This dataset includes the processed bottle data from CTD profiles of the ODF rosette deployed on the US GEOTRACES GP17-OCE cruise on R/V Roger Revelle (RR2214) from December 2022 to January 2023. Data were processed by the Oceanographic Data Facility (ODF) at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. The data include bottle salinity and oxygen, in addition to CTD measurements (oxygen, salinity, temperature, pressure).
Exceprts from the GP17-OCE Cruise Report prepared by ODF:
For GP17-OCE, a SIO STS 36-place yellow rosette and bottles were used. The rosette was loaded on Revelle in early November 2022. The bottles were made with new PVC, with new non-baked o-rings and electro-polished steel springs. Springs within the Bullister-style Niskin bottles were electropolished stainless steel. Bottle lanyards were made from 300-pound monofilament. No sample contamination has been noticed by the change in o-rings and springs. In addition to the standard CTDO package on GO-SHIP cruises, a UVP, oxidation reduction potential (ORP), and turbidity sensor were mounted on the rosette.
ODF rosette casts were performed with a package consisting of a 36-bottle rosette frame, a 36-place carousel and 36 Bullister style Niskin bottles with an absolute volume of 10.6 liters (L). Underwater electronic components primarily consisted of a SeaBird Electronics housing unit with Paroscientific pressure sensor with dual plumbed lines where each line has a pump, temperature sensor, conductivity sensor, and exhaust line. A SeaBird Electronics membrane oxygen sensor was mounted on the "primary" line. A reference thermometer, RINKO oxygen optode, transmissometer, chlorophyll-a fluorometer, and altimeter were also mounted on the rosette. UVP, ORP, and turbidity instruments were deployed with the CTD/rosette package.
The CTD data acquisition system consisted of an SBE-11+ (V1) deck unit and a networked generic PC workstation running Windows 10. SBE SeaSave7 v. software was used for data acquisition and to close bottles on the rosette.
Each bottle on the rosette had a unique serial number, independent of the bottle position on the rosette. For each full upcast, the winch operator was directed to stop the winch at up to ~12 predetermined sampling pressures, dependent on the cast type.
Shipboard CTD data processing was performed after deployment using SIO/ODF CTD processing software "ctdcal" v. 0.1.4b. CTD acquisition data were copied onto a OS X system, and then processed. CTD data at bottle trips were extracted, and a 2-decibar downcast pressure series created. The pressure series data set was submitted for CTD data distribution after corrections outlined in the Cruise Report were applied.
A number of issues were encountered during GP17-OCE that directly impacted CTD analysis. Issues that directly impacted bottle closures are detailed in the Underwater Sampling Package section of the cruise report.
Niskin bottles from same depth have common GETORACES sample numbers.
Oxygen concentrations are normalized to density using draw temperature at CTD.
Calculation of nutrient concentrations:
For nutrients and oxygen, seawater density was calculated using TEOS-10. ODF used the bottle salinity if available, if not they used the CTD trip value. The temperature used for the nutrient density conversions are the lab temperatures measured during analysis. For oxygen, the draw temperature was used for the density conversions. The pressure used was the surface pressure (0dbar).
Twining, B., Cutter, G. A., Fitzsimmons, J. N. (2025) Bottle data from CTD profiles from the ODF rosette deployed on the US GEOTRACES GP17-OCE cruise on R/V Roger Revelle (RR2214) from December 2022 to January 2023. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). (Version 1) Version Date 2025-03-11 [if applicable, indicate subset used]. [access date]
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