Rock macrofaunal community from samples collected at methane seeps off Southern California with the HOV Alvin from July 16-28, 2023 during R/V Atlantis cruise AT50-12

Data Type: Cruise Results, Other Field Results
Version: 1
Version Date: 2024-01-17

» Collaborative Research: Redefining the footprint of deep ocean methane seepage for benthic ecosystems (Methanosphere)
Levin, Lisa A.University of California-San Diego Scripps (UCSD-SIO)Principal Investigator
Lee, KendraUniversity of California-San Diego Scripps (UCSD-SIO)Student
Pereira, Olívia SoaresUniversity of California-San Diego Scripps (UCSD-SIO)Student
Mickle, AudreyWoods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI BCO-DMO)BCO-DMO Data Manager

Rocks were collected at methane seeps off Southern California with the HOV Alvin from July 16-28, 2023 during R/V Atlantis cruise AT50-12 for macrofaunal analyses. This dataset contains major taxa counts for fauna identified as well as collection and sample metadata.


Location: Methane seeps off Southern California at depths ~300-1040 m
Spatial Extent: N:33.7995874 E:-117.408141 S:32.8136332 W:-118.6471809
Temporal Extent: 2023-07-16 - 2023-07-28

Methods & Sampling

Rock samples were collected with HOV Alvin using the manipulator. Rocks were placed into individual compartments in a biobox on the Alvin basket. Before preserving, rock samples were kept cold and animals were handpicked to sample tissue for stable isotope analyses (see related datasets for isotopic data). Rocks were then washed in cold, filtered seawater through a 300 mm mesh, separating the sample into two fractions (a fine fraction with the meiofauna, and a coarser fraction with the macrofauna), both were preserved in 95% ethanol. 

Data Processing Description

In the laboratory, rock samples were washed in distilled water through a 300 µm sieve and sorted under the microscope. Animals in rock samples were primarily identified to major taxa, counted, and preserved in 95% ethanol.

BCO-DMO Processing Description

- Imported "AT50-12_Rock Macrofauna_BCO-DMO.xlsx" and "AT50-12_Sample information_BCO-DMO.xlsx" files into the BCO-DMO system
- Corrected disparate sample number formats Rock BR4 to Rock EL4, Rock EL-3 to Rock EL3, and Rock EL-2 to Rock EL2 (confirmed by submitter)
- Joined sample metadata to data file using dive and sample numbers
- Converted date to YYYY-mm-dd ISO format
- Adjusted parameter names to conform to system requirements, removing special characters and unit information
- Exported dataset to "945707_v1_rock_macro.csv"

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Data Files

(Comma Separated Values (.csv), 4.46 KB)
Primary data file for dataset ID 945707, version 1

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Supplemental Files

(Comma Separated Values (.csv), 572 bytes)
Taxon identifiers (AphiaID and LSID) for scientific names listed in this dataset. Generated using the World Register of Species taxa match tool performed 2024-12-18.
(Comma Separated Values (.csv), 15.25 KB)
AT50-12 Sample information

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Date of collection


HOV Alvin dive number of collection


Methane seep site of collection


Latitude in decimal degrees; positive values = North

decimal degrees

Longitude in decimal degrees; positive values = East

decimal degrees

Depth of collection in meters

meters (m)

Puschore sample number


Level of seepage activity at collection; Activity was categorized as Active, Inactive, Transition, no data, Edge of Seep, Less Active, Low Activity, Unknown, or Low Activity/None


Type of rock collected


Observed corrosion on rock


Measurement of surface area of the rock in cm2


Count of Annelida identified

per individual

Count of Arthropoda identified

per individual

Count of Mollusca identified

per individual

Count of Echinodermata identified

per individual

Count of other organisms identified; includes Cnidaria, Nemertea, Porifera, and other unidentified specimens

per individual

Total count of organisms idenitified

per individual

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Dataset-specific Instrument Name
HOV Alvin
Generic Instrument Name
HOV Alvin
Dataset-specific Description
Puschore, rocks, biotubes, and slurp samples were collected with HOV Alvin using the manipulator. 
Generic Instrument Description
Human Occupied Vehicle (HOV) Alvin is part of the National Deep Submergence Facility (NDSF). Alvin enables in-situ data collection and observation by two scientists to depths reaching 6,500 meters, during dives lasting up to ten hours. Commissioned in 1964 as one of the world’s first deep-ocean submersibles, Alvin has remained state-of-the-art as a result of numerous overhauls and upgrades made over its lifetime. The most recent upgrades, begun in 2011 and completed in 2021, saw the installation of a new, larger personnel sphere with a more ergonomic interior; improved visibility and overlapping fields of view; longer bottoms times; new lighting and high-definition imaging systems; improved sensors, data acquisition and download speed.  It also doubled the science basket payload, and improved the command-and-control system allowing greater speed, range and maneuverability. With seven reversible thrusters, it can hover in the water, maneuver over rugged topography, or rest on the sea floor.  It can collect data throughout the water column, produce a variety of maps and perform photographic surveys.  Alvin also has two robotic arms that can manipulate instruments, obtain samples, and its basket can be reconfigured daily based on the needs of the upcoming dive. Alvin's depth rating of 6,500m gives researchers in-person access to 99% of the ocean floor.  Alvin is a proven and reliable platform capable of diving for up to 30 days in a row before requiring a single scheduled maintenance day.  Recent collaborations with autonomous vehicles such as Sentry have proven extremely beneficial, allowing PIs to visit promising sites to collect samples and data in person within hours of their being discovered, and UNOLs driven technological advances have improved the ability for scientific outreach and collaboration via telepresence Alvin is named for Allyn Vine, a WHOI engineer and geophysicist who helped pioneer deep submergence research and technology. (from, accessed 2022-09-09)

Dataset-specific Instrument Name
Wild Heerbrugg Stereomicroscope M5A
Generic Instrument Name
Microscope - Optical
Dataset-specific Description
Wild Heerbrugg Stereomicroscope M5A
Generic Instrument Description
Instruments that generate enlarged images of samples using the phenomena of reflection and absorption of visible light. Includes conventional and inverted instruments. Also called a "light microscope".

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R/V Atlantis
Start Date
End Date

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Project Information

Collaborative Research: Redefining the footprint of deep ocean methane seepage for benthic ecosystems (Methanosphere)

Coverage: Gulf of Alaska and Southern California Bight

NSF Award Abstract:
This research examines the role of deep-sea organisms in determining the fate and footprint of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, on Pacific continental margins. The investigators are evaluating the deep ocean methanosphere defined by the microbial communities that consume methane and the animals that directly feed on or form symbioses with methane-consuming microbes. They are also investigating animal communities that gain energy indirectly from methane, as well as those that take advantage of carbonate rocks, the physical manifestation of methane consumption in seafloor sediments. The study of methane seeps in the deep waters of both Alaska (4400-5500 meters) and Southern California (450-1040 meters) is enabling comparisons of the methanosphere under different food-limitation and oxygen regimes. By applying diverse chemical, isotopic, microscopy, and genetic-based analyses to seep microbes and fauna, this study is advancing understanding of the contribution of methane to deep-sea biodiversity and ecosystem function, information that can inform management and conservation actions in US waters. In addition to training for graduate and undergraduate students at their home institutions, the investigators are collaborating with the Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program (ANSEP). They are recruiting Alaskan undergraduates to participate in the research, contributing to ANSEP's online resources that promote interaction between scientists and middle and high school students, and participating in ANSEP's annual residential Career Exploration in Marine Science programs to engage middle school students in learning about deep-sea ecosystems and the variety of career pathways available in marine related fields.

Microbial production and consumption of methane is dynamic and widespread along continental margins, and some animals within deep-sea methane seeps rely on the oxidation and sequestration of methane for nutrition. At the same time, understanding of methane-dependent processes and symbioses in the deep-sea environment is still rudimentary. The goals of this study are to 1) examine the diversity of animals involved in methane-based symbioses and heterotrophic consumption of methane-oxidizing microbes and how these symbioses extend the periphery of seeps, contributing to non-seep, continental slope food webs; and 2) determine whether carbonates on the seep periphery sustain active methanotrophic microbial assemblages, providing a localized food source or chemical fuel for thiotrophic symbioses, via anaerobic oxidation of methane, or free-living, sulfide-oxidizing bacteria consumed by animals. The investigators are addressing these goals by surveying, sampling, and characterizing microbes, water, sediments, carbonates and animals at a deep seep site on the Aleutian Margin and a shallow site off Southern California. Shipboard experiments and laboratory analyses are using molecular, isotopic, geochemical, and radiotracer tools to understand transfer of methane-sourced carbon from aerobic methanotrophs under multiple oxygen levels, pressures, and photosynthetic food inputs. This approach offers a wide lens by which to examine the methane seep footprint, allow reinterpretation of past observations, and identify new scientific areas for future study. Improved characterization of the deep continental margin methanosphere informs climate science, biodiversity conservation, and resource management.

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Funding SourceAward
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE)

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