List of biological samples taken during the R/V Atlantis cruise AT50-04 in the Gulf of Mexico and Northwestern Atlantic in late October 2022. Includes all samples collected with HOV Alvin and some larvae from MOCNESS samples that were preserved for electron microscopy. There is a separate larval sorting sample list with more details about larvae (See "Related Datasets" section).
See "Related Datasets" section for other logs and sample lists from this cruise. Data from this and other cruises in this project are listed under the SALT project page
SALT = Seep Animal Larval Transport.
Young, C. M., Arellano, S. M., Eggleston, D. B., He, R. (2024) List of biological samples taken during the R/V Atlantis cruise AT50-04 in the Gulf of Mexico and Northwestern Atlantic in late October 2022. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). (Version 1) Version Date 2024-11-25 [if applicable, indicate subset used]. [access date]
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