Deployment: PCE_multi

1963-01-01 - 2006-12-31 Humboldt Current Peruvian coast, 4-18 S, 72-80 W Platform:R/V Jose Olaya (vessel)


Fishing catch and effort data were collected aboard the 800 purse seiner strong Peruvian industrial fleet. A program of observers at sea on board fishing vessels started in 1996 and provides, on a daily basis, information about the fishing trips (boat reference, hold capacity, trip dates, hailing port, travel duration, searching duration, total catch, number of fishing sets) and the fishing sets (exact spatial position, catch, species composition) of about 25 purse-seiners randomly selected and distributed all along the Peruvian coast.

Multiple vessels were involved including the R/V Jose Olaya operated by IMARPE (Instituto del Mar del Peru).

No cruise metadata was contributed with the results from this project. Cruise track location data were entered in the database to describe roughly the cruise study area off the coast of Peru (positions and times reflect the study area in time and space, but not a cruise track). The data from these cruises are not expected to be contributed to BCO-DMO and will not be archived at a US National Data Center.

The data are available from a Peruvian data repository. Please refer to the project description for contact information.

Deployment Report


Lead Principal Investigator: Dr Gordon Swartzman
University of Washington




