Deployment: TI746

2014-04-25 - 2014-04-27 Gulf of Maine Platform:R/V Tioga (vessel)


The central goal of this cruise was to document the abundance and vertical distribution of the pteropod species Limacina retroversa, to capture live individuals for experimentation, and to sample the carbonate chemistry profile of two sites in the GoME.

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
MOCNESS tow log sheets from Gulf of Maine Tioga cruises, 2013 from R/V Tioga cruises in the Wilkinson Basin, Gulf of Maine from 2013-2014 (Gulf of Maine Pteropods project, GoME OA Pteropods project)2013-11-29Final with updates expected
Log sheets (pdf) of Reeve nets from the Tioga from R/V Tioga cruises in the Wilkinson Basin, Gulf of Maine from 2013-2014 (Gulf of Maine Pteropods project, GoME OA Pteropods project)2013-12-02Final with updates expected
CTD cast logs from R/V Tioga TI668, TI700, TI715, TI725, TI729, TI746, TI777, TI787, Wilkinson Basin, Gulf of Maine from 2013-2014 (Gulf of Maine Pteropods project, GoME OA Pteropods project)2014-02-13Final no updates expected
Event log from R/V Tioga TI746 in the Gulf of Maine from April 2014 (Gulf of Maine Pteropods project)2014-07-07Final no updates expected
Alongtrack data from RV/Tioga cruise TI746 to the Gulf of Maine, April 2014 (Gulf of Maine Pteropods project)2014-07-07Final no updates expected
Shell quality of pteropods held for 1-14 days in three CO2 treatments with pteropods collected with a Reeve net during R/V Tioga cruises in the Gulf of Maine from 2014 to 20152019-11-05Preliminary and in progress
Seasonal hydrography, abundance, and distribution of pteropods from MOCNESS and CTD casts during R/V Tioga cruises in the Gulf of Maine from 2013 to 20152019-11-05Preliminary and in progress
O2 consumption of pteropods held for 1-14 days in three CO2 treatments with pteropods collected with a Reeve net during R/V Tioga cruises in the Gulf of Maine from 2013 to 20142019-11-05Preliminary and in progress

Deployment Report


Chief Scientist: Amy Maas
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution