of the results paper. Some of these are run step-wise. Note that because Chamber 1 malfunctioned in all three deployments, the scripts regularly exclude that chamber in data processing and analyses. Users replicating these methods who have better luck with their chamber 1 will want to add in code modified from analysis of the other chambers to analyze those data.

Methods & Sampling

In brief, a custom field deployable benthic chamber system was used to collect sediment oxygen demand (SOD) data in situ from small replicate patches of sediment throughout a diel oxygen cycle. Chambers were "batch" style incubation chambers that periodically flushed the overlying water with water from the external environment to start another incubation, and SOD could be calculated from the slopes of each incubation. Upon completion of the 24 hour deployment, the chambers were extracted, oxygen data offloaded from the chamber loggers, and the faunal community in each chamber identified and counted (1mm sieve).

Data Processing Description

The data file s the compiled data for every high-quality chamber incubation among all three deployments, the product of data processing, filtration, and consolidation done in MATLAB scripts 2, 3 and 4. This sheet is used in MATLAB script 5 for data analysis. It contains the start date and time of the incubation, the elapsed time since the start of the deployment (dayfrac), the chamber number out of 5 replicate chambers, the SOD (sediment oxygen demand) in mmol m-2 d-1, the Initial DO (dissolved oxygen) of that incubation in mg L-1, the total biomass of fauna within the chamber in grams, the deployment number, and the overall study sample number.

DO data processing involved manual selection of oxygen slopes from raw oxygen data for each deployment to generate a data set of sediment oxygen demand (SOD) values. Data were compiled into a master data sheet which was then used to compare SOD with the dissolved oxygen levels at the time of the slope and the faunal community in the particular chamber.

BCO-DMO Processing Description

* Added Matlab script files as supplemental files

Problem Description

* The flush mechanism for chamber 1 malfunctioned during all three deployments of the system. This is evident by the lack of the expected sawtooth pattern in the data but worth noting here. The scripts regularly exclude that chamber in data processing and analyses. Users replicating these methods who have better luck with their chamber 1 will want to add in code modified from analysis of the other chambers to analyze those data.

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Related Publications

Gadeken, K. J., Lockridge, G., & Dorgan, K. M. (2023). An in situ benthic chamber system for improved temporal and spatial resolution measurement of sediment oxygen demand. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 21(11), 645–655. Portico.

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Related Datasets

(2024) In situ dissolved oxygen of experimental chambers and ambient sensors acquired in the shallow subtidal shore-accessible site in Bon Secour Bay, Mobile Bay, Alabama, USA between August 7-12, 2021. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). (Version 1) Version Date 2024-10-23 [view at BCO-DMO]
Relationship Description: Raw dissolved oxygen data from ambient and chamber dissolved oxygen loggers
(2024) In situ infauna abundance and biomass of experimental sediment chambers acquired in the shallow subtidal shore-accessible site in Bon Secour Bay, Mobile Bay, Alabama, USA between August 7-12, 2021. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). (Version 1) Version Date 2024-10-22 [view at BCO-DMO]
Relationship Description: Infauna abundance and biomass data per chamber and deployment.

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Latitude of approximate sampling location, south is negative

decimal degrees

Longitude of approximate sampling location, west is negative

decimal degrees

StartTime of incubation in Central Standard Time (CST)


Proportion of a day after start of deployment at which that data point was collected. Start was 11AM for all three deployments.


Number of chamber in the deployment, out of 5 replicate chambers


Sediment Oxygen Demand, the rate of oxygen flux across the sediment-water interface

millimoles per square meter per day (mmol m-2 d-1)

Dissolved oxygen concentration at the beginning of the incubation

milligrams per liter (mg L-1)

Biomass for the chamber area of 0.17 per square meters (not yet standardized to m-2)

grams (g)

Deployment number (1-3)


Replicate sample out of all chambers in all deployments, numbered in ascending deployment and chamber order


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Dataset-specific Instrument Name
Generic Instrument Name
benthic incubation chamber
Dataset-specific Description
This project used a custom built field deployable benthic chamber system. Construction and functioning of the system are outlined in Gadeken et al 2023 L&O:Methods.
Generic Instrument Description
A device that isolates a portion of seabed plus overlying water from its surroundings. Either returns the entire system to the surface or incorporates sampling devices and/or in-situ sensors.

Dataset-specific Instrument Name
Onset HOBO DO loggers (U26-001)
Generic Instrument Name
Onset HOBO U26-001 Dissolved Oxygen Data Logger
Generic Instrument Description
A dissolved oxygen sensor, temperature sensor, and integrated data logger. The HOBO U26-001 can be used in freshwater and saltwater conditions, and outputs dissolved oxygen (mg/L) and temperature (degC) measurements.

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Project Information

CAREER: Mechanisms of bioturbation and ecosystem engineering by benthic infauna (Bioturbation and Ecosystem Engineering)

Coverage: Dauphin Island Sea Lab, Dauphin Island, AL

NSF Award Abstract:
Marine sediments are important habitats for abundant and diverse communities of organisms that are important as food sources for higher trophic levels, including commercially important species. Through burrowing, constructing tubes, and feeding on sediments, these animals modify their physical and chemical environments to such an extent that they are considered ecosystem engineers. Bioturbation, the mixing of sediments by animals, is important in regenerating nutrients and transporting pollutants and carbon bound to mineral grains. Despite its importance, our ability to predict bioturbation rates and patterns from the community structure is poor, largely due to a lack of understanding of the mechanisms by which animals mix sediments. This project builds on earlier work showing that animals extend burrows through muddy sediments by fracture to test the hypothesis that the mechanical properties of sediments that affect burrowing mechanics also affect sediment mixing. More broadly, this project examines the relative contributions of (i) the functional roles of the organisms in the community, (ii) the mechanical properties of sediments, and (iii) factors that might increase or decrease animal activity such as temperature and food availability to bioturbation rates. Burrowing animals modify the physical properties of sediments, and this project quantifies these changes and tests the hypothesis that these changes are ecologically important and affect community succession following a disturbance. In addition to this scientific broader impact, this project involves development of instrumentation to measure sediment properties and includes a substantial education plan to introduce graduate, undergraduate, and middle school students to the important role that technology plays in marine science.

Through burrowing and feeding activities, benthic infauna mix sediments and modify their physical environments. Bioturbation gates the burial of organic matter, enhances nutrient regeneration, and smears the paleontological and stratigraphic record. However, current understanding of the mechanisms by which infaunal activities mix sediments is insufficient to predict the impacts of changes in infaunal community structure on important sediment ecosystem functions driven by bioturbation. This project tests specific hypotheses relating infaunal communities, bioturbation, and geotechnical properties with the ultimate goal of understanding the dynamic changes and potential feedbacks between infauna and their physical environments. This project integrates field and lab experiments to assess the relative importance of infaunal community structure and activities to bioturbation rates. Additionally, this project builds on recent work showing that muddy sediments are elastic gels through which worms extend burrows by fracture to propose that geotechnical properties of sediments mediate bioturbation by governing the release of particles from the sediment matrix during burrow extension. Finite element modeling determines how the release of particles by fracture during burrowing depends on the fracture toughness (cohesion) and stiffness (compaction) of sediments and complements laboratory experiments characterizing the impact of geotechnical properties on burrowing behaviors. The proposed research also aims to determine whether impacts of infauna on geotechnical properties are ecologically important. Changes in infaunal communities and geotechnical properties following an experimental physical disturbance address the hypothesis that ecosystem engineering of bulk sediment properties facilitates succession.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

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Funding SourceAward
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE)

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