Contributors | Affiliation | Role |
Chang, Bonnie X. | University of Washington (UW) | Principal Investigator |
Rauch, Shannon | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI BCO-DMO) | BCO-DMO Data Manager |
Water samples were collected in bottles designed with a modified end-cap to minimize the contact of the water sample with the end-cap O-rings after closing. Stainless steel springs covered with a nylon powder coat were substituted for the internal elastic tubing provided with standard Niskin bottles. When taken, water samples collected for dissolved CFC/SF6/N2O analyses were the first samples drawn from the bottles. To minimize contact with air, the CFC/SF6/N2O samples were drawn directly through the stopcocks of the bottles into 250-milliliter (ml) precision glass syringes equipped with three-way plastic stopcocks. The syringes were immersed in a holding tank of clean surface seawater held at ~10 degrees Celsius (°C) until 20 minutes before being analyzed. At that time, the syringe was placed in a bath of surface seawater heated to 32°C.
Concentrations of CFC/SF6/N2O in seawater and gas standards were measured by shipboard electron capture detector gas chromatography (ECD-GC) using techniques modified from those described by Bullister and Wisegarver (2008), as outlined below. For seawater analyses, water was transferred from a glass syringe to a glass-sparging chamber (volume 200 ml). The dissolved gases in the seawater sample were extracted by passing a supply of CFC/SF6/N2O-free N2 through the sparging chamber for a period of 6 minutes at 150 milliliters per minute (ml min-1). Water vapor was removed from the purge gas during passage through a Nafion drier. Carbon dioxide was removed with an 18-centimeter (cm) long, 3/8-inch diameter glass tube packed with Ascarite and a small amount of magnesium perchlorate desiccant. The sample gases were concentrated on a cold-trap consisting of a 1/16-inch OD stainless steel tube with a 2.5 cm section packed tightly with Porapak Q, a 15 cm section packed with Carboxen 1000 and a 2.5 cm section packed with MolSieve 5 angstrom (Å). A Neslab Cryocool CC-100 was used to cool the trap to -65°C. After 6 minutes of purging, the trap was isolated, and heated electrically to 170°C. The sample gases held in the trap were then injected onto a precolumn (~61 cm of 1/8-inch OD stainless steel tubing packed with Porasil B, held at 80°C) for the initial separation of CFC-12, CFC-11, SF6 from later eluting peaks.
After the SF6 and CFC-12 had passed from the pre-column and into the second pre-column (26 cm of 1/8-inch OD stainless steel tubing packed with MolSieve 5Å, 160°C) and into the analytical column #1 (174 cm of 1/8-inch OD stainless steel tubing packed with MolSieve 5Å and 60 cm Porasil C held at 80°C), the outflow from the first pre-column was diverted to the second analytical column (180 cm 1/8-inch OD stainless steel tubing packed with Porasil B held at 80°C). The gases remaining after CFC- 11 had passed through the first pre-column, were backflushed from the precolumn and vented. After CFC-12 had passed through the second pre-column, a flow of Argon:Methane (95:5) was used to divert the N2O to a third analytical column (30 cm of MolSieve 5Å, 150°C). Column #3 and the second pre-column were held in a Shimadzu GC8AIE gas chromatograph with an electron capture detector (ECD) held at 330°C. Columns #1, and the first pre-column were in another Shimadzu GC8AIE gas chromatograph with ECD. The column #2 was also in a Shimadzu GC8AIE gas chromatograph with the ECD held at 330°C.
The analytical system was calibrated frequently using a standard gas of known CFC/SF6/N2O composition. Gas sample loops of known volume were thoroughly flushed with standard gas and injected into the system. The temperature and pressure was recorded so that the amount of gas injected could be calculated. The procedures used to transfer the standard gas to the trap, pre-columns, main chromatographic column, and ECD were similar to those used for analyzing water samples. Four sizes of gas sample loops were used. Multiple injections of these loop volumes could be made to allow the system to be calibrated over a relatively wide range of concentrations. System blanks (injections of loops of CFC/SF6/N2O-free gas) were injected and analyzed in a similar manner. The typical analysis time for seawater, standard or blank samples was ~12 minutes. Concentrations of CFC-11, CFC-12, and N2O in seawater samples and gas standards are reported relative to the SIO98 calibration scale (Prinn et al., 2000). Concentrations of SF6 in seawater samples and gas standards are reported relative to the SIO-2005 calibration scale (Bullister and Tanhua, 2010). Dissolved CFC concentrations are given in units of picomoles per kilogram seawater (pmol kg-1), SF6 concentrations in femtomoles per kilogram (fmol kg-1), and N2O concentrations in nanomoles per kilogram (nmol kg-1). CFC/SF6/N2O concentrations in seawater samples were determined by fitting their chromatographic peak areas to multi-point calibration curves, generated by injecting multiple sample loops of gas from a working standard into the analytical instrument. The response of the detector to the range of moles of CFC/SF6/N2O passing through the detector remained relatively constant during the cruise. Full-range calibration curves were run at several times during the cruise and partial curves were run as frequently as possible, usually while sampling. Single injections of a fixed volume of standard gas at one atmosphere were run much more frequently (at intervals of 90 minutes) to monitor short-term changes in detector sensitivity.
The purging efficiency was estimated by re-purging a high-concentration water sample and measuring the residual signal. At a flow rate of 150 ml min-1 for 6 minutes, the purging efficiency for SF6 and both CFC gases was >99%. The efficiency for N2O was typically about 96%.
Data acquisition and processing of temperature/condutivity/depth was done using manufacturer's software (Seabird Scientific, Inc.).
Data acquisition and processing of CFC/SF6/N2O was done using custom software (GCWerks, Inc.).
Quality flags are assigned using the Ocean Data View quality flag scheme ( where:
Good = 0;
Unknown = 1;
Questionable = 4;
Bad = 8.
- Imported original files "P16N_BCO-DMO.csv", "P15S_BCO-DMO.csv", and "P18_BCO-DMO.csv" into the BCO-DMO system.
- Marked the following as missing data identifers: "-9,-9.0,-9.00,-9.000,-9.0000,-999,-999.0". Missing data values are empty/blank in the final CSV file.
- Concatenated the three data files into one single data file.
- Renamed fields to comply with BCO-DMO naming conventions.
- Created date/time UTC column in ISO 8601 format; removed the original date/time fields.
- Converted longitude values from a 0-360 scale to minus 180 to 180. (negative values = West)
- Saved the final data file as "944886_v1_N2O_and_transient_tracers.csv".
File |
944886_v1_N2O_and_transient_tracers.csv (Comma Separated Values (.csv), 724.19 KB) MD5:c0d3192bca8993918916eed6bbdd193a Primary data file for dataset ID 944886, version 1 |
Parameter | Description | Units |
Cruise | GO-SHIP cruise ID | unitless |
Station | station number | unitless |
ISO_DateTime_UTC | Date and time (UTC) when sample was taken in ISO 8601 format | unitless |
Longitude_360 | longitude sample was taken in degrees East (0-360) | decimal degrees |
Longitude | Longitude in degrees East (-180 to 180); negative values = West direction | decimal degrees |
Latitude | Latitude in degrees North; negative values = South direction | decimal degrees |
Bot_Depth | depth of the seafloor | meters (m) |
Pressure | pressure at the depth sample was taken | decibars (db) |
SAMPNO | sample number | unitless |
SAMPNO_QF | sample number quality flag | unitless |
TEMPERATURE | temperature | degrees Celsius |
CFC11 | CFC-11 concentration | picomoles per kilogram (pmol/kg) |
CFC11_QF | CFC-11 concentration quality flag | unitless |
CFC12 | CFC-12 concentration | picomoles per kilogram (pmol/kg) |
CFC12_QF | CFC-12 concentration quality flag | unitless |
SF6 | SF6 concentration | femptomoles per kilogram (fmol/kg) |
SF6_QF | SF6 concentration quality flag | unitless |
CTD_SALINITY | salinity [PSS-78] from Seabird SBE9plus | unitless |
CTD_SALINITY_QF | salinity from Seabird SBE9plus quality flag | unitless |
N2O | N2O concentration | nanomoles per kilogram (nmol/kg) |
N2O_QF | N2O concentration quality flag | unitless |
Dataset-specific Instrument Name | Seabird SBE9plus CTD |
Generic Instrument Name | CTD Sea-Bird |
Dataset-specific Description | Temperature, conductivity, depth were measured using Seabird SBE9plus CTDs. |
Generic Instrument Description | Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) sensor package from SeaBird Electronics, no specific unit identified. This instrument designation is used when specific make and model are not known. See also other SeaBird instruments listed under CTD. More information from Sea-Bird Electronics. |
Dataset-specific Instrument Name | Niskin bottles |
Generic Instrument Name | Niskin bottle |
Dataset-specific Description | Seawater samples were collected using ~10L Niskin bottles. |
Generic Instrument Description | A Niskin bottle (a next generation water sampler based on the Nansen bottle) is a cylindrical, non-metallic water collection device with stoppers at both ends. The bottles can be attached individually on a hydrowire or deployed in 12, 24, or 36 bottle Rosette systems mounted on a frame and combined with a CTD. Niskin bottles are used to collect discrete water samples for a range of measurements including pigments, nutrients, plankton, etc. |
Dataset-specific Instrument Name | Shimadzu GC8AIE |
Generic Instrument Name | Shimadzu GC-8AIE gas chromatograph |
Dataset-specific Description | CFC/SF6/N2O concentrations were measured using Shimadzu GC8AIEs. |
Generic Instrument Description | A gas chromatograph that separates and analyses gas mixtures in water or air for dedicated applications. The instrument includes a single column injector, one pressure regulator, capillary column, Electron Capture Detector (ECD) and analogue output. The column oven has a two-stage overheat prevention for protection of columns. The injection port is on-column type whereby the solution is directly injected into the head of a glass column. The constant-current ECD maintains a constant current flow in the detector. The isothermal temperature ramp program holds the column oven at a set temperature throughout the analysis. |
Website | |
Platform | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown |
Report | |
Start Date | 2015-04-10 |
End Date | 2015-05-13 |
Description | 2015 P16N, Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR), R/V Ronald H Brown, RB1503, leg 1.
Cruise aboard the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) vessel the Ronald H. Brown (the Brown) acting under the auspices of the Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program (GO-SHIP).
Expocode: 33RO20150525.
The Cruise Report and additional data from the cruise are available from CCHDO:
Cross, J. and Siedlecki, S. (2015). Hydrographic Cruise 33RO20150410, exchange version. Accessed from CCHDO Access date 2021-05-21. CCHDO cruise DOI: 10.7942/C2WC7C
Cruise information is also available from the Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): |
Website | |
Platform | NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown |
Report | |
Start Date | 2016-11-19 |
End Date | 2016-12-24 |
Description | P18 US GO-SHIP Reoccupation Leg 1 (2016/2017).
Leg 1 of the 2016/2017 occupation of the P18 hydrographic section aboard the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) vessel the Ronald H. Brown acting under the auspices of the Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program (GO-SHIP).
The Cruise Report and additional data from the cruise are available from CCHDO:
Sonnerup, R., Carter, B., Purkey, S., and Bourbonnais, A. (2017) . Hydrographic Cruise: 33RO20161119, exchange version. Accessed from CCHDO Access date 2021-05-21. CCHDO cruise DOI: 10.7942/C21T0F |
Website | |
Platform | R/V Investigator |
Report | |
Start Date | 2016-04-26 |
End Date | 2016-06-22 |
Description | 2016 P15S GO-SHIP cruise.
EXPOCODE: 096U20160426
The Cruise Report and additional data from the cruise are available from CCHDO: |
NSF Award Abstract:
Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a powerful greenhouse gas, ~300 times stronger than carbon dioxide and is also implicated in the destruction of the ozone layer. Thus, it is important to understand the magnitude and sources of N2O to the atmosphere in order to predict future climate impacts. The ocean is a significant source of N2O to the atmosphere, but its overall contribution is uncertain. A significant amount of the marine N2O delivered to the atmosphere comes from the eastern tropical Pacific (ETP). This region is host to some of the lowest oxygen concentrations in the entire ocean, which is favorable to a massive production of N2O. Previous estimates of the amount of N2O diffusing out of the ETP to the atmosphere considered only the area directly over the high N2O region of the ETP. However, there are strong subsurface currents that flow away from the ETP, westward along the equator, and N2O carried away in these equatorial currents has been overlooked when determining the contribution of the ETP to marine emissions of N2O. This proposed work will use new, high-quality N2O data collected on 3 Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program (GO-SHIP) cruises through the tropical Pacific to investigate N2O cycling across the entire tropical Pacific Ocean. Low oxygen regions, like the ETP, are predicted to expand in the future, potentially leading to an increase in N2O production, underscoring the importance of understanding N2O cycling in this region. This project will support mentoring up to two undergraduate summer interns.
Recent advances in analytical capabilities within the NOAA/PMEL Trace Gas group, and their application to three Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program (GO-SHIP) repeat hydrography cruises through the tropical Pacific, have facilitated the collection of nitrous oxide measurements of unprecedented quality and coverage of the region, together with complementary hydrographic parameters. We propose to use this new, high-quality GO-SHIP N2O data in concert with the stable isotopic composition of nitrous oxide, tracers of ventilation rates, and current velocities to investigate the transport, production, and efflux of nitrous oxide in the tropical Pacific Ocean. Using both observation data and idealized modeling, the research will (i) estimate the magnitude of the physical transport of N2O to/from the ETP, and losses to the atmosphere, and (ii) differentiate the sources of N2O in equatorial currents between advection from the ETP and in situ production. The work proposed here will lead to a more nuanced understanding of N2O production, transport, and fate in the tropical Pacific.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
Funding Source | Award |
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE) |