Size-fractionated particulate trace element concentrations determined by ICP-MS from Ocean Station Papa during the 2018 EXPORTS cruise (R/V Sally Ride cruise SR1812)

Data Type: Cruise Results
Version: 1
Version Date: 2024-12-23

» Collaborative Research: Estimation of particle aggregation and disaggregation rates from the inversion of chemical tracer data (Particle aggregation)

» EXport Processes in the Ocean from Remote Sensing (EXPORTS)
Lam, Phoebe J.University of California-Santa Cruz (UCSC)Principal Investigator
Lee, Jong-MiUniversity of California-Santa Cruz (UCSC)Scientist
York, Amber D.Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI BCO-DMO)BCO-DMO Data Manager

Total minor and trace element concentrations were determined by ICP-MS on profiles of size-fractionated (0.8-51um, >51um) particles collected by battery-operated in-situ filtration at Ocean Station Papa in the North Pacific in August 2018 during the 2018 EXPORTS cruise (R/V Sally Ride cruise SR1812).


Location: Ocean Station Papa in the North Pacific
Spatial Extent: N:50.644602 E:-144.74075 S:50.046084 W:-145.50209
Temporal Extent: 2018-08-15 - 2018-09-04

Methods & Sampling

1. Sampling

Size-fractionated (0.8-51um; >51um) particles were collected using dual-flow McLane Research in-situ pumps (WTS-LV) and 142mm “mini-MULVFS” filter holders (Bishop et al., 2012; Lam et al., 2018; Lam et al., 2015; Xiang and Lam, 2020). One filter holder/flowpath was loaded with a 51 um Sefar polyester prefilter and followed by paired 0.8 um Pall Supor800 polyethersulfone filters (“Supor-side”). A 150 um Sefar polyester mesh was placed underneath all 51 um prefilters to facilitate filter handling but not analyzed. All filters and filter holders were acid leached before use based on the recommended methods in the GEOTRACES sample and sample-handling protocols (Cutter et al., 2010). Samples were processed in a laminar flow hood at sea. After collection, each 51 um/150 um prefilter pair and 0.8 um Supor pair was transferred to an acid-leached 150mm PET petri dish, bagged in ziploc bags, and frozen at -20°C at sea and shipped back to UCSC frozen.

In the lab, a 1/8 slice of the frozen 51 um prefilter was rinsed with filtered TM-clean surface OSP seawater by vacuum filtration onto a 25mm 0.8 um Supor filter in a laminar flow hood. The 25mm Supor filters were dried until ready for analysis. Half of the frozen paired 142mm Supor filters were dried in a laminar flow hood until ready for analysis.

2. Analytical Procedures

The digestion method of particulate minor and trace elements is based on a refluxing method (Planquette and Sherrell, 2012) with light modifications as described in (Xiang and Lam, 2020). In brief, the Supor filter was adhered to the wall by surface tension in a 15 mL flat-bottom screw-cap Savillex vial to avoid immersion. After 4-h refluxing at 110 ˚C with an ultrapure (ARISTAR® or Optima grade) 50% HNO3/10% HF (v/v) mixture, digestion acids were transferred into secondary vials and heated to near dryness. The residue was heated in 50% HNO3/15% HF (v/v) to dryness at 110 ˚C. The final residue was re-dissolved with 2 ml 5% HNO3 spiked with 1 ppb In. Two certified reference materials (BCR-414 and PACS-2) were digested routinely alongside the samples to assure the quality of each digestion. Sample solutions were analyzed using an Element XR high-resolution ICP-MS (Thermo Scientific) at the UCSC Plasma Analytical Facility. Elemental concentrations were standardized using multi-element, external standard curves prepared from NIST atomic absorption-standards in 5% HNO3. Instrument drift and matrix effects were corrected using the internal 1ppb In standard and monitored using a mixed element run standard. Concentrations were determined using external standard curves of mixed trace elements standards.

Data Processing Description

Data processing:

-    Blank subtraction

Outliers in dipped blanks (db), as process blanks, for each measurement type were excluded using Chauvenet's criterion (Glover et al., 2011). The median of db filters was used in blank subtraction to account for adsorption of TMs from seawater and sample handling.


The reported errors are determined as the standard deviation of the dipped blank filters for each element, divided by the equivalent volume filtered in that sample.

Quality Flags

The detection limit was defined as three times the standard deviation of the dipped blank filters. Values below the detection limit were flagged as QF=6 in the GTSPP convention (also adopted by SeaDataNet and recommended by the GEOTRACES programme).

All data have been assigned quality flags using the GTSPP convention and interpretation:

1=good—passed lab QC and oceanographically consistent

2=possibly good—oceanographically consistent, but have minor sampling/instrumental issues

3=possibly bad—not oceanographically consistent, or have major sampling/instrumental issues

4=bad—failed lab QC (including all failed pumps when only small or no volume was pumped through the filter), or known issue with samples.

6=below detection limit

9=data missing (including all “nd”). For a measured parameter, this QF applies to lost or missing samples that were not measured. 

Note about missing data identifiers: 
In the BCO-DMO data system missing data identifiers are displayed according to the format of data you access. For example, in csv files it will be blank (null) values. In Matlab .mat files it will be NaN values. When viewing data online at BCO-DMO, the missing value will be shown as blank (null) values.

BCO-DMO Processing Description

Data table within file "EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_BCODMO_20241130noZn.csv" was imported into the BCO-DMO data system for this dataset. Values "NaN" imported as missing data values.
** In the BCO-DMO data system missing data identifiers are displayed according to the format of data you access. For example, in csv files it will be blank (null) values. In Matlab .mat files it will be NaN values. When viewing data online at BCO-DMO, the missing value will be shown as blank (null) values.

* Column names adjusted to conform to BCO-DMO naming conventions designed to support broad re-use by a variety of research tools and scripting languages. [Only numbers, letters, and underscores. Can not start with a number]
* example: "1SD_Ce_SPT_CONC_PUMP_pM" changed to "Ce_SPT_CONC_PUMP_pM_1SD"

* Datetime converted to datetime with timezone (ISO 8601 format, UTC as "Z").

* trace concentration decimals were rounded to 5 decimal places (as discussed with data submitter).

* The supplementary table was revised through correspondence and file "EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_BCODMO_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits_20241130.csv" provided by email was attached to this dataset as "EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv"

[ table of contents | back to top ]

Data Files

(Comma Separated Values (.csv), 66.70 KB)
Primary data file for dataset ID 946652, version 1

[ table of contents | back to top ]

Supplemental Files

Isotopes, detection limits, and ICP-MS resolution
filename: EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv
(Comma Separated Values (.csv), 727 bytes)
Supplementary table with typical equivalent detection limits in pM. Detection limits are determined as 3 times the standard deviation of the dipped blank filter in pmol/filter. This table lists the isotope measured and the ICP-MS resolution (LR = Low Resolution; MR = Medium Resolution) used for concentration measurements.

Parameter information (Column names, definitions, and units):

"Parameter", Symbol for element (e.g. "Sr"), unitless
"Isotope analyzed", Isotope and resolution (e.g. "Sr86LR"), unitless
"Detection Limit: SPT (pM)", typical equivalent detection limits in pM for size fraction SPT (1-51um), picomolar (pM)
"Detection Limit: LPT (pM)" typical equivalent detection limits in pM for size fraction LPT (>51um), picomolar (pM)

[ table of contents | back to top ]

Related Publications

Planquette, H., & Sherrell, R. M. (2012). Sampling for particulate trace element determination using water sampling bottles: methodology and comparison to in situ pumps. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 10(5), 367–388. doi:10.4319/lom.2012.10.367
Roca-Martí, M., Benitez-Nelson, C. R., Umhau, B. P., Wyatt, A. M., Clevenger, S. J., Pike, S., Horner, T. J., Estapa, M. L., Resplandy, L., & Buesseler, K. O. (2021). Concentrations, ratios, and sinking fluxes of major bioelements at Ocean Station Papa. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 9(1).
Xiang, Y., & Lam, P. J. (2020). Size‐Fractionated Compositions of Marine Suspended Particles in the Western Arctic Ocean: Lateral and Vertical Sources. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125(8). doi:10.1029/2020jc016144

[ table of contents | back to top ]



Datetime with timezone (in ISO 8601 format)


latitude in degrees N

decimal degrees

longitude in degrees E

decimal degrees

the cruise was divided into 3 sampling epochs


small scale' (SS) or 'large scale' (LS) survey


station ID. station numbers were either part of the 'small scale' (SS) or 'large scale' (LS) survey


Depth of sampling

meters (m)

volume filtered through flow path

liters (L)

sample ID of the Supor small size fraction filter


sample ID of the Supor flow path large size fraction filter


Small (1-51um) particulate total strontium (Sr) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Small (1-51um) particulate total yttrium (Y) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Small (1-51um) particulate total molybdenum (Mo) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Small (1-51um) particulate total Silver (Ag) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Small (1-51um) particulate total cadmium (Cd) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Small (1-51um) particulate total Strontium (Sr) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Small (1-51um) particulate total lanthanum (La) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Small (1-51um) particulate total cerium (Ce) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Small (1-51um) particulate total neodymium (Nd) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Small (1-51um) particulate total lead (Pb) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Small (1-51um) particulate total thorium (Th) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Small (1-51um) particulate total uranium (U) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Small (1-51um) particulate total aluminum (Al) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Small (1-51um) particulate total phosphorus (P) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Small (1-51um) particulate total scandium (Sc) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Small (1-51um) particulate total titanium (Ti) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Small (1-51um) particulate total vanadium (V) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Small (1-51um) particulate total manganese (Mn) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Small (1-51um) particulate total iron (Fe) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Small (1-51um) particulate total cobalt (Co) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Small (1-51um) particulate total nickel (Ni) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Small (1-51um) particulate total copper (Cu) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Small (1-51um) particulate total Strontium (Sr) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for small (1-51um) particulate total strontium (Sr) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for small (1-51um) particulate total yttrium (Y) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for small (1-51um) particulate total molybdenum (Mo) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for small (1-51um) particulate total Silver (Ag) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for small (1-51um) particulate total cadmium (Cd) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for small (1-51um) particulate total Strontium (Sr) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for small (1-51um) particulate total lanthanum (La) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for small (1-51um) particulate total cerium (Ce) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for small (1-51um) particulate total neodymium (Nd) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for small (1-51um) particulate total lead (Pb) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for small (1-51um) particulate total thorium (Th) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for small (1-51um) particulate total uranium (U) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for small (1-51um) particulate total aluminum (Al) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for small (1-51um) particulate total phosphorus (P) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for small (1-51um) particulate total scandium (Sc) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for small (1-51um) particulate total titanium (Ti) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for small (1-51um) particulate total vanadium (V) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for small (1-51um) particulate total manganese (Mn) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for small (1-51um) particulate total iron (Fe) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for small (1-51um) particulate total cobalt (Co) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for small (1-51um) particulate total nickel (Ni) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for small (1-51um) particulate total copper (Cu) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for small (1-51um) particulate total Strontium (Sr) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Quality Flag (GTSPP) for small (1-51um) particulate total strontium (Sr) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for small (1-51um) particulate total yttrium (Y) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for small (1-51um) particulate total molybdenum (Mo) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for small (1-51um) particulate total Silver (Ag) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for small (1-51um) particulate total cadmium (Cd) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for small (1-51um) particulate total Strontium (Sr) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for small (1-51um) particulate total lanthanum (La) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for small (1-51um) particulate total cerium (Ce) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for small (1-51um) particulate total neodymium (Nd) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for small (1-51um) particulate total lead (Pb) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for small (1-51um) particulate total thorium (Th) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for small (1-51um) particulate total uranium (U) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for small (1-51um) particulate total aluminum (Al) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for small (1-51um) particulate total phosphorus (P) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for small (1-51um) particulate total scandium (Sc) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for small (1-51um) particulate total titanium (Ti) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for small (1-51um) particulate total vanadium (V) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for small (1-51um) particulate total manganese (Mn) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for small (1-51um) particulate total iron (Fe) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for small (1-51um) particulate total cobalt (Co) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for small (1-51um) particulate total nickel (Ni) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for small (1-51um) particulate total copper (Cu) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for small (1-51um) particulate total Strontium (Sr) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Large (>51um) particulate total strontium (Sr) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Large (>51um) particulate total yttrium (Y) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Large (>51um) particulate total molybdenum (Mo) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Large (>51um) particulate total Silver (Ag) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Large (>51um) particulate total cadmium (Cd) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Large (>51um) particulate total Strontium (Sr) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Large (>51um) particulate total lanthanum (La) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Large (>51um) particulate total cerium (Ce) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Large (>51um) particulate total neodymium (Nd) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Large (>51um) particulate total lead (Pb) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Large (>51um) particulate total thorium (Th) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Large (>51um) particulate total uranium (U) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Large (>51um) particulate total aluminum (Al) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Large (>51um) particulate total phosphorus (P) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Large (>51um) particulate total scandium (Sc) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Large (>51um) particulate total titanium (Ti) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Large (>51um) particulate total vanadium (V) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Large (>51um) particulate total manganese (Mn) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Large (>51um) particulate total iron (Fe) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Large (>51um) particulate total cobalt (Co) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Large (>51um) particulate total nickel (Ni) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Large (>51um) particulate total copper (Cu) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Large (>51um) particulate total zing (Zn) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for Large (>51um) particulate total strontium (Sr) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for Large (>51um) particulate total yttrium (Y) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for Large (>51um) particulate total molybdenum (Mo) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for Large (>51um) particulate total Silver (Ag) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for Large (>51um) particulate total cadmium (Cd) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for Large (>51um) particulate total Strontium (Sr) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for Large (>51um) particulate total lanthanum (La) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for Large (>51um) particulate total cerium (Ce) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for Large (>51um) particulate total neodymium (Nd) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for Large (>51um) particulate total lead (Pb) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for Large (>51um) particulate total thorium (Th) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for Large (>51um) particulate total uranium (U) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for Large (>51um) particulate total aluminum (Al) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for Large (>51um) particulate total phosphorus (P) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for Large (>51um) particulate total scandium (Sc) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for Large (>51um) particulate total titanium (Ti) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for Large (>51um) particulate total vanadium (V) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for Large (>51um) particulate total manganese (Mn) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for Large (>51um) particulate total iron (Fe) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for Large (>51um) particulate total cobalt (Co) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for Large (>51um) particulate total nickel (Ni) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Error (1 SD) for Large (>51um) particulate total copper (Cu) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Large (>51um) particulate total zinc (Zn) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.

picomolar (pM)

Quality Flag (GTSPP) for Large (>51um) particulate total strontium (Sr) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for Large (>51um) particulate total yttrium (Y) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for Large (>51um) particulate total molybdenum (Mo) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for Large (>51um) particulate total Silver (Ag) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for Large (>51um) particulate total cadmium (Cd) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for Large (>51um) particulate total Strontium (Sr) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for Large (>51um) particulate total lanthanum (La) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for Large (>51um) particulate total cerium (Ce) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for Large (>51um) particulate total neodymium (Nd) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for Large (>51um) particulate total lead (Pb) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for Large (>51um) particulate total thorium (Th) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for Large (>51um) particulate total uranium (U) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for Large (>51um) particulate total aluminum (Al) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for Large (>51um) particulate total phosphorus (P) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for Large (>51um) particulate total scandium (Sc) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for Large (>51um) particulate total titanium (Ti) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for Large (>51um) particulate total vanadium (V) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for Large (>51um) particulate total manganese (Mn) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for Large (>51um) particulate total iron (Fe) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for Large (>51um) particulate total cobalt (Co) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for Large (>51um) particulate total nickel (Ni) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Quality Flag (GTSPP) for Large (>51um) particulate total copper (Cu) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


Error (1 SD) for Large (>51um) particulate total zinc (Zn) concentration. See supplemental table 'EXPORTSNPac2018_pTM_Typical-equivalent-detection-limits.csv' for more information.


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Dataset-specific Instrument Name
dual-flow McLane Research in-situ pumps (WTS-LV)
Generic Instrument Name
McLane Large Volume Pumping System WTS-LV
Dataset-specific Description
 dual-flow McLane Research in-situ pumps (WTS-LV). More details can be found in the patent description ( and official website of the manufacturer (
Generic Instrument Description
The WTS-LV is a Water Transfer System (WTS) Large Volume (LV) pumping instrument designed and manufactured by McLane Research Labs (Falmouth, MA, USA). It is a large-volume, single-event sampler that collects suspended and dissolved particulate samples in situ. Ambient water is drawn through a modular filter holder onto a 142-millimeter (mm) membrane without passing through the pump. The standard two-tier filter holder provides prefiltering and size fractioning. Collection targets include chlorophyll maximum, particulate trace metals, and phytoplankton. It features different flow rates and filter porosity to support a range of specimen collection. Sampling can be programmed to start at a scheduled time or begin with a countdown delay. It also features a dynamic pump speed algorithm that adjusts flow to protect the sample as material accumulates on the filter. Several pump options range from 0.5 to 30 liters per minute, with a max volume of 2,500 to 36,000 liters depending on the pump and battery pack used. The standard model is depth rated to 5,500 meters, with a deeper 7,000-meter option available. The operating temperature is -4 to 35 degrees Celsius. The WTS-LV is available in four different configurations: Standard, Upright, Bore Hole, and Dual Filter Sampler. The high-capacity upright WTS-LV model provides three times the battery life of the standard model. The Bore-Hole WTS-LV is designed to fit through a narrow opening such as a 30-centimeter borehole. The dual filter WTS-LV features two vertical intake 142 mm filter holders to allow simultaneous filtering using two different porosities.

Dataset-specific Instrument Name
Element XR high-resolution ICP-MS (Thermo Scientific)
Generic Instrument Name
Thermo Scientific ELEMENT XR high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer
Generic Instrument Description
A high-resolution (HR) inductively coupled plasma (ICP) mass spectrometer (MS) composed of a dual mode secondary electron multiplier (SEM) and a Faraday detector. The ELEMENT XR instrument has a dynamic range of 5 x 10^7 to 1 x 10^12 counts per second (cps), and allows simultaneous measurement of elements at concentrations over 1000 ug/g.

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R/V Sally Ride
Start Date
End Date
Additional cruise information is available from the Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R):

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Project Information

Collaborative Research: Estimation of particle aggregation and disaggregation rates from the inversion of chemical tracer data (Particle aggregation)

Coverage: Ocean Station Papa, North Atlantic, North Pacific

NSF Award Abstract:
The biological carbon pump in the ocean is an important process by which atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) is effectively transported from the surface ocean to the deep ocean, and thereby removing CO2 from the atmosphere. This transport occurs in a multi-step process. First, phytoplankton carry out photosynthesis in the surface, sunlit waters of the ocean, taking up atmospheric CO2 and fixing it into particulate organic carbon. A portion of the organic carbon contained in the phytoplankton is packaged into larger clusters (aggregates) that can sink to the deep ocean. The deeper these aggregates sink, the longer the carbon contained in them is removed from the atmosphere. The depth to which aggregates sink varies greatly over time and space and are difficult to predict. In general, larger aggregates sink more quickly, and thus more deeply, than smaller particles. Processes that promote aggregation to larger particles should enhance the biological pump, and processes that promote disaggregation (breakdown of particle clusters) and regeneration (decomposition) of the organic carbon should decrease the strength and efficiency of the biological pump. Particle aggregation and disaggregation rates are thus crucial to understanding the variability of the biological pump, but are very difficult to measure directly. This project will use chemical tracers and a modeling approach to quantify the rates of these important processes. The investigators will apply the approach to a variety of oceanic environments and provide the first large-scale effort to quantify these rates in the upper 500 meters of the ocean. As part of this project, they will interface with the CalTeach program, which is a University of California Science and Math Initiative to place university science, math, and engineering majors in K-12 classrooms. Many of these CalTeach interns go on to become K-12 science teachers in California. Two undergraduate students enrolled in the CalTeach program at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) will participate as laboratory assistants and develop a hands-on teaching module on the carbon cycle and biological pump for K-12 classrooms.

Scientists from the University of California at Santa Cruz and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution propose to estimate the rates of particle aggregation and disaggregation in the mesopelagic zone through the inversion of observations of three chemical tracers, namely thorium (Th)-234, lithogenic particles, and particulate organic carbon (POC) distributed between small, suspended particles and large, sinking particles. The isotopes of Th have long been used to estimate rates of particle dynamics processes because of their known source function and particle-reactive behavior. Previous work has shown that lithogenic particles act as an inert, passive tracer of particle dynamics. The investigators will couple thorium and lithogenic particle measurements to measurements of POC to estimate particle aggregation and disaggregation rates from a wide range of oceanographic environments. Estimates of particle cycling rates deduced from the inversion of chemical tracer data provide a crucial quantitative constraint to which rates derived from other approaches can be compared. The main objective of this work is to estimate depth- varying (dis-) aggregation rates at each station of the EXPORTS and GEOTRACES cruises that are most consistent with the tracer data. This work will also produce depth-varying estimates of POC remineralization rates and particle sinking rates.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

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Program Information

EXport Processes in the Ocean from Remote Sensing (EXPORTS)

EXport Processes in the Ocean from Remote Sensing (EXPORTS) is a large-scale NASA-led field campaign that will provide critical information for quantifying the export and fate of upper ocean net primary production (NPP) using satellite observations and state of the art ocean technologies.

Ocean ecosystems play a critical role in the Earth’s carbon cycle and the quantification of their impacts for both present conditions and for predictions into the future remains one of the greatest challenges in oceanography. The goal of the EXport Processes in the Ocean from Remote Sensing (EXPORTS) Science Plan is to develop a predictive understanding of the export and fate of global ocean net primary production (NPP) and its implications for present and future climates. The achievement of this goal requires a quantification of the mechanisms that control the export of carbon from the euphotic zone as well as its fate in the underlying "twilight zone" where some fraction of exported carbon will be sequestered in the ocean’s interior on time scales of months to millennia. In particular, EXPORTS will advance satellite diagnostic and numerical prognostic models by comparing relationships among the ecological, biogeochemical and physical oceanographic processes that control carbon cycling across a range of ecosystem and carbon cycling states. EXPORTS will achieve this through a combination of ship and robotic field sampling, satellite remote sensing and numerical modeling. Through a coordinated, process-oriented approach, EXPORTS will foster new insights on ocean carbon cycling that maximizes its societal relevance through the achievement of U.S. and International research agency goals and will be a key step towards our understanding of the Earth as an integrated system.

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Funding SourceAward
NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE)

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